List Building for Newbies


List Building for Newbies 

If you’re struggling to to build a list, but don’t know where to start. Or if you have  built a list of subscribers, but on-one is buying from you? Then this list building for newbies, maybe just the strategy you need to make money online

Peter V Crisp

“This post, List Building for Newbies contains important information and tips about how to get free subscribers and uncover the list building success secrets that you won’t find anywhere else. Without a strong list, you won’t have a stable source of online income”. 


Most newbies, and even some old timers think that if they focus on building a list, its going to make them money.  But the truth is that building a list is only the first step. I know of people who have big lists (more than 10,000 subscribers) but they still don’t make any money online.

That’s because, the size of the list is not important. What’s important is the relationship you have with your list. This is incredibly important, if you want to sell somebody, something, you first need to establish some sort of relationship, especially if you want to get free subscribers, you need to offer value first, in order to get them to be interested in getting more information from you.

They Say the Money is in The List

 20 Step List Building Plan – LIST KNOW HOW 

You need to deliever great content in order to build a following. Then once you have established trust and built rapport with your readers, the next step is to get those readers to respond to the recommendations that you make, that will directly benefit them in some way.

Because, if your readers don’t trust you, or don’t believe you are giving then good advice, then they are unlikely to buy from you. Making money online is way more than just building a list and sending out offers. You need to establish a solid relationship in order to build a great list and a great list is a responsive list. 

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Aweber vs GetResponse Review

Aweber vs Get Response – Review

Aweber vs GetResponse Review

Autoresponders are used as an e-mail marketing tool to provide information, newsletters and even digital products to prospective customers.

They can also be used to follow-up customers or subscribers with automated emails sent out immediately or at pre-set time intervals.

Most of us have been the receipent of this type of email campaigns, whether it be from a local business, a newletter service or an email marketer who is sending us offers.

In This Review

We are going to compare two major autoresponders that are very suitable for Affiliate Marketers. I have reviewed each seperately and you can access those reviews using the links shown in this post. A brief summary and the price comparsion of a selection of autorsponders are given in this review.

Let’s begin… 

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The Get Response Review


The GetResponse ReviewThe autoresponder GetResponse entered the email service provider scene in 1999. (A year after Aweber) Today, it’s still a major player in the autoresponder market and is popular amongst the larger list owners.

Here’s what you need to know 


Almost anyone can use GetResponse from marketers to authors to business owners. One thing that sets them apart from many other service providers is that it’s also (like Aweber) affiliate marketing friendly. If you’re an affiliate marketer, then you’ll definitely want to put GetResponse on your list of potential email autoresponder providers.


Pricing starts at $15 for basic accounts and $49 for Pro accounts. While Get Response is in the middle of the pack when it comes to overal pricing, it’s on the low end when it comes to a larger number of subscribers and the higher end of the pricing range when it comes to low volume subscribers (but still cheaper than Aweber) As shown below from the selection of autoresponders we’ve reviewed here.

Price (Monthly) Comparison of the most popular Autoresponders

Active Campaign$9.00$17.00$29.00$45.00$70.00$135.00
Constant Contact$15.00$35.00$35.00$55.00$85.00Contact
Vertical Response$8.80$17.60$26.40$44.00$66.40$128.00
Benchmark Email$11.95$18.95$28.95$46.95$73.95$120.95

This makes GetResponse the best low cost Autoresponder for larger email lists.

Here’s the Breakdown of Pricing:

The Get Response Review

Just to let you know… There is a free trial available for 30 days that you can use to take the autoresponder GetResponse for a spin. 

Click here for the Get Response’s FREE Trial!



Selecting an Autoresponder


This autoresponder email service provider has been around since 1998 and anyone who is doing email marketing should consider putting Aweber on their list of potential service providers.

Autoresponders are used as e-mail marketing tool to immediately provide information to prospective customers and to follow-up with automated emails sent out at preset time intervals

I invite you to take a look at my Aweber Review to see if Aweber is the right service for you…


Almost anyone can use Aweber, especially Affiliate Marketers, as it’s one of the few email service providers that’s friendly to affiliate marketers. 

For years, Aweber has been primarily involved in the online marketing industry they answer questions on forums, they have great support and they have a lot of great training videos. They have a vested interest in helping online marketers succeed.


Aweber pricing starts at $19 per month, and it goes up from there depending on how many subscribers you have.  As you can see, the core features are included at all pricing levels:


How AWeber Compares with Other Providers

Don’t let the price put you off. It’s a little more expensive that many other providers, but it does have some features that more than compensates for the slightly higher price.

The most important of which is that is one of the very few email services that are affiliate-marketing friendly. Meaning they won’t suddenly close your account because you experience an increase in emails going out due to a popular offer you make to your clients. They understand the affiliate marketing business. 

Price (Monthly) Comparison of the most popular Autoresponders

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How to Build a List


How To Build A List

How to list build is an important skill and learning how to build your list the right way can make the difference between online success and failure. 

Knowing how to build a list could well be one of the most important things you could ever learn to do. After all you need 3 things in order to succeed online.

Three Things

  1. First of all, you need an offer. If you aren’t offering something for your readers to buy, (or at the very least if you’re not promoting someone else’s offer, via affiliate marketing) then you can’t expect to make a sale.
  2. Of course you then need conversions. Yes, no matter what else you do online you need to make your offer ‘compelling’ enough so that your readers want to buy, but without conversions, you have nothing.
  3. Most importantly you need TRAFFIC. If you don’t’ get traffic to your site, it doesn’t matter how compelling your offer is. Without visitors, you simply can’t make any conversions and no conversions means no sales.

In fact, when someone struggles to make sales online, 9 times out of 10 its down to not enough traffic and therefore, no conversions and thus no sales. So, getting traffic is vital and an email marketing list is one way to ensure you get visitors to your site.

Building Your List The Right Way

So, email list building or learning how to build your list the right way can make the difference between online success and failure.

Imagine being able to download a step-by-step video course that would save you time and money by showing you only what you absolutely needed to know to build a productive list. 

A video tutorial course where you were given a clear-cut, comprehensive system to understanding all the necessary steps, without having to spend years that most have to spend to become, a list-building “expert“. You will be impressed by the amount of information that I have packed into this course.

How to Build a List

The Easy 20 Step List Building Video Course

This is a video training course that has over 20 videos lessons that cover a wide range of ‘need to know‘ topics that you can see below:

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Internet for a business

Internet for a Business

Many people go online searching for ways to make money. They are looking to the internet for a business that can make an income. Too often they join programs that promise to make them a fortune, with little or no work – but often these are just scams.

Yes, there are people making a lot of money online and there are also people that are making a full-time income, for part-time work.

Sounds great – right? But wait… before we get ahead of ourselves.

There are many more who aren’t making anything. Not everyone is making $1,000’s of dollars a day online. In fact, in truth, only a small fraction of people online, are making over $500 a month.

[The above is a video]

To learn more about A Done For you Internet Business see link below

Click for more information on A-Done-For-You Internet Business

How to Earn an Extra Income Online

Extra Income means an income that you can earn apart from the regular money you receive from your employment, or what some refer to as, ‘traditional‘ work. This additional income can be used to pay off debts, or build up some cash reserves, or provide additional income security, so you can one day quit your regular job.

Not everyone wants to work a second job, but having a second income, or extra money, is a desire of most people these days.

The InternetInternet for a Business

The extra income opportunities available today online, thanks to the internet, means there is a lot of options like writing, marketing and simple technical and non-technical jobs, even income from advertising, which could augment your regular income.

However, there are many things standing between where they are now and the financial freedom they desire. The income that can be earned form these opportunities depends on how good your skills are, in the selected field of endeavor and whether you know how to market those skills.

The Selection Process

In order to achieve a moderate success in generating additional income, one should be aware of their strengths and weaknesses. This would greatly help in the selection of a most suitable way to generate an income online.

The selection process consists of logical steps. Firstly, one should honestly assess their strengths, what are they good at? What do people around them complimenting them on? What is it they like to do?

If you want to create a business online, the name of the game is ‘focus‘ and building ‘quality content‘ in order to attract a following. So you need to be passionate about the topic(s) you choose because readership and comments are going to be important for you business. Particularly if you want to rank well on Google.

Why is Google Important?Internet for a business

Like it or not Google is the most visited website on the planet and therefore the number one search engine and traffic source on the internet.

They are also the second most valuable brand in the world (behind Apple) and have been so for the last five years. Internationally, Google has over 70 offices outside the US. It’s Gmail, for example, is the world’s most popular email service, with over a billion active users (as of February 2016). So rankings on Google are important for any internet based business.

Your URL name is not so important these days. People don’t find you because of the name of your URL or your email address, rather they will find you because of your rank in Google.

So if you are looking to build your business outside of your existing customer base, people who already know your URL, or already know where to find you, then you are going to need search engine traffic.

Google Search

Appropriate keywords or keyword phrases being searched on Google are more important than your URL. So if you are serious about getting ranked, then initially you should focus first on low competition keywords, NOT high volume keywords, as many people recommend because it’s about being ranked in google firstly, then once your have a good ranking, you can work on building volume.Internet for a business

You are better to have five or six page one rankings for lower volume keywords than attempting to get a middle page ranking for a ‘high competition’ keyword. 

Peter V Crisp

“Getting ranked in Google is what will bring you free targeted traffic. Having a page one ranking will on average bring you 42% of the traffic going to that specific keyword”. 

The more Google likes your site, the higher they will rank you. So if you know how to create quality content then all we need to do is put it in front of ‘organic traffic’. This is traffic that comes from the keywords or phrases you elect to use and those that people are searching.

Don’t Be a Crazy Cat

Cat GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Don’t be a Crazy Cat

So before you go nutty, like a crazy cat trying to figure out how to rank on Google.

And before you waste more hours and many dollars been misled by so-called online experts, who all too often just want sell you a high priced program that promises you things they can’t deliver.

Let me, make your life a little easier and explain a few things about how to get ranked on Google. Because there are effective ways to get freetargeted, and sustainable visitors to your website, despite the many recent changes within Google.

Without Traffic or visitors to your site, it will not matter how wonderful your talents and skills are, or how good your service or products are if no one can find you. Your business will be dead-in-the-water before it gets off the ground. Remember that only a small fraction of people online are making over $500 a month.

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How to Sell a Product Online

How to Sell a Product OnlineHow to Sell a Product Online

Online retailing or eCommerce as it’s more commonly known, is a rewarding business. There are many people who are making substantial incomes by selling products and services online and many others making nothing at all.

Like any other type of business, you need to have a plan in order to get started. You can’t just jump in and hope things work out because many fail before they even get their first eCommerce site off the ground.

An Idea…

How to sell a Product OnlineBut what if you could build an eCommerce site that makes you say, $1,000 per month, (that’s $12,000 a year). I am sure you would say this would be an ok amount for a part time hobby and a pretty good idea.

What if you could build a number of them, an entire website, or a bunch of websites, and turn those into cash flowing assets that continue to pay you thousands of dollars a month for the next 4 to 7 years, or longer?

Why an eCommerce Business?

The internet is killing traditional retailing…

It’s no secret that the internet has radically changed how we shop. These days, you can buy almost anything online with a few clicks of a mouse. Because of this, less and less people go to malls and department stores. That’s obviously is bad news for retailers that depend on foot traffic.

Of course, online shopping didn’t just suddenly sneak up on traditional retailers. It’s been steadily building since the 1990s.

But here’s the thing…

Most traditional retailers have underestimated the power of the internet. They didn’t adapt to it. Now they’re paying the price. Just look at these examples of some of the major retail stock prices that have plummeted over the last three years.

  • Macy’s is down 45%
  • Sears is down 72%
  • J.C Penney is down 25%
  • The Gap is down 42%
  • Urban Outfitters is down 33%

Whereas, Amazon, the world’s biggest online retailer is up 130% since March 2014 and business online, globally is now in the billions of dollars annually.

Would you Like a Piece of this $400 Billion Market? 

Estimates are, that during the year 2017 online retail sales will continue to grow to $434.20 Billion Dollars. If you doubt these numbers then take a look at these online retail growth stats:

How to Sell a Product Online

Online Retail Sales Growth 2000-2014

  • 2001: achieved profitability
  • 2002: eBay acquires PayPal for $1.5 billion
  • 2003: posts first yearly profit
  • 2009: acquired by for $928 million.
  • 2010: the United Kingdom had the biggest e-commerce market in the world (per capita spend)
  • 2012:eCommerce topped $1 trillion for the first time in history.
  • 2013: Alibaba’s e-commerce market share is 80% in China
  • 2013: India‘s e-commerce industry has grown more than 30% from 2012 to $12.6 billion 
  • 2014: There are 600 million Internet users in China (twice as many than in the US) 
  • 2014:Alibaba Group has the largest Initial public offering in history, worth $25 billion.
  • 2015:China‘s online sales reached $253 billion in the first half of the year, accounting for 10% of total retail sales.
  • 2015: accounts for more than half of all eCommerce growth worldwide.
  • 2016 :Estimated retail eCommerce sales in Brazil was, $17.3 billion.
  • 2017: Estimates are that online retail sales will to grow to $434.20 Billion.

How to Sell a Product Online

The Online Shopping Trend

How to Sell a Product Online

As you can see, online shopping activity has increased nearly tenfold since 2000. And Amazon, now the world’s largest retailer, is a big reason why.

Important News About Amazon

Amazon’s has recently announced that its is increasing its focus on ecommerce growth and they exceeded more than $136 Billion in sales in 2016 alone and they are expecting sales to grow into over a half trillion dollars in the next decade. They are investing heavily in the infrastructure and marketing initiatives to keep customers coming back for their every need. 

Why should you care?

Because you can participate in this unprecedented growth. A relatively large percentage of Amazon sellers are already generating life-changing money by leveraging the massive marketplace that is ‘Amazon‘, and they benefit from Amazon’s investments in creating happy customers and now so can you by getting involved via an eCommerce business.

Here’s How the eCommerce Business Works 

You identify products you want to sell in your online store, (maybe from Amazon). Or you setup a drop ship arrangement and a discount (profit margin) with a supplier.

“Drop ship means that when someone orders, the supplier ships the item directly to your customer. When a sale is made you get the profit margin from the sale”.

You then setup an eCommerce website and promote your selected products by writing a product review or a blog about the specific product you are promoting. If you provide quality content and interesting information, you will build a following for your website and a list of satisfied customers.

Here is an example of how this works out:
Product Sells For $49.95 (Product Cost + Drop ship Fee) $25.35 = Profit of $24.60

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Work Online From Home

Work Online From Home

Internet marketing is a rewarding business. There are many people who are making substantial incomes by selling their own products and services, online and others that are making a lot of money selling or endorsing the services or products of other internet marketers, more commonly known as, affiliate marketing.


Work Online From Home

There are many advantages for anyone looking to work online from home. Such as round-the-clock operability, low starting costs, and the chance of quickly expanding your customers base.  It is not unexpected that the Internet marketing market is now full of online businesses owned and operated by amateurs who aspire to share in the wealth of this lucrative industry.

To Grab Your Share

However, in order to get a slice of wealth, you need to out-compete and out-market, some stiff competition from other online marketers who possess the skills and understanding of this type of new business model, in order for you to win a share of this billion dollar industry.

If you want your own online business, your own downloadable video products, your own eBooks, be able to promote special offers, and to learn many ways to generate an income online but are having difficulty getting started or knowing what to do. Then look no further because I have some great resources for you.


Not only can I recommend a great place to begin your education (for free) But I have some other worthwhile resources to get you started while you are learning everything you need to know from Wealthy Affiliate.

You can see my review and learn more about them or go directly to their site using the link within the image below.

Internet marketing for the beginner

You can learn all you need to know in one place, at your own pace and you do not need your credit card to get started.

“They will teach you the fundamentals of online marketing and building a successful business and show you how actually to make money online”.

Grab A Slice

You will have your very own piece of the internet and a platform from which to connect to some of the 3 billion people who are looking (searching) for information and solutions to problems online.

See more in the video below;

(To see how I made this video see tools)

Find Out More about Wealthy Affiliate Here

Another Thing

As an affiliate marketer, you’re self-employed and you are working alone and you will need to put in a lot of hours for little reward. Make no mistake, affiliate marketing initially involves a lot of hard work. But once you’ve set everything up, you could be literally earning money, while you sleep.

One of the hardest things to do when you’re self-employed is to maintain an attitude of focus and ‘pushing forward‘ especially when you’re around people who perhaps don’t seem to see the future the same way you do.

The best way to handle this is to surround yourself with knowledge and inspirational ideas that keep your mind actively engaged and motivated.

Some Free Gifts

“With that in mind, I have put together some free gifts designed to help stimulate your mind and get you pointed in the right direction”.

I have bundled a selection of Seven eBooks that you can download for free which include… * Conquering The Cranium  *The Copywriter’s Handbook * The Clockwork Course  * Email Essentials   

Work Online From Home

Work Online From HomeWork Online From HomeWork Online From HomeWork Online From HomeWork Online From HomeWork Online From Home

 *Inspirational Ideas * List Landslide and *Limitless Lead Generation  

You can Download all seven with this link here…

Download all SEVEN with this link here

Yes, they are completely free, no signup, or email required, just use the download link above”.

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How to List Build


How to build my list? is an often asked question from newbies and seasoned marketers alike. It is probably the number one thing stopping you from making money online.

Over the years, I have applied many techniques to build my list and grow my business. Some worked well, while others were just a complete waste of time and money.

In the end, I distilled the techniques that worked and used them to generate leads and to make sales. I have even written and sold books and programs about how to get traffic, how to get sales and how to list build.

I’m giving away a free copy of one of my books at the bottom of this page in exchange for you leaving a comment.  


Don’t let the fear of not knowing how to do something, limit your ability to make a substantial living online. I want to help you to get more sales.

In fact, I will give you a free training course right here “How to build big mailing lists like the big dogs” You can go and see it right here: No sign-in or email required

Free Training for List Building and Getting Traffic to Your Site

The First of Five is here for you to preview:

You can go and see all FIVE using the link below: No sign-in or email required. 

Free Training for Building a List and Getting Traffic to Your Site

Most People

Many people approaching list building like a gambler playing cards, they play the cards they are dealt and hope it works out. But what you really need with cards are the Aces and so it is with building a list. But just having a few aces and not knowing how to play the games will not help you much either, so you actually need a program to follow.How to List Build

Time to Become Serious

If you’re serious about setting up an Affiliate Marketing business and expect to sell frequently, then you simply CANNOT run a successful business like you are a gambler with cards, unless you are holding all the ACES. To that end I have created a List Building Program – that’s a bit like having all the ACES in a card game.

Imagine being able to download a step-by-step video course that would save you time and money by showing you only what you absolutely needed to know to build a productive list. A video tutorial course where you were given a clear-cut, comprehensive system to understanding all the necessary steps, without having to spend years that most have to spend to become, a list-building “expert“?


How to List Build

Get your List Building Aces Program Here.

Take a look at the advantages of this software program that will not only show you how to build a list but how to actually make money online by building a list!

This is an-easy-to-follow, video course that shows you how to take your online business to the next level. 

Here’s What’s Inside

Discover how to set up the List Building Aces system just one time to grow your list, build your brand, and generate repeat sales on autopilot. After that, just add traffic!

The ‘Missing Ingredient’ all marketers forgot to tell you when they say “The Money’s In The List.” If you, like most people, get this part wrong you’ll be married to a JOB and doomed work hard every time to make a sale. This ‘Missing Ingredient’ goes beyond building a relationship with your subscribers because it also grows your business quicker, faster, and easier!

The entire List Building Aces program in full detail. Use this to “download” the List Building Aces system into your brain in one glance! Never again get stuck trying to explain the List Building Aces process to your outsource team. Just hand them this system and say “I Want It Now!”How to List Build

*New* Anatomy of the Squeeze Page unlike any other. You’ll know EXACTLY what to put into your squeeze pages with this outline. Don’t know how to write long copy? No problem. This strategy can give you high subscriptions rate even if your copywriting IQ is below zero.

Steal this secret sauce that keeps my business running at full speed even during the recession when my competitors run dry on cash and traffic. Plus, I will teach you to do this without spending any money on expensive scripts or software.

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A Done for You Internet Business

[The above is a video]

A Done for You Internet Business

A done-for-you internet business is a dream that many marketers wish would come true when they are struggling to build their first internet affiliate website. Knowing where and how to start with an online business is tough if you don’t know all the ‘nitty gritty’ details.

Timea done for you internet business

If you have ever tried to sell online, you will know it takes a lot of time to make your first sale and then if you want to scale up, it takes a lot of integration to create a successful sales funnel to automate the process and to get all the pieces working together in harmony in order to truly live the internet lifestyle.

Most people struggle to pull together the many parts that are required to create just onesales funnel’.

Don’t Give Up

Many give up in frustration before they ever pull all the pieces together because usually, it takes effort and time, learning each part of the process from creating a sales pages, setting up email follow-ups, setting up the thank you pages, marketing the product, copy writing, split-testing, conversions, creating payment buttons, setting prices, redirecting to your download page, optimizing your download page for cross-sells, driving traffic, getting paid and delivering the product.

It’s Not a Simple Thing

Setting up a sales funnel is not a simple thing and creating an effective sales funnel is a complex undertaking and there are many steps that need to be integrated and put into place to ensure a smooth streamlined process.

Sure it sounds easy and looks simple on paper when it’s explained to you, but you need to know the ‘nitty gritty‘ details like how to:A done for you internet business

  • Design a Squeeze page
  • Create content
  • Write a compelling offer
  • Create products or find affiliate products to promote
  • Get Traffic
  • Set up an Autoresponder
  • Create a series of follow up emails
  • Set up a payment processing system
  • Set up a product delivery system
  • Then you just need to put everything together in the right order…sounds easy – Right?  

It Can Be Frustrating…

But more often than not, you’ll feel like tearing your hair out!

a done for you internet business

Because putting it together, integrating all the pieces into a smooth, dynamic sales funnel that runs on autopilot is the most challenging and time-consuming part of setting up your system. It’s never that easy… » Read more

Buy Traffic for Your Website

 Buy Traffic for your Website

Can you Really Buy Quality Traffic?

Yes, and it’s the easiest way to get a huge traffic boost on your website. You can get niche targeted, country specific, quality traffic from as low as $1 per 1,000 visitors. Buy Traffic for Your Website

  • Target over 130 different niches.
  • Target over 40 different countries.
  • Traffic comes from real people.
  • Up to 200k+ per day available.

That’s right; I can show you where to find low cost, quality traffic that will bring you targeted visitors, improved rankings and most importantly, real web traffic.

Your site could soon be the recipient of a steady flow of website visitors, and this will could lead to more success as an affiliate marketer or website owner.

There are undeniable benefits when you buy traffic for your website from a traffic wholesaler, you can sit back and watch your traffic stats shoot through the roof, a great feeling for any small business owner wanting to get website traffic now.

Additionally, increased traffic leads to an improvement in your website’s Google and Bing search rankings and will lead to even more visitors as you become easier to find due to the improved popularity of your site. 


There are plenty of businesses online that offer to sell you website traffic, but not all of them are going to be beneficial to your website. Many will send you ‘bots’ that will make your visitor numbers go up like crazy over a very short period of time and then die away to nothing. 

Even though this ‘dirty‘ traffic makes your view count shoot up, nothing else changes. These ‘bots’ don’t click your ads. They don’t buy your products. they don’t share your site on social media. They don’t tell their friends about your site. 

This is not something Google likes to see and it will be a red flag for the web crawlers they employ to rank your site. They can easily see if your traffic is coming from bots.

Buyer Beware 

There are a lot of scammers out there looking to make a quick buck off the people who don’t know any better. Rarely does the phrase “buyer beware” resonate so loudly in any sector of the online industry, as the buying of traffic, So as long as you’re prepared to do your research, use a bot filter and to pay for quality traffic, then you should be fine?

How to Filter Bots within Google Analytics

Google Analytics has a ‘bot’ filter that can be used to filter out non-human traffic from being counted in your analytics. So, fortunately checking for and wiping out ‘bot’ traffic is now easier, less costly and something that you can now do yourself.

“To filter ‘bot’ traffic from Google Analytics, you go to your Admin settings.220px-Edward_Snowden-2 Under the View panel, you’ll find View Settings. Toward the bottom of the options, just before Site Search Settings, you’ll find a small heading for Bot Filtering with a checkbox that reads: Exclude all hits from known bots and spiders. Check it, and you’ll automatically filter the known bots and spiders from your Analytics collecting”.

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What are Solo Ads About

What are Solo Ads About

What is a ‘solo ads‘ and how can they help your Online business? 

Solo Ads are one of the easiest ways to get email subscribers and sales. What’s a solo ad you ask? It’s a low-cost, paid advertisement that will fast track your list building of high-quality leads and generate revenue for your site.

What are solo ads aboutIf you have a website and you are not capturing emails, you are missing out on sales. If you have a sales funnel and ‘building a list‘ is not part of that funnel, you are leaving cash on the table. If you’re an internet marketer and don’t know how to go about creating a productive list of subscribers then you’ll have trouble growing your business.

You probably already know this, most do… So then why do so many newbies get it wrong when building a list?

Let me Explain…

There are lots of ways to build a subscriber list but most take time and are usually slow to get traction and newbies are usually impatient and often want to speed up the process so they implement list building measures that result in a list of worthless low-quality subscribers that are mostly junk, without any real possibility for conversion into genuine customers.  

If you want to jump into profitable list building and rapidly outpace your competition by quickly grabbing market share. We can show you how it’s done by using Solo Ads so you can build your list rapidly with quality subscribers who will make a difference in increasing your profitability.

Yes, it will cost you some money to buy solo ads, but if you know how to do it ‘the right way’ you will actually profit, as well as build a powerful list of hungry customers.

What are solo ads about?

What are Solo Ads About

“The Money’s in the List”

Most people have heard the term, “The Money is in the List” All the gurus teach it, most marketing forums discuss it and the marketing hall of fame is paved with success stories of list owners sending out an email and raking in more money in one day than most folks make in an entire year.

But Listen carefully,

List building is only profitable if you are focused on building a QUALITY list.

Think Quality Over Quantity

I want you to think quality rather than quantity. Forget all the people that tell you that you need to build a huge list of 10,000 or more to succeed with email marketing.

There are three critical factors to succeeding…

1. Where you get the list
Your initial offer
How you use the list

Most people that fail either look at one or two, but never all three. In order for this to work properly, you need all three of these factors, which I’ll cover in more depth shortly. But for now, let me give you something you can use immediately.


Converting a list into money is what takes time but this is where the magic happens. Using Solo Ads speeds up the process by allowing you to capture highly targeted, responsive, and interested potential clients. Quality trumps Quantity every time.

If you set yourself up for success and create a proper plan of attack, (which I can show you in my video course), you’ll be that much closer to success. I will show you how you can spend a little, to get back a lot!

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The Best Way to Make Money Online

The Best Way To Make Money Online

The Best Way To Make Money OnlineI think you’ll agree with me when I say that one of the most commonly asked questions online is “What’s the best way to make money online?

If you posed that question to ten different marketers, you’d probably get ten different answers. And every one of them would be correct. Because everyone who is successful online is so, because they know what they are doing.

So, the best way to make money online is to get educated about the online industry and to learn how to do the things that need to be done in order to be successful.

The Best Way to Make Money Online

How do I do that ??!

Getting Educated 

Getting that education and training would be the most effective and profitable thing anyone could do if they are wanting true success online. After all there are hundreds of thousands of people online who are not marking any money because they simply don’t know enough about what they are doing.

Many Ways to Make Money Online

There are hundreds of ways to make money online and each one is as good as any other. It comes down to which way suits you best. You need to find a method that appeals to you and develop a process around something that you can become passionate about.

Because there are so many people online these day, (some 3 billion and increasing daily) who are searching for information on the internet and willing to exchange money for solutions to problemsThe best way (in my opinion) is to connect with some of those people and to make commissions by standing in the middle of some of those transactions, selling other people’s products.

I’m Talking about Affiliate Marketing

Here’s why it’s so good…

  • You don’t have to create a product,
  • you don’t have to handle customer support,
  • you don’t have to deal with the hassle of running your own business…

All you have to do is connect with people, who are looking for specific information and solutions and then direct those people to the precise web page offering the best solutions and collect commissions for doing so.

One Big Advantage

One of the main things that make affiliate marketing so great is that having, or creating your own products, isn’t necessary, and there is the added advantage of not having to deal with customer support, complaints or refunds.

The only thing an affiliate needs to be successful is some internet marketing skills and the desire to succeed.  But don’t worry if you don’t know anything about marketing online because I will direct you to some fantastic information and resources available on that subject shortly.

I’ll even give you a recommendation of the best place to get an online education that you can start today for free.

Getting Started

Getting started with a business requires a website, and if you have never created a website before, you might be floundering and wondering what you can do. However, there are ways that you can create a website that stands out, attracts visitors without paying a lot of money if any at all.

The Best Way to Make Money Online

Choosing the right website builder that gets the job done right can be tricky. Because there are many sites that say, “free” when you Google ‘how to build a free website for business,’ but unfortunately many of those have hidden costs that you only find out about once you have signed up and given them your credit card information.

How to Build a Business Website

There is a better way to learn how to build a free website which is the smartest option I know. I say smart because you get to learn how to build an internet business the right way from day one and once you have learned the ‘how’ you can continue to apply those lessons to as many websites as you desire.

The Best Way To Make Money Online

Building a website is the Easy Part

You will not have to put up with a lacklustre website, with limited functionality that most of the free versions, offered by those website creators, give you.

Building the business website is the easy part, building a successful online business is not so.  There are important behind the scenes considerations that need to be taken into account, which has nothing to do with how flash the website looks but more to do with what you don’t see.

Things, such as keyword selection, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), site indexing, adding images & videos and then getting traffic. Not to mention implementation and management of the entire process.

If you are like most business owners starting off, you will want to cut the learning curve, eliminate the struggle and you will probably be tempted to employ someone else to do it for you.  Or outsource the project entirely. But the problem is that you will still be in the dark as to whether it will be a successful website or not.

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