Internet for a business

Internet for a Business

Many people go online searching for ways to make money. They are looking to the internet for a business that can make an income. Too often they join programs that promise to make them a fortune, with little or no work – but often these are just scams.

Yes, there are people making a lot of money online and there are also people that are making a full-time income, for part-time work.

Sounds great – right? But wait… before we get ahead of ourselves.

There are many more who aren’t making anything. Not everyone is making $1,000’s of dollars a day online. In fact, in truth, only a small fraction of people online, are making over $500 a month.

[The above is a video]

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How to Earn an Extra Income Online

Extra Income means an income that you can earn apart from the regular money you receive from your employment, or what some refer to as, ‘traditional‘ work. This additional income can be used to pay off debts, or build up some cash reserves, or provide additional income security, so you can one day quit your regular job.

Not everyone wants to work a second job, but having a second income, or extra money, is a desire of most people these days.

The InternetInternet for a Business

The extra income opportunities available today online, thanks to the internet, means there is a lot of options like writing, marketing and simple technical and non-technical jobs, even income from advertising, which could augment your regular income.

However, there are many things standing between where they are now and the financial freedom they desire. The income that can be earned form these opportunities depends on how good your skills are, in the selected field of endeavor and whether you know how to market those skills.

The Selection Process

In order to achieve a moderate success in generating additional income, one should be aware of their strengths and weaknesses. This would greatly help in the selection of a most suitable way to generate an income online.

The selection process consists of logical steps. Firstly, one should honestly assess their strengths, what are they good at? What do people around them complimenting them on? What is it they like to do?

If you want to create a business online, the name of the game is ‘focus‘ and building ‘quality content‘ in order to attract a following. So you need to be passionate about the topic(s) you choose because readership and comments are going to be important for you business. Particularly if you want to rank well on Google.

Why is Google Important?Internet for a business

Like it or not Google is the most visited website on the planet and therefore the number one search engine and traffic source on the internet.

They are also the second most valuable brand in the world (behind Apple) and have been so for the last five years. Internationally, Google has over 70 offices outside the US. It’s Gmail, for example, is the world’s most popular email service, with over a billion active users (as of February 2016). So rankings on Google are important for any internet based business.

Your URL name is not so important these days. People don’t find you because of the name of your URL or your email address, rather they will find you because of your rank in Google.

So if you are looking to build your business outside of your existing customer base, people who already know your URL, or already know where to find you, then you are going to need search engine traffic.

Google Search

Appropriate keywords or keyword phrases being searched on Google are more important than your URL. So if you are serious about getting ranked, then initially you should focus first on low competition keywords, NOT high volume keywords, as many people recommend because it’s about being ranked in google firstly, then once your have a good ranking, you can work on building volume.Internet for a business

You are better to have five or six page one rankings for lower volume keywords than attempting to get a middle page ranking for a ‘high competition’ keyword. 

Peter V Crisp

“Getting ranked in Google is what will bring you free targeted traffic. Having a page one ranking will on average bring you 42% of the traffic going to that specific keyword”. 

The more Google likes your site, the higher they will rank you. So if you know how to create quality content then all we need to do is put it in front of ‘organic traffic’. This is traffic that comes from the keywords or phrases you elect to use and those that people are searching.

Don’t Be a Crazy Cat

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Don’t be a Crazy Cat

So before you go nutty, like a crazy cat trying to figure out how to rank on Google.

And before you waste more hours and many dollars been misled by so-called online experts, who all too often just want sell you a high priced program that promises you things they can’t deliver.

Let me, make your life a little easier and explain a few things about how to get ranked on Google. Because there are effective ways to get freetargeted, and sustainable visitors to your website, despite the many recent changes within Google.

Without Traffic or visitors to your site, it will not matter how wonderful your talents and skills are, or how good your service or products are if no one can find you. Your business will be dead-in-the-water before it gets off the ground. Remember that only a small fraction of people online are making over $500 a month.

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Internet Marketing for a Business

Internet Marketing for a Business

Internet Marketing for a Business

Time is running OUT!

Internet Marketing for a business is something that almost everyone should seriously consider because, your entire economic security, may soon be dependent solely upon your ability to generate additional income.

Using the Internet 

Using the internet for a business should be a priority even though it will be something you will put time into, for very  little return, during the first few months of getting your education.

Learning the ‘smart’ ways to build websites, learning how to promote them, how to create engaging content and how to use search engine optimization tools to build a long term sustainable online income are things you can learn overnight.

But first, let me give you some powerful reasons why you need to seriously consider internet marketing for a business.

  • It’s a great way to generate an additional source of revenue,
  • It could become your major source of income
  • and time is running out as what I about to reveal next, may shock or even upset you

Presidential Election

Whoever won the Presidential Election isn’t going to matter because the machinery of Government, that controls just about every aspect of the average persons life, will still be calling the shots. Not the new President.

The American Government is supposed to be; “by the people, for the people, and of the people” But in fact, it hasn’t been that way for a very long time. 

It is tempting to believe that everything the government does is ultimately for our own good and that we can trust them to look out for us, but sadly that is no longer true.

The Government is All of Us

Hillary Clinton said, “The government is all of us.” But the Government is not all of us.  It is only a few and those few run the entire U.S. government and they control the police, the armed forces, the financial industry, the medical industry, the education industry, and almost every major part of the economy.

The U.S. Government actually comprises of some 22 million tax-funded employees who “govern” through thousands of federal, state, and local bureaucracies.

That’s more than the entire populations of Ireland, Switzerland, New Zealand, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, and Iceland combined.

The Government is Run by Employees

These unelected government employees will still be “governing” us, regardless of who was elected President. And you’ll continue to pay their high salaries, regardless of how you voted. In other words, everybody’s personal choices and freedoms are subject to permission from bureaucrats working for the government no matter what.

Internet Marketing for a Business

Governments Prime Concern

Looking Out for Number One

The Government has a life of its own and it only really cares about the ‘people‘ the way a flea cares, about a dog. A flea needs the dog, to eat and live, it wants the dog to survive. But not because it cares about the dog itself.

The prime directive of every living thing, it’s primarily objective, whether it’s an Amoeba, or a Corporation, or the Government, is SURVIVAL. That’s the prime directive; it comes before anything else. The U.S. government is an entity that has a life of its own. Its prime objective is looking out for number one.

A Con Game

The notion that politicians are our protectors and they protect us from the risks of the world, in exchange for paying taxes and subjugating ourselves to their rules and regulations, is how they con and trick us into thinking we need them. 

Politicians, are just liars and looters, pedaling promises and scams. Distorting the truth and clouding reality. Doing whatever they can to stay in power. They survive as a flea on a dog, by sucking blood and just like the dog, the people could happily survive without them.

Politics is a Racket

Politics is about ‘divide then conquer’. Divide the citizens into sub-groups; blacks, gays, workers, men, women, unions, political parties etc so will they fight amongst themselves to gain ‘special treatment, favors, regulations and appeasements.

Think about that; Politics is about centralization of power, but the sub-division of the people. Which is why Politics is the biggest ‘racket’ on earth.

If that strikes you as deeply wrong. Then embrace decentralization, not the political racket marketed to you as today’s ‘democracy‘. If people are to become wealthy they need to govern themselves, they need to be free to make their own decisions, not have the decisions of others imposed upon them. Such as what currently happens within the other 198 political gangs that exist around the world.

Is the System Corrupt?

That depends on your perspective. For those in the Government, it is working as designed. It’s set up for anything but change. Those in power (behind the scenes) want to remain in power and keep their power centralized and concentrated.

For those who believe voting for a new president, will make a difference. An interest fact about long term politicians is that despite record low approval ratings, incumbents typically have a 96 percent re-election rate and that’s by design, not default and certainly not because of how you vote.

“What can be done about this? – Probably nothing. The system benefits the insiders. And the insiders control the government”.

Government Efforts to Suppress

There has always been efforts by governments, no matter who, to suppress and undermine the idea of decentralization. They always want to control their people. No matter what the constitution or other documents may say.

In American, in the mid-1700’s, there was no income tax under the “British Rule” of King George, other than  a 2-3% sales tax on certain goods, yet this made the ‘Founding Fathers’  throw down the gauntlet of rebellion against the British over being taxed, from afar.Internet Marketing for a Business

Today these Founders would be branded as “extremists” and locked up under the Patriot Act labeled as traitors, and have their passports revoked.

Consider the irony of that. The government they established today, enforces invasive and widespread attacks on liberty and personal freedom, all of which is going to continue – no matter who is in the Whitehouse.

Government Efforts to Corrupt the Language

Words are extremely important because they provide the most important means we have to communicate with each other. If you don’t understand the meaning then it’s impossible to communicate accurately.

Changes in the way words are used is popular with the political classes. Many of the words you hear, especially on television and other media, are confused, or completely misused. 

For instance, ‘stimulate the economy‘ is a phrase that first came out in the ’60s. It really just means “print money.” They don’t use it much anymore because everyone can see that it no longer results in stimulus, so they invented a new word. 

Internet Marketing for a Business

Now it’s called quantitative easing and it’s used without questioning the fact that it still means  the same as before which is “print money,” “inflate the currency,” or “debase the currency.” They say “quantitative easing” like it’s somehow going to reduce the pressure of an already fragile economy, caused by printing money, which of course it won’t!

The “powers that be” use these words to create the illusion that they know what they are doing, that they are in control of the situation, and all the jabbering media monkeys follow their lead using the same words, never once asking what does this new word actually mean? 

Centralization of Power

Politicians love the idea of being in control and in the centralization of power, the more centralized the power is the more monopolization of power they hold and as that power becomes entrenched, compulsion becomes institutionalized, and the wealth gap widens.

Total centralization means total monopolization of power, control, and of course wealth for them. Which is what many people think isn’t going on in the United States. They think it only goes on in countries like China, but that’ not so. And as far as China goes, it’s economy may look good, but things are bad there also. 

They just do a better job of hiding the truth. It just looks strong and wealthy but it’s all pretence (I know I live there) behind the scenes are massive bubbles ready to burst and when they do, it’s not only going to be bad for them, but the rest of the world.

In politics, power-seekers with the most power have the most say, no matter what political system operates. Decentralization, not centralization is the way to independence and freedom. 

Sometime Soon It’s Really Going to Hit the Fan 

If you thought the recent global economic recession was bad. Wait till you hear what I’m about to tell you. Internet Marketing for a Business

Almost every major financial crisis begins solely because of bad government policies because governments don’t (and never have) created wealth or contributed any positive economic value to society. They only steal, hurt, and destroy it.

It should be becoming more and more evident with each unfolding, successive economic crisis.  That the Governments of the world are the ones messing things up and they are not looking out for us. Their interest lies in being in control and holding onto power at the expense of the people.

The Real Reason we are Having an Economic Crisis

It’s not just the mismanagement of the various governments around the world that has lead to the NEXT fast approaching, massive economic crisis. It is occurring because of something that is far more understandable and ‘manageable‘ than the political B.S you have been told.

Internet Marketing for a Business

The Baby Boomers

Here are the Facts

In 2008, the world’s largest and richest generation in history, ‘the Baby Boomers, began withdrawing from the economy, reversing the previous major spending and borrowing trend that had been going on for the past four decades.

The Biggest spenders in the economy are now scaling down their lifestyles, curbing their spending habits, readying themselves for retirement.

Soon more and more of them will spend less and less,  they will cash out of the stock market, sell their large homes and other non-essential assets and generally spend a lot less money. All of which is having and is going to have and is already having a major impact on the global economy.


Japan has been doing just that, beginning as early as 1996, many people starting retiring from the workforce, which is the real reason their economy, (that until 2010, was the world’s second largest), has slowed down. So no matter what its governments does, it can not restart the economy. 

Internet Marketing for a Business

Graph of Japan Stocks (1989 – 2010)

Internet Marketing for a Business

Graph of Japanese Real estate






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