Video Introduction

THANK YOU For Visiting My Site

I have a ton of free information and resources for you that you are really going to like. To bookmark this page for future reference you can do it now using (Ctrl+D)

I created this simple, quick (3 minute) introduction video to give an overview of what this site is about:

(To see how I make video’s like this see tools)

This video briefly explains what you will find here. I invite you to take a look around.  You can either use the menu bar above or view the posts below to the right. So enjoy your time there is lots of great information.

Learn How to Make Money on the Internet

There are posts here that cover a wide range of topics that will help to make your internet money making experiences a lot more profitable.

Peter V Crisp


“I have either created or found low-cost resources that you can access that are either FREE or are excellent value for money ($4.95 – $197). These range from ebooks, video courses, and tools that will make your life online more profitable and less stressful”. 

FREE STUFF Four eBook about PLR’s: 7 eBooks to help your business: Five-part Video Course:


There are eBooks on getting traffic, building an email list, affiliate marketing, video marketing and much more.

There are Video courses on list building, traffic generation, SEO, Affiliate marketing, WordPress, ebooks, outsourcing, article marketing and much more.

There are pages and posts packed with tips, advice and recommendations to useful tools and resources to shortcut your learning curve.

  • If you want to find out about getting rankings on Google then you might like to see my post here
  • If you want to know about getting traffic then you might like to see my post here  
  • If you want to find out about video marketing then you might like to see my post here
  • If you want to find out about list building then you might like to see my post here
  • If you want to find out about niche marketing then you might like to see my post here
  • If you want to find out about SEO then you might like to see my post here
  • If you want to find out about a completely done for you internet business then you might like to see my post here

For people just starting I have put together 12 videos covering over 40+ essential topics. Lessons that cover the basics, that every newbie needs to know but once learned and implemented will put you on the fast track to success. You can see this particular post here

  • You can also see ‘internet marketing for Newbies’ here
  • You can also see ‘internet marketing for Beginners’ here
  • You have even get content for your sales pages and letters here


To bookmark this page for future reference you can do it now using (Ctrl+D)

So please look around and enjoy, Peter

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  • Vertical Veloxity

    I love this. Short and sweet. Yet a wealth of helpful information. We need experts to help us in this world. Thanks for listing some great helps to make money online. I am looking to strengthen my video marketing platform. I am not very good at it.
    It is not easy. There is a lot of competition out there to be listed on Google. But it can be done with the proper effort and the right partners.

    • Peter

      Hello, Veritcal Pleased you enjoyed my presentation page and it encouraged you to look further. Appreciate your comments Thank you 🙂

  • Peter what can I say I do not have 250 words to write. You have summed it up well and your video is the boss. Tells the truth as is. My recent journey with WA proves just that, You have to work to make it happened, especially in the beginning when there is so much to learn, coupled with the fact that you have to balance it with your other full or part time engagements. After all, its work at home not play at home.

    A great team, keep in touch, as soon as I am at that point where i need to build traffic etc. I will be needing these.

  • Paul

    I enjoyed your presentation…it was organized, and informative. I have no real experience with Video Maker FX, but it seems to be geared toward all levels.

    I actually have a few different software products I use for video production – most of them are quite costly. I mainly use them for effects and editing, since I do a lot of work with motion pictures and audio.

    I also like using Jaaxy for my affiliate marketing (and for domain flipping).

    Thank you for the great information.

  • Alfred James

    Nice video, I think you are making the perfect combination to have a video-article and that’s something that Google appreciate so much, I will start soon with the video-articles because I can see so much potential here. You video was really good, it gives us an overview of your website and you in only 3 minutes.

    You topics are really amazing, I will read information here for a while.


    • Peter

      Thank you Alfred I appreciate your feedback and wish you great success on your journey towards internet success. 🙂

  • CJ

    Your site is by far the best I have seen! The amount of info you offer is amazing and there is a lot I still need to learn and read up on. I definitely added your site to my favorites and I can definitely refer your site to other friends of mine. And the view of your page made me feel peaceful with all the scenic pictures you have! Overall I loved your site and the flow of information was on point. God bless and best wishes!

    • Peter

      Thank you CJ I appreciate your comments and pleased you liked it. Watch out for the book I am sending your way 🙂

  • Steve

    Hi Peter–

    This video AND this page makes me smile. This is really great attention getter and holder, and I see great conversions in your future. This is a wonderful introduction into the right way to think of affiliate marketing. It’s very inviting and easy to see where to turn to next.

    All the best to you today.


    • Peter

      Hello, Steve Thank you for your comments and I appreciate the feedback. I am sending book Affiliate Marketing Made Easy as a thank you so watch out for it in your inbox 🙂

  • Joan

    Great website and introduction video. I love the animated characters and it was fun to get an introduction to your site.
    Your site has alot of good information on affiliate marketing. Thanks for creating this.


  • Marith

    Hi Peter, I like your video. Simple, easy to follow and directing me to where I should go next. Learning about affiliate marketing is the best desicion I have ever made, thanks to people like you helping me along.

  • Paula


    Great hook with the title and you did a great job presenting the information to show that you are out here to help teach people how to reach their goals with internet marketing. I oftentimes get bogged down with how to approach what I want to say and also get overwhelmed with all the information and ideas bursting in my head, so getting anchored is helpful and reading other’s blogs and webpages helps me greatly (as your message succeeded.) Lately my methodical process has been failing me and this helped me get back on track.

    Thanks for the eye-opener!

  • Gary


    What an enjoyable addition to your site!
    I love the quick and to the point flow of the video and it concludes on a great note inviting visitors to look around and become engaged with the rest of your site.

    Great job, my best to your continued success, and thanks again for the great video!


  • Glenn

    Brilliant rendition of affiliate marketing influence and strategies. Two thumbs up to the glaring beauty of the sandy sea shore illuminating and engaging your audience, generating a rich, yet practical believable picture of success at Wealthy affiliates your information flowed. Your projected outlook via your video graphics of the WA University were most certainly captivating. Wish one day I learn to make a video like that. Awesome

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