Video Introduction

THANK YOU For Visiting My Site

I have a ton of free information and resources for you that you are really going to like. To bookmark this page for future reference you can do it now using (Ctrl+D)

I created this simple, quick (3 minute) introduction video to give an overview of what this site is about:

(To see how I make video’s like this see tools)

This video briefly explains what you will find here. I invite you to take a look around.  You can either use the menu bar above or view the posts below to the right. So enjoy your time there is lots of great information.

Learn How to Make Money on the Internet

There are posts here that cover a wide range of topics that will help to make your internet money making experiences a lot more profitable.

Peter V Crisp


“I have either created or found low-cost resources that you can access that are either FREE or are excellent value for money ($4.95 – $197). These range from ebooks, video courses, and tools that will make your life online more profitable and less stressful”. 

FREE STUFF Four eBook about PLR’s: 7 eBooks to help your business: Five-part Video Course:


There are eBooks on getting traffic, building an email list, affiliate marketing, video marketing and much more.

There are Video courses on list building, traffic generation, SEO, Affiliate marketing, WordPress, ebooks, outsourcing, article marketing and much more.

There are pages and posts packed with tips, advice and recommendations to useful tools and resources to shortcut your learning curve.

  • If you want to find out about getting rankings on Google then you might like to see my post here
  • If you want to know about getting traffic then you might like to see my post here  
  • If you want to find out about video marketing then you might like to see my post here
  • If you want to find out about list building then you might like to see my post here
  • If you want to find out about niche marketing then you might like to see my post here
  • If you want to find out about SEO then you might like to see my post here
  • If you want to find out about a completely done for you internet business then you might like to see my post here

For people just starting I have put together 12 videos covering over 40+ essential topics. Lessons that cover the basics, that every newbie needs to know but once learned and implemented will put you on the fast track to success. You can see this particular post here

  • You can also see ‘internet marketing for Newbies’ here
  • You can also see ‘internet marketing for Beginners’ here
  • You have even get content for your sales pages and letters here


To bookmark this page for future reference you can do it now using (Ctrl+D)

So please look around and enjoy, Peter

Web Statistics


What is Drop Shipping

What Is Drop Shipping?

Drop shipping is a little known but highly profitable business strategy. If you’re looking to launch an online business selling physical products, and you know what you are doing, it can be a very rewarding business. This type of online business is also commonly known as eCommerce. 

The drop shipping business in particular is exciting as it means that when someone orders a physical product from you, the supplier ships the item directly to your customer. You don’t have to handle inventory, carry stock or worry about delivery or customer service.  Many people buy products this way.

what is drop shipping

The Internet Has Changed How We Shop

It’s no secret that the internet has radically changed how we shop. These days, you can buy almost anything online with a few clicks of a mouse. Today less and less people go to malls and department stores and more and more people are shopping online.

The E-commerce market place is expected to grow by 56% in 2015–2020. Traditional retailer markets  are only expected to grow by only 2% during the same time. While that’s bad for traditional retailers it’s a great boon for the online shopping industry.

What is Drop Shipping

Big Income Potential

Now while some people are making substantial incomes by selling physical products online, there are many who are not. If you haven’t seen any success yet, it’s NOT your fault. How can it be if you are doing the same tired and overused strategies as thousands of others? 

The eCom market is slowly becoming saturated and if you follow the same systems that everyone else is using, you’ll just become another “me to“. 

If you want to stop putting in hours of work to see ZERO SALES and if you are struggling to make enough money to pay the bills each month, then you need a simple, easy to follow system that’s been proven to work. So why not learn from real people who have and are doing it!


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Bitcoin Today

Bitcoin Today

See image below for real time value of a single Bitcoin

Bitcoin TodayIf your question is, “Should I buy Bitcoin? I would say Yes! Here’s why… Cryptocurrency is still a major opportunity to create wealth in 2018. In just two years, the digital currency market went from being worth under $20 billion to over $500 billion. And yes, its still highly volatile and there are risks, but with great volatility, is also great profits.

Even though the price of Bitcoin has recently dropped 52%, down from $14,112  (Jan. 1) to $6,671 (Aug. 22nd 2018) it has see-sawed between $8000 – $6000. Yet people are still making money.  And if you bought Bitcoin this time last year then YES, you are still way out in front. 


Bitcoin Today

Make No Mistake

But if had you jumped in around January 2018 you would have cried as the Bitcoin price plummeted, and you probably have the urge to sell all your Bitcoins and avoid the crypto market entirely. That however could be a costly mistake… 

Many insiders are predicting that Bitcoin will soon rise to at least $100,000 or more, based upon a couple of things.  The first is that there are only Twenty-One Million coins that can ever exist. The second is that Bitcoin is about to undergo a massive systems upgrade  (the ‘lighting upgrade’ is currently in beta testing) this is going to totally rewire the entire Bitcoin network and will make Bitcoin incredibly fast, universally acceptable and very user friendly on a massive global scale. 

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5 Ways To Make Money Online In 2018

5 Ways To Make Money Online In 2018

5 ways to make money online in 2018Most people love the idea of working at home and making enough money to do all the things they don’t have the time or the money to do now. There are millions of people wanting to learn ways to make money online and there are also millions of searches every month for different keywords related to home businesses. 

Internet marketing businesses are for some, the ultimate in job security, and lifestyle business. And it would be fair to say that many people want to start an online business, but have no idea where to start! Many of those desperately want to know how! It would not be an under statement to say that there are people who are HUNGRY for information about how to go about this.

What if YOU were positioned to give them the information they crave! And what if ALL of the hard work was already done for you?


Check out our Five Ways to Start Online

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Internet Security


Internet Security is something we all need to take seriously, particularly if we are wanting to make a living online. To be successful online you will need competence in many areas such as; search engine optimization, content writing, key word selection and an understanding of Internet marketing methodologies. 

It takes hard work, commitment and a solid understanding of what you are doing and it all could come apart, very quickly if you have poor internet security or you aren’t aware of the security loopholes that can be exploited.

Internet Security

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Ways to Make Money Online


There are many ways to make money online. I will tell you about some that work for me and I’m sure they will work for you to.  Can I absolutely guarantee they will work for you? NO, because your success depends entirely upon how well you implement what you learn. But assuming you will be willing to a least try then yes, I’m pretty sure you are going to make money from doing this. 

Imagine being able to download a step by step video tutorial that saved you time and money by showing you only what you absolutely needed to know in order to make money online. Think of it as a library of shortcuts to specific topics and niches within the Affiliate Marketing industry. Ways to make Money Online

All you have to do is follow each strategy, implement the lessons, one at a time, and within a few short hours, you will know everything you need to know in order to compete with seasoned marketers and experienced online business owners. 

Without having to go through the monotonous trial & error that THEY had to go through to generate the same results.

Introducing:Ways to Make Money Online

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Create Your Own Video

Create Your Own Video

If you want to create your own video and learn some viral video marketing strategies to drive traffic to your offers and promotions. If you want to know how to create marketing videos that sell and how to make a viral video that goes crazy on the internet. Then learning how to create a video using these tools is well worth your time.

It’s no secret that video marketing is a powerful way to promote your business. Yet many marketers fail to implement videos effectively and miss out on a lot of potential traffic and sales.

Why? Because creating well-produced videos is difficult. Not everyone has the time, money, and skills to create marketing videos. So, they avoid using videos or use a video they found on youtube – which doesn’t exactly promote their individual marketing campaign specifically.

Marketing with Videos

Studies have shown that video sites can convert as high as 30% and what makes that phenomenal is that standard websites typically convert visitors at only 2 – 3%.Create Your Own Video

Here are some other surprising statistics;

  • 74% of all internet traffic in 2018 will be video
  • 70% of marketers report that video converts better than any other medium
  • The brain processes visual data 600,000 times faster than text.
  • 92% of mobile video viewers share video with others

YES, Video marketing is incredibly powerful. So, if you aren’t using videos for your online marketing efforts, you really are missing out on a lot of traffic and conversions.

What is Online Video Marketing?

There is no doubt that video is the fastest growing way to get content online. People naturally love watching videos and they are gravitating towards them in ever increasing numbers.

Using videos to market products on the internet is one of the fastest growing sectors in online marketing. This has been greatly aided by the increased access of the internet and faster internet speeds and smartphones.

Just a few years ago, most people only used their phone to make phone calls. Improved internet speeds have changed all that. Most people now spend many hours accessing social networking sites.

If you’ve ever wondered how you can generate a stampede of traffic using viral videos, then you’ll want to see this…

How To Create Viral Videos for Social Media

And the best part is you can watch the entire workshop for free right here. In this free online workshop you’ll discover:

  • The Top 5 types of video that go viral
  • Where to find content to create your own viral videos
  • AND the fastest way to create a viral video (Plus a live case study)

This workshop contained zero fluff and 100% practical advice that you can start using in your business today.

Create Your Own Video

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Earn Money Online


Earn Money OnlineEarn Money Online is the dream of many, yet too often people start out full of enthusiasm and excitement, only to discover that it’s not as easy as they first thought. 

Trying to make money online can be difficult. Most people fail because they get frustrated and give up before they put all the pieces together. That’s because there is so much to learn. It’s not as easy as many think and unless you get the right education, it’s going to take a lot of time and effort to figure it all out.

There are three things you need to succeed online and that I have called your ATM

  1. An Education – So, that you know what to do.
  2. Time – To implement what you learn and allow it to come to fruition
  3. Motivation – A reason why, so you will stick with it long enough to succeed

It’s Not About Becoming An Overnight Success

Learning how to earn money online is not difficult once you understand some basic principles and you get rid of the idea that you can become rich overnight,

If you want to know how to earn money online, then you may need some tools, a few shortcuts and an education. It also requires commitment to be truly successful. I  am going to share with you some ideas and resources that will make your journey a lot less burdensome.

Success Online

The rules of success within the Internet marketing game is pretty easy really.

  1. Discover what people want.
  2. Then supply it.

If you follow these two steps and then use the appropriate marketing strategies you can win the game.

But, you will need competence in many areas such as; search engine optimization, content writing, key word selection and an understanding of Internet marketing methodologies. Because a large part of being an Internet marketer is serving the needs of your readers, and turning your readers into followers and eventually your followers into lifetime customers.

We all know that there are millions of people are searching online everyday for information and solutions to problems. So it just a question of how to get in front of those people in order to offer your solution to their problems. 

But how do you do that exactly?

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How To Trade Cryptocurrency

How To Trade Cryptocurrency

How To Trade Cryptocurrency

How to trade crypto currency

Learning how to trade cryptocurrency for profit is going to become the next wave of money making opportunities that will evolve in the cryptocurrency market space.

We have already seen massive profits been made in the first stage of this evolving new technology and the second and potentially more profitable second wave, is fast approaching.

Anyone wanting to learn cryptocurrency trading and wanting to discover which is the best cryptocurrency trading platform to use and how to trade crypto currency using a crypto trading software that identifies how to sell buy and sell Bitcoin using arbitrage, for instant profits, will not be disappointed with this cryptocurrency trading strategy and software solution that I am about to reveal.

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Write A Sales Letter


If you are going to spend time trying to market your products and/or services, then it is crucial to make sure your content, sales copy and marketing materials are up to the job. Learning how to write a sales letter is an important skill.Write a sales letter

All of us have come across sales copy in ads or on websites that are either outright boring, or downright confusing. And when we do, we seldom finish reading more than a few lines and rarely if ever, buy anything! 

Writing Good Copy

Writing powerful copy is an art, a skill, that can make the difference between success and failure in any business.

In order to excite your readers (potential customers) into action, copy needs to be clear, dynamic, and of course, interesting. It also needs to speak directly to the reader and as they read they should be swept along with your words. The text should flow with life and movement and if written correctly, and directed at the right audience, the words should ignite a fire in their soul for what you have to offer.

Ask yourself this question – Why are you still reading this? 

The answer is because this copy has been presented in an engaging and dynamic way, that peaked your interest. So, if you want to know how to write a sales letter…

Let Me Show You

I want to show you how you also can use these techniques with your own content. I going to tell you how you can write dynamic copy that will reach and speak directly to your target market, and encourage and motivate them to take action.

I going to reveal my exact copywriting strategies to you, so that you can reap the benefits of this valuable skill, and using this (priceless) knowledge to improve and re-energize your own business profitability, by generating increased sales for your products or services. 

Not a Good CopyWriter Or Can’t Write?

Whether you’re a blogger, a niche marketer, an affiliate, a list owner, a product creator, a paid advertiser, an eBay or amazon seller, or just a newbie starting out, you know the value of good sales copy. But, creating powerful copy can be difficult.

Write a sales letterWords should have power, meaning and trigger an emotional response.

It’s your job as an intelligent marketer to pick the right words, arrange them in the right order and combine them in a fresh way that gets people emotionally involved in your copy and wanting to buy your product or service as a result.

Easier Said Than Done – Right?

Yes, it can be hard if you don’t know what you’re doing, but if you’ve been online long enough and had great success, then it has become second nature. You can almost ‘feel’ what works. 

In fact, if you were to outsource the task and get a professional sales letters written you would discover that it’s not cheap. If you’ve got multiple products in several different niches that you want to put online, you’ll easily run up a bill in the hundreds of dollars in copywriting fees alone. And even then, you might still need to tweak it and make a few more edits.

This is where my time-saving, headache busting, special offer comes in…

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List Building for Newbies


List Building for Newbies 

If you’re struggling to to build a list, but don’t know where to start. Or if you have  built a list of subscribers, but on-one is buying from you? Then this list building for newbies, maybe just the strategy you need to make money online

Peter V Crisp

“This post, List Building for Newbies contains important information and tips about how to get free subscribers and uncover the list building success secrets that you won’t find anywhere else. Without a strong list, you won’t have a stable source of online income”. 


Most newbies, and even some old timers think that if they focus on building a list, its going to make them money.  But the truth is that building a list is only the first step. I know of people who have big lists (more than 10,000 subscribers) but they still don’t make any money online.

That’s because, the size of the list is not important. What’s important is the relationship you have with your list. This is incredibly important, if you want to sell somebody, something, you first need to establish some sort of relationship, especially if you want to get free subscribers, you need to offer value first, in order to get them to be interested in getting more information from you.

They Say the Money is in The List

 20 Step List Building Plan – LIST KNOW HOW 

You need to deliever great content in order to build a following. Then once you have established trust and built rapport with your readers, the next step is to get those readers to respond to the recommendations that you make, that will directly benefit them in some way.

Because, if your readers don’t trust you, or don’t believe you are giving then good advice, then they are unlikely to buy from you. Making money online is way more than just building a list and sending out offers. You need to establish a solid relationship in order to build a great list and a great list is a responsive list. 

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How to Invest in Bitcoin

How to Invest in Bitcoin

How to invest in Bitcoin and survive, is probably what this article should really be called, because prices had been going crazy for a while now. As I write this, Bitcoin is down almost 70% from the high of December, 18th, 2017, of around $20,000, trading at around $7,000. 

How to Invest in Bitcoin

Does this mean that Bitcoin is a dead horse? – No, I don’t think so.

Why Invest in Bitcoin?

So, why invest in Bitcoin if it is such a volatile investment. Well, I’m going to answer that, and more in this post. Firstly, it’s important to remember that since Bitcoin’s creation, it has experienced many deaths as reported via the media, the banks and many so called ‘experts’ in fact, over two hundred times. Yet, it keeps coming back to life. The price changes hourly and could easily rise and fall dramatically, even  daily, and significantly as we have seen recently.

To see todays price, in real time see the image below:

Current Bitcoin Price

This gives you the current price for one Bitcoin (1BTC) and it changes regularly.

How To Invest In Bitcoin…continued

But, just because the price is down, doesn’t mean it’s the end of Bitcoin, as an investment.

Just to highlight a few of those many reported ‘deaths’ of Bitcoin.

  • It crashed 40% on September 2017, dropping from $5000 to $2972.
  • It crashed 80% on April 2013, dropping from $266 to $54.
  • It crashed 36% on June 2012, dropping from $7 to $4.
  • It crashed 94% between June & November, 2011, dropping from $32 to $2.

And each time Bitcoin has supposely died. Its price at the end of the each crash period, has always been higher, than before the reported ‘bubble’ began. So, the overall trend, has been, and still is, upward.

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How To Buy Cryptocurrency

How To Buy Cryptocurrency

We are just at the beginning of the new revolution in blockchain-related technologies and in terms of the development of this industry. Cryptocurrencies are a small part of that emerging industry. This new blockchain technology is going to be a game changer and could be the most important new development since the invention of the internet.

While most people are still struggling to get their heads around blockchain technology and are figuring out how to buy cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency’s like Bitcoin have exploded in price and attracted world-wide attention.


How To Buy Cryptocurrency

[Bitcoin’s Price Performance Jan 2017 – Jan 2018]

High Risk

How To Buy CryptocurrencyWith the price of Bitcoin, rising from around $1,000 to nearly $20,000 in 2017, many people became very rich in a very short period of time.

However some speculated that the run-up in the Bitcoin price, particularly during December 2017 (from $8,000 to nearly $20,000) meant that Bitcoin is in a bubble that could burst at any moment.

“Investing in this cryptocurrency market is risky. Yet the price of Bitcoin could still climb to $50,000 just as easily as it could collapse to $500″.

Not the First Time

But if that happen’s it’s not the first time Bitcoin has risen rapidly and then quickly declined.

The first time was in 2011-12, when Bitcoin soared from $1 to nearly $32 within two months, plummeting 92% over the next six months, falling all the way back down to $2.

The second time Bitcoin soared was in 2013-14, soaring to just over $1,000 before declining 83% and remained at around $300 until late 2016, before beginning its ascent.

A Little History

There has been a number of pullbacks in the price of Bitcoin during its nine year history, but looking back they all appear to have been episodes of consolidation rather than actual crashes and while these pullbacks were often quite steep, and apart from long period during 2015, they were relatively short-lived. 

In each case, the value of Bitcoin has continued to rise over time, as we can see in the graph below – overall its risen a staggering 75 million percent since its inception.

How To Buy Cryptocurrency

So, if Bitcoin does go into a decline, (if history is anything to go by) it may just be another period of consolidation, and probably within three to six months, Bitcoin may revisit its all-time high and go even higher.

“However as with any ‘investment‘ you should never risk what you can’t afford to lose”.

While we will continue to see high volatility in prices, the long-term direction however is upward and I’ll discuss the reasons why I believe that soon. In the meantime, I want to discuss something very important with you if you are wanting to learn how to invest in cryptocurrency profitably. 

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What is a Bitcoin

What Is A Bitcoin?

What is a bitcoin

Don’t worry if you don’t know too much about Bitcoin. It was little known when it first got started in back 2010. It wasn’t until mid 2013 when it shot up from a few cents to more than US$ 1,000 which was it’s first claim to fame. 

Still, by 2015, very few people owned any Bitcoin and the price had receded to around US$ 300 and stayed there for more than a year and the total market at that time was only about $4.4 billion.

It’s only in 2016 that the price of a single Bitcoin had slowly risen to around $700 jumping to $1,200 in early 2017 But from there it has quickly risen, massively, to more than $7,000 in October and November, capturing global attention and stunning investors.  

Then it hit $8,000 went past $9,000 and then exceeded $10,000+…

Which is pretty amazing right!

“In fact that’s so astounding that there has never been anything like it before! 

Overall the price has risen almost 75,000,000 percent since its inception eight years ago.

What is a bitcoin

You can see todays Price here;

Why Invest in Bitcoin?

The total market is now around $300 Billion, which is significant, as is the daily trade volume. But what’s really interesting is it’s about to get a whole lot bigger.


  • For one, Bitcoin recently broke through US$ 11,000+ per coin and that created a lot of global attention, now everyones talking about Bitcoin.
  • Two; Limited Supply – There are only Twenty-One million Bitcoins. Ensuring that’s it value will rise as demand and interest continues to grow.
  • And three; Institutional Investors don’t yet own Bitcoin.

Institutional Investors

Institutional investors are hedge funds, big money managers, sovereign wealth funds with billions of dollars to invest. Usually these big money investors are the first to invest in ground breaking technologies, but with Bitcoin it’s been different.

As institutional investors collectively manage trillions of dollars it shuts them out of any market that is too small ($100 Billion or so) and also they need to be able to hedge their bets. So until now institutional investors haven’t been able to do that with Bitcoin. 

But that’s about to change, because the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has recently given the go-ahead for the two big Chicago-based derivatives exchanges to launch Bitcoin futures trading. Opening the door for institutional investors to begin investing and that will send billions, perhaps even trillions of dollars, flowing into Bitcoin.

Limited Supply

What is a bitcoinThere are only 21 million bitcoins that will ever exist and 16.7 Million of those coins have already been mined. Meaning that nearly 80% of Bitcoin’s total supply is already in circulation.

The rest will slowly enter the market over the next 123 years. Ensuring that’s it value will continue to rise as the demand begins to exceed supply.

To put Bitcoins ‘limited supply‘ into perspective, there are some Thirty-five million, US millionaires, but there are only, twenty-one million Bitcoins, so not every millionaire can own a Bitcoin.

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Aweber vs GetResponse Review

Aweber vs Get Response – Review

Aweber vs GetResponse Review

Autoresponders are used as an e-mail marketing tool to provide information, newsletters and even digital products to prospective customers.

They can also be used to follow-up customers or subscribers with automated emails sent out immediately or at pre-set time intervals.

Most of us have been the receipent of this type of email campaigns, whether it be from a local business, a newletter service or an email marketer who is sending us offers.

In This Review

We are going to compare two major autoresponders that are very suitable for Affiliate Marketers. I have reviewed each seperately and you can access those reviews using the links shown in this post. A brief summary and the price comparsion of a selection of autorsponders are given in this review.

Let’s begin… 

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What is a Keyword

What is a KeywordWhat Is A Keyword

A Keyword is the most important word you will ever write on your website.

Having the right keyword or keywords are crucial to having content rank on Google.

A page one ranking typically gets 42% of the traffic for that keyword.

If your content, is not ranking within the first ten pages of google, irrespective of how great it is, no-one will find it and you will get little, if any traffic.

Too often people waste their time, trying to get their website to rank on Google using keywords or phrases that will not generate traffic because there is too much competition for the particular word or words they are using.

Keywords are Your Path to Google Rankings 

There is little point in trying to optimize your website using keywords that are highly competitive unless you know what you are doing. Yet this is what many people attempt to do and they wonder why they struggle to get rankings on Google.

If you think of getting traffic to your website, in terms of a fishing analogy then you will realize that when it comes to catching a fish. It’s not the size of the boat or the type of fishing gear you use. (Those are nice to have but they are not the most important). There is something else that ranks far higher.

What is a Keyword


Just like fishing, the fish are attracted to your bait, not your boat. It’s not about knowing where the fish are, or how many of them are under the water.

Rather it’s about knowing what type of bait the fish are searhing for and ‘eating‘ and once you understand that, then you stand a better chance of catching, not just one fish, but many fish.

All to often people will just build their own bait and throw it into the water and hope to attract fish.

Keyword research allows you to ‘look beneath the water‘ to see what the fish are already being attracted to. This is called organic keyword research. Finding the words that people are already searching for is a great way to understand the specific type of bait required to catch the fish.

Having a keyword research tool to do competition analysis is important if you want to get good page rankings. Finding valuable, low competition words that your target audience is hungry for, makes you a more successful fisherman.

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