How to Get More Traffic For Your Website

Want to Know How to Get More Website Traffic?

Of course, you do!. Who would not want to know some tips to get more website traffic, or even, how to get more traffic to your website or free?

Let me begin by telling you about how it used to be for me… I had been online for several years and had been struggling to get sales for my online business, and I was quickly realizing that getting Traffic to my website was a major problem for me.

I realized that I needed a solution to this problem. So I went to work and after a long and difficult search, I figured out ‘how to get more visitors to my website‘ and then everything changed!

Because getting traffic is very important if you want to be a success online.

Once I discovered how, I wrote a book called ‘Get Traffic that I still sell. Inside I tell you how you can get website traffic now! 

how to get more traffic to your websiteThe Book

Before writing it, I had been online for many years and not only did I struggle to get any sales, I also couldn’t get any of my sites to rank in Google. I realized (with some considerable pain) the importance of getting traffic to my sites and the value of having people visit. Then once I worked out how to get visitors / traffic I recognized instantly it was the answer to making money online.

Now I have over 20+ money making websites across 10 different niches and more than a dozen books (that I also sell) and all because I discovered how to get Traffic.

What’s in it?

In this book is my proven traffic getting strategies that have been market proven such as my 32 Traffic Getting Methods for driving traffic to your website. In this book, you will learn how to get traffic, real traffic to your website, your blog, and how to get free traffic.How to get more traffic for your website

You get a 40+ page PDF book that takes you through all the methods and steps to building long term traffic so that you will understand and learn how to get real traffic

Plus, I also show where to get some software you can use if you choose to use paid traffic (if you require), and I also tell you where to get 1000s’ of (robot) visitors* that many gig providers sell on Fiverr (found on page 7). 

How to get more traffic for your website

Peter V Crisp

“Not that these types of visitors* will buy your products or sign up to your services, they just make your traffic numbers look good in the eyes of Google”. 

Also, I tell you where and how to get a great online education about how to build a successful long-term business (found on page 19) for free.

Why is SEO Important?

Understanding the power of SEO and it’s importance means knowing things like…The first page of Google receives 91% of all search clicks, and SEO is a great way to generate FREE traffic.

What’s important is there are some 3 billion people who are looking (searching) for information and solutions to problems online and have good SEO is key to tapping into that hungry market.

Recent Changes at Google

Recent changes with Google such as, Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird (as well as other the many other changes, that have occurred) have completely altered the old ways used to optimize SEO value of websites and what used to once work, are now no longer good strategies for getting Google Page Rankings.

These updates have changed the SEO power of writing and submitting articles and this now old strategy is not as effective as it once was.

What Does it Mean?

It means that there is essentially little value in article marketing anymore via article directories, and you certainly do not want duplicate content on your site or copied articles sourced from elsewhere, and you definitely don’t want to be stuffing keywords into your site, aimed just at the search engines. None of these strategies will work anymore.

Google Panda, was first introduced in February 2011, focusing on eliminating low-quality, duplicate content or thin sites for those with in-depth, regularly updated quality content.

Google Penguin, was released in April 2012 and was Google’s response to so-called “black hat” SEO tactics for link building. These included buying links, building thin sites simply for the purpose of linking back to the main site, trading links, comment spam links, and similar tactics to achieve high rankings. 

Ever since the Google update, backlinks, pinging or sending out RSS feeds are much less effective.

Google Hummingbird, was introduced in late 2013, reinforcing everything that had been done through Panda and Penguin and two other important concepts, increasing the importance of mobile responsive designs and quality of content.

How to Get More Traffic For Your WebsiteBefore Hummingbird, search engines typically interpreted queries using what it identified as the most important keywords. But now Google has begun to look at the relationship between terms to interpret the context of the search. Or in other words, what sort of content is the user searching for.

You Need to do Things Differently

You now need to do things differently, such as your first keyword should appear in the title of your post and not just in the URL and Keywords should appear in your first paragraph and the last sentence of the page.

You have to optimize your keywords with a density of no more than 35% throughout your article with relevant LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing).

You should use H1, H2, H3 tags for headings and subheadings if they contain your keywords, and there should also be at least one internal link to a page on your blog and at least one image with an alt tag that has your keyword.

What to Do Next?

(if you want to know how I made this video you can see my review of VideoMakerFX here)

Want to Know How I Get Page ONE Rankings

Take a look at the screenshot below and see some of my page one rankings on Google. These are for specific posts and pages from this particular website. In fact, there are 24 page one rankings.

How to Get More Website Traffic

To find out more about this, you can view the link to my post at the bottom of this page to discover my secret weapon for getting these sorts of results. 

No Promises

However, be aware that just because you get this book and learn about my secret weapon doesn’t mean you will automatically get the same results.  Because even I sometimes don’t always get on page one or two.

Occasionally, I only get on page three, four and five etc,  because ‘ranking is an art’ rather than an exact science. However having your pages & posts ranking on the first ten pages is much better than not ranking at all. 

In Summary

If you get the book understand that you need to do more than just read it. You need to implement what you learn and take action. Because without the right education, tools, and action, you will not be able to rank well in Google at all.

There is no magic bullet, but this book is a step in the right direction towards getting more traffic to your website and uncovering more effective ways to get website traffic for the long term. 

You can also discover my secret weapon for getting on page one of Google. 

If you Don’t Like to Read…

If you don’t like books, then perhaps, my Get Traffic Video Training course is a better fit for you.

This Video Training is a monthly video series that will be delivered to you via email each month, taking you through all the traffic generation steps you will ever need to increase your website visitors and build you a list of subscribers.


This is about as close to a personal training course as I can give you. Follow these steps and learn how to bring in qualified visitors to your offers and grow a loyal following and never worry about getting traffic again.

For more information on this traffic generating blueprint to get Massive Traffic. See more details about this course here.

Massive Traffic  – Video Training pogram


If you have found this post ‘How to Get More Traffic for your Website interesting, please share socially or feel free to leave a comment or ask a question below;How to get more Get Traffic for your website

“Oh…If you leave a comment, I will reward you with a free PDF copy of my book; GET TRAFFIC  – sent directly to the email you use. – 

So please accept my bribe and leave a great comment.”

The book is awesome and so are you for leaving a comment, Thanks!


“I actually have a few traffic generation courses that are also very good for getting free traffic. You can see one here, 32 Traffic Getting Methods to get website traffic now”.

32 Traffic Getting Methods”



  • Hi Peter–

    Once again, you have provided a very clear outline as to what is necessary for the online world, thanks. Thanks also for your thorough responses to questions in the comments. They have also helped.

    Have a great day,

  • Onutochukwu Uche

    Ok. This is a good job with respect to driving traffic. Thank you very much

  • wayne

    Hi Peter, having just spoke to you on another platform I followed the links you sent me very kindly as i was struggling for traffic.

    Just reading through this article has helped and I will now crack on with the rest and see if I can sort out my problem with not getting many organic visitors.

    Thanks again


    • Hello, Wayne, you are most welcome and thank you for commenting and I am pleased you are finding the information helpful. Take your time to understand the concepts and implement what you learn. Cheers 🙂

  • JulianU

    Hi Peter,

    Thats exactly the page im looking for to inform me about affiliate. You did a really good job with your domain.

    You offer tons of informations for everyone who would like to earn money online.

    I definitely will visit your page again to get more information about earning money online.

    Best wishes

    • Peter

      Hello, Julian Thanks for checking out my site about how to get traffic. However be aware that just because you get this book and learn about my secret weapon doesn’t mean you will automatically get the same results as even I sometimes don’t always get on page one or two.

      Occasionally I only get on page three, four and five, etc. because ‘ranking is an art’ rather than an exact science. However having your pages & posts ranking on the first ten pages is much better than not ranking at all.

      Thanks for your comments. :

  • David

    Thanks for your article Peter.
    I’m having a real problem with getting traffic to my sites which led me here. I’m amazed at how you can get so many posts on the first page of Google…that’s my goal. I’ve got your site bookmarked for later review and I’d love a copy of your Get Traffic book.
    Thanks and I’m looking forward to solving my traffic problems!

    • Peter

      Hello, David. No problem the book is on its way to you. Be aware that just because you get this book and learn about my secret weapon doesn’t mean you will automatically get the same results as even I sometimes don’t get on page one or two. Occasionally I only get on page three, four and five, etc. because ‘ranking is an art’ rather than an exact science. Thank you for your comments. Enjoy the book 🙂

  • Megan

    Hi there! I was reading through your article about how to get more traffic to your website! I really am interested in this because I too have my own site and really struggle sometimes in getting an efficient amount of traffic to it, so I will definitely be interested in the information you are providing. I do like that you don’t make any promises, it definitely sounds way more realistic than other sites you hear people offering guaranteed traffic and sales, etc. I don’t like getting my hopes up, and I don’t mind working for things I want, so I definitely will be looking into your ebook and the videos you have on your site!

    • Peter

      Hello, Megan. Thank you for your comments. The book GET TRAFFIC is on its way to you and I’m sure you will find it useful. Recent changes with Google such as Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird (as well as other changes that occur all the time) have completely altered the old ways used to optimize SEO value of websites and what used to once work are no longer good strategies for getting Google Page Rankings. I cover these in this book so look out for that. Enjoy 🙂

  • roamy

    Hello,any website no matter how well done,never mind how high quality the content is if there is no traffic then it is useless.
    Many website owners have the same problem,where to get traffic.And that is not only traffic but targeted high-quality-traffic.
    Just any traffic does not benefit any website owner as they do not make any purchase.
    Thanks for a very informative article,im one of the people who suffer from high-quality traffic,after reading your post,im convinced i can use your tips and see if my website has any improvements.

    • Peter

      you will get Hello, Roamy, Pleased you liked the article and you got something from it. I am sending you a copy of ‘Get Traffic’ so watch out for it (check your spam box) and I’m sure you will find that helpful also. Thanks for your comments 🙂

  • Sahan

    I take a look your site and it is amazing! There are thousand of information we have to learn. I think you are the man I looking for . There are million dollar lessons. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. How do you get the first rank on google? I want to be like you. And help me to get first rank on google.

    • Peter

      Hello, Sahan Thank you for comments and if you get a copy of the book and follow the information then you to will get page one rankings. Pleased you liked the post. 🙂

  • Sahan

    Hi peter, 

    I take a look your site and it is amazing! There are thousand of information we have to learn. I think you are the man I looking for . There are million dollar lessons in your site. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  • Lynne

    Hi Peter
    Your book sounds great, I would love to read it. I love any and all tips related to SEO, ranking and traffic. It really is one of my passions.
    I am busy with some projects at the moment, but I hope to find the time to read your eBook on how to get more traffic for your website soon.

  • HI Peter ! I learnt a Lot from you Article and this website it is absolutely amazing. I will be glad if you can send me a copy of your ebook **

    • Hello,  Richard No problem it’s on its way to you now. I’m sure you will get a lot from it so enjoy and I’m happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for your comments 🙂

    • Hello, Richard, No problem a copy of ‘GET TRAFFIC’ is on its way to you now so look out for it (check your spam box). I’m sure you will get a lot from it so enjoy and I’m happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for your comments 🙂

  • liviu

    i just found your website and i think i’m going to be addicted 😀 as i am running some websites too and struggling for traffic. I would like to take a look on your ebook too.Thanks

  • Jon Dougherty

    Hi Peter-

    Interesting stuff, for sure, albeit somewhat confusing – to me, anyway. I’ve been online since the mid-1990s, running my own news sites or working for others, and the “secret” of getting clicks is good content – but actually getting eyeballs on site is something else altogether. I get SEO but only in passing and that’s probably why I haven’t done better in my rankings than I have. I’m creating content (solo) for about six sites now and REALLY need to figure out how to market them better so I don’t have to do this until I’m 90. Lol. Thanks for any insight you can give a fellow Web traveler.

    • Hello, Jon Thank you for your comments. You should enjoy the ebook GET TRAFFIC I am sending you that should help you get more visitors to your site. Enjoy 🙂

  • Dorina

    Writting this book you helped interested people in the “field” building a more successful business, I shared your article.Perhaps one of the reasons that Google make so many changes is because of the hackers who are always belonged to the black site.I like the fact you don’t make promises for the “secret weapons” It is true that ranking is an art, and maybe when you get to master this art, you should be proud that you have an extremely high achievement.
    Good content and traffic are two keys to achieve success.I think your work is great!Thanks for the article!

    • Peter

      Hello, Dorina Thank you for your comments. A copy of ‘GET TRAFFIC’ is on its way to you and I’m sure you are going to find it interesting and helpful. You are correct in that high rankings are an art form rather than an exact science, however, there are things we can do to push the odds towards success. Thank you again for your feedback :).

  • raze

    Hi Peter,

    Yes, I’m mercenary – I’m commenting because I want your book for free haha!

    But more than that, I’ve just started on WA and I really want to know how to get a boost for traffic.

    Do you have any tips about how much content I should have on my website before driving traffic to it? Or is that information in the book already?

    Thank you for the SEO tips already on the page. I’ll be sure to take note of that on my own posts in future!

    • Peter

      Hi Raze, haha you are welcome my friend and a copy is on its way to you so check your spam box if you don’t find it. I’m sure you are going to discover that it packed with good ideas that are going to be very interesting and valuable for you. Just make sure you implement what you learn. Enjoy and good luck with your journey with Wealthy Affiliate. Thank you for your comments 🙂

  • blubutterfly

    Hi Peter, thanks for this great information, I love your site!! I have been wanting to figure out a way to get more traffic to my website for a while now, I have tried so many things and I never get more than 20 or 30 a day, I know I am missing something but not sure what. I am seriously thinking about trying out your EBook, hopefully this will help. Thank you Peter

    • Peter

      Hello Blubutterfly, you should receive a copy of the ebook shortly after getting this reply so please take a look and implement some of the ideas within. But 20 or 30 visitors a day is 600 to 900 per month (7000 -10,000 per year) which is a good number so you are doing something right.

      Maybe the question is why are they not converting into sales? Anyway, enjoy the book and I am happy to answer any questions you have so please feel free to ask Thanks for your feedback 🙂

  • Matt

    Wow! great information. I am extremely new to online marketing and am desperately looking for more ways to increase my traffic, as well as rank higher in google. I will definitely be sure to implement some of the tips you have here and look forward to future success thanks to your help!

    • Peter

      Hello Matt, Pleased you liked the post and am happy to help and look forward to hearing of your success with online marketing. I am sending you a copy of the book which I ‘m sure you will enjoy 🙂

  • Thank you Peter,your content and video is amazing.I learnt more from your content and video,getting traffic is a difficult task for most newbies and it is the life wire of online business. You are rocky.Thanks again for sharing..

  • Yury

    Hi, Peter!
    It`s really actually topical right now to get better traffic with all the recent changes at Google so I found your post interesting and informative so thank you and I would love to have the ebook

    • Hello Yury You are welcome and the book is on it’s way to you so enjoy and learn what you can and your traffic problems will be over. 🙂

  • clems

    you are such an awesome person. Free e-book just to post a comment? you must be kidding me, Lol.

    on a more serious note though, I have been looking for a way to increase traffic on my website and I have gotten some tips from you.
    I cherish the information about the recent changes google introduced.
    I absolutely would love to have your master-key e-book.

    thanks and keep on feeding us with your classic information.

    • Peter

      Hi Clems You are most welcome and you GET TRAFFIC ebook is on its way to you so enjoy. Let me know if I can assist you in any way 🙂

  • Dmitriy

    Hi Peter,

    I will definitely accept your bribe, lol!

    Seriously, though, I’ve been working on my Website for quite some time, and some of the techniques you mentioned are familiar to me. At the same time I’ve already learned a lot just from the comments here – for example, I didn’t know that a keyword should be included in the last sentence of the page – I usually include them in a header and in a first paragraph. Thank you for all the detailed answers you’ve been providing to your visitors!

    Can’t wait to get a copy of your book 🙂 .

    • Peter

      Hello Dmitriy Thank you for accepting my bribe ha ha Enjoy the GET TRAFFIC ebook that is coming to you and please come back if you have any further questions. I appreciate your feedback cheers 🙂

  • Katie

    Hi Peter, really great content. I’ve been looking for great sources to learn from about generating traffic to my website and I found a lot of them, but I don’t know which ones really work and which ones don’t. I feel like that so many sources online don’t really work. I am definitely really looking forward to reading your book. Thank you!!

    • Peter

      Hello Katie you are most welcome and I trust you will find what you are looking for in the book and that it will really help get traffic to your site. Thank you for leaving a comment. 🙂

  • John

    This is great information. Very well explained. I like that you covered the details on Google’s changes on Panda, Penguin and Humingbird. I also know that the video’s work well for SEO. You have it going on. I will have your website bookmarked now. Thanks.

    Note: I would love to have th ebook if its still available.

    • Hello John Thank you for your comments and a copy of the book is on its way to you. I appreciate you leaving some feedback Thank you 🙂

  • Talha

    Hi Peter,

    Great content! I have been searching for real traffic generation methods and would like to have this ebook.
    Would really appreciate if you can send me a copy !!


    • Hi Talha You are welcome and your free copy is on it’s way to you I know you will get a lot out of it so please read and enjoy and don’t forget to implement what you learn.

      But just quickly here are a couple of things. Ever since the Google, Panda update. Backlinks and simply pinging or sending out a RSS feeds are no longer a good strategy to getting Google Page Rankings.

      You now NEED On-Page SEO, such as your first keyword should appear in the title and not just in the URL. You have to optimize your keywords with a density of 3-5% within your article with relevant LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing). You should use H1, H2, H3 tags in your article your Keyword should appear in your first paragraph and in the last sentence of the page.

      You should have relevant usage of Bold and italics of your keyword. There should also be one internal link to a page on your blog and you should have one image with an alt tag that has your keyword.

      Thank you for your visiting my site 🙂

  • Red

    Hola Peter,

    You really got me interested! I am developing a site to sell a finance dossier with investing strategies and I am aware that the key to sell is to bring along traffic. I was thinking to place some ads in Facebook or AdWords, but after reading your post, I am definitely willing to try to learn how to do it myself.
    Looking forward to reading your book, and thanks for your generosity!

    • Hello Red you are more than welcome and I am happy to read you found the post interesting and I trust you will enjoy the book and get value from reading it. Thank you again for your comments 🙂

  • Wow,this sounds great. I’ve been trying to get traffic to my site for a long time and i’ve failed miserably.I hope this book can help me because i’m about ready to give up

    • Hello Chris Thank you for your comments. The book is on it’s way to you and please let me know if I can help you further as I know getting traffic can be frustrating and I am more than help to assist you. 🙂

      • Hey Peter,

        I read your ebook and it’s very informative.I was going to buy an SEO service on Fiverr but you convinced me not to do it 🙂 Could you take a look at my site at and tell me what i do to improve it.
        Thank you

        • Hello Chris Thanks for your question. I mention in my book that creating an affiliate website is not about selling but giving you readers information.
          There are 3 things you need to do to be successful Online:

          1. Using unique pages to promote each separate product you are marketing. Do not lump all your promotes together. It is best to have a site focusing on each and every product and nothing more. Always include product reviews on the website so visitors will have an initial understanding on what the product can do and it always good to read about experiences from users who have already tried the product.
          You should write articles highlighting the uses of the product and make the pages attractive and include a call to act on the information. Each headline should attract the readers and read highlight important points. This will help your readers to learn what the page is about and will want to find out more.

          2. Offer free reports to your readers.Try to create autoresponder messages that will be mailed to those who input their personal information into your sign up box.
          Only two things can possibly happen with the web page alone: closed sale or the prospect leaving the page and never return again. By placing useful information into their inboxes at certain specified periods, you will remind them of the product they thought they want later and will find out that the sale is closed. Be sure that the content is directed toward specific reasons to buy the product. Do not make it sound like a sales pitch. Focus on important points like how your product can make life and things easier and more enjoyable.

          3. Make sure your traffic is targeted to your product. Just think, if the person who visited your website has no interest whatsoever in what you are offering, they will be among those who move on and never come back. Write articles and posts focusing on your target customers and what you have put up might just grab their interest.

          Always remember that only 1 out of 100 people are likely to buy your product or get your services. If you can generate as much as 1,000 targeted hits for your website in a day, that means you can made 10 sales based on the average statistic.

          In affiliate marketing, there are many ways in which you can increase your earnings and if your customers trust you then they will also trust your recommendations. Do not be afraid to mention things that you do not like about a given product or service. Rather than lose any points for you, this will make your recommendation more realistic and will tend to increase your credibility. Furthermore, if your visitors are really interested in what you are offering, they will be more than delighted to learn what is good about the product, what is not so good, and how the product will benefit them.

          When you are recommending a certain product, there are some things to remember on how to make it work effectively and for your advantage. Sound like the true and leading expert in your field.

          To learn how to do this and much more

          Also you should make it possible for people to contact you or at least leave a comment and have an about me page so they know you are real.:)

          Thank you for your feedback and let me know if I can help you further 🙂

  • Glenn

    Great site –informative, well laid out and easy to navigate. As a newbie I can really relate to the problem of generating traffic. I noticed you mentioned that there is no value in article marketing any more via article directories. When we first looked at an online business a few years ago this was really encouraged. With strategies changing all the time I think it will be very difficult to keep up with ways to get traffic to websites. Your ebook sounds like it has heaps of up to date information. Is it something you will keep dated in the future?

    • Peter

      Hi Glenn Thank you for your comments and in regard to the ebook a copy is on its way to you so make sure you take a look and yes plan to keep it updated regularly. Appreciate you feedback on my post 🙂

  • Dyl

    Hey Peter I definitely want to take a look at that book, it seems like you know what you are doing and it could provide me with alot of help! I cant believe that you’ve ranked on google for so many posts! Thanks so much for the insight and Ill be sure to revisit in the near future for some tips!

    • Peter

      Hi Dyl A copy of the ebook is on its way to you so take a look and I trust you will find it useful. Thank you for your comments 🙂

  • Derek Marshall

    Hi Peter,

    that looks like a must read! got to take my hat off at 18 pages ranked number 1 or number 2 on google.

    Most certainly you know what you are doing, but may ask how up to date are those techniques in the book? do you keep updating it so that the latest information and changes are in them?

    • Peter

      Hello Derek Yes I keep it updated regularly as the strategies change along with the newest Google updates that happen fairly regularly. Thank you for reading the article and leaving a comment. 🙂

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