5 Ways To Make Money Online In 2018

5 Ways To Make Money Online In 2018

5 ways to make money online in 2018Most people love the idea of working at home and making enough money to do all the things they don’t have the time or the money to do now. There are millions of people wanting to learn ways to make money online and there are also millions of searches every month for different keywords related to home businesses. 

Internet marketing businesses are for some, the ultimate in job security, and lifestyle business. And it would be fair to say that many people want to start an online business, but have no idea where to start! Many of those desperately want to know how! It would not be an under statement to say that there are people who are HUNGRY for information about how to go about this.

What if YOU were positioned to give them the information they crave! And what if ALL of the hard work was already done for you?


Check out our Five Ways to Start Online

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Internet Security


Internet Security is something we all need to take seriously, particularly if we are wanting to make a living online. To be successful online you will need competence in many areas such as; search engine optimization, content writing, key word selection and an understanding of Internet marketing methodologies. 

It takes hard work, commitment and a solid understanding of what you are doing and it all could come apart, very quickly if you have poor internet security or you aren’t aware of the security loopholes that can be exploited.

Internet Security

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Ways to Make Money Online


There are many ways to make money online. I will tell you about some that work for me and I’m sure they will work for you to.  Can I absolutely guarantee they will work for you? NO, because your success depends entirely upon how well you implement what you learn. But assuming you will be willing to a least try then yes, I’m pretty sure you are going to make money from doing this. 

Imagine being able to download a step by step video tutorial that saved you time and money by showing you only what you absolutely needed to know in order to make money online. Think of it as a library of shortcuts to specific topics and niches within the Affiliate Marketing industry. Ways to make Money Online

All you have to do is follow each strategy, implement the lessons, one at a time, and within a few short hours, you will know everything you need to know in order to compete with seasoned marketers and experienced online business owners. 

Without having to go through the monotonous trial & error that THEY had to go through to generate the same results.

Introducing:Ways to Make Money Online

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Earn Money Online


Earn Money OnlineEarn Money Online is the dream of many, yet too often people start out full of enthusiasm and excitement, only to discover that it’s not as easy as they first thought. 

Trying to make money online can be difficult. Most people fail because they get frustrated and give up before they put all the pieces together. That’s because there is so much to learn. It’s not as easy as many think and unless you get the right education, it’s going to take a lot of time and effort to figure it all out.

There are three things you need to succeed online and that I have called your ATM

  1. An Education – So, that you know what to do.
  2. Time – To implement what you learn and allow it to come to fruition
  3. Motivation – A reason why, so you will stick with it long enough to succeed

It’s Not About Becoming An Overnight Success

Learning how to earn money online is not difficult once you understand some basic principles and you get rid of the idea that you can become rich overnight,

If you want to know how to earn money online, then you may need some tools, a few shortcuts and an education. It also requires commitment to be truly successful. I  am going to share with you some ideas and resources that will make your journey a lot less burdensome.

Success Online

The rules of success within the Internet marketing game is pretty easy really.

  1. Discover what people want.
  2. Then supply it.

If you follow these two steps and then use the appropriate marketing strategies you can win the game.

But, you will need competence in many areas such as; search engine optimization, content writing, key word selection and an understanding of Internet marketing methodologies. Because a large part of being an Internet marketer is serving the needs of your readers, and turning your readers into followers and eventually your followers into lifetime customers.

We all know that there are millions of people are searching online everyday for information and solutions to problems. So it just a question of how to get in front of those people in order to offer your solution to their problems. 

But how do you do that exactly?

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Write A Sales Letter


If you are going to spend time trying to market your products and/or services, then it is crucial to make sure your content, sales copy and marketing materials are up to the job. Learning how to write a sales letter is an important skill.Write a sales letter

All of us have come across sales copy in ads or on websites that are either outright boring, or downright confusing. And when we do, we seldom finish reading more than a few lines and rarely if ever, buy anything! 

Writing Good Copy

Writing powerful copy is an art, a skill, that can make the difference between success and failure in any business.

In order to excite your readers (potential customers) into action, copy needs to be clear, dynamic, and of course, interesting. It also needs to speak directly to the reader and as they read they should be swept along with your words. The text should flow with life and movement and if written correctly, and directed at the right audience, the words should ignite a fire in their soul for what you have to offer.

Ask yourself this question – Why are you still reading this? 

The answer is because this copy has been presented in an engaging and dynamic way, that peaked your interest. So, if you want to know how to write a sales letter…

Let Me Show You

I want to show you how you also can use these techniques with your own content. I going to tell you how you can write dynamic copy that will reach and speak directly to your target market, and encourage and motivate them to take action.

I going to reveal my exact copywriting strategies to you, so that you can reap the benefits of this valuable skill, and using this (priceless) knowledge to improve and re-energize your own business profitability, by generating increased sales for your products or services. 

Not a Good CopyWriter Or Can’t Write?

Whether you’re a blogger, a niche marketer, an affiliate, a list owner, a product creator, a paid advertiser, an eBay or amazon seller, or just a newbie starting out, you know the value of good sales copy. But, creating powerful copy can be difficult.

Write a sales letterWords should have power, meaning and trigger an emotional response.

It’s your job as an intelligent marketer to pick the right words, arrange them in the right order and combine them in a fresh way that gets people emotionally involved in your copy and wanting to buy your product or service as a result.

Easier Said Than Done – Right?

Yes, it can be hard if you don’t know what you’re doing, but if you’ve been online long enough and had great success, then it has become second nature. You can almost ‘feel’ what works. 

In fact, if you were to outsource the task and get a professional sales letters written you would discover that it’s not cheap. If you’ve got multiple products in several different niches that you want to put online, you’ll easily run up a bill in the hundreds of dollars in copywriting fees alone. And even then, you might still need to tweak it and make a few more edits.

This is where my time-saving, headache busting, special offer comes in…

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How to Build a List


How To Build A List

How to list build is an important skill and learning how to build your list the right way can make the difference between online success and failure. 

Knowing how to build a list could well be one of the most important things you could ever learn to do. After all you need 3 things in order to succeed online.

Three Things

  1. First of all, you need an offer. If you aren’t offering something for your readers to buy, (or at the very least if you’re not promoting someone else’s offer, via affiliate marketing) then you can’t expect to make a sale.
  2. Of course you then need conversions. Yes, no matter what else you do online you need to make your offer ‘compelling’ enough so that your readers want to buy, but without conversions, you have nothing.
  3. Most importantly you need TRAFFIC. If you don’t’ get traffic to your site, it doesn’t matter how compelling your offer is. Without visitors, you simply can’t make any conversions and no conversions means no sales.

In fact, when someone struggles to make sales online, 9 times out of 10 its down to not enough traffic and therefore, no conversions and thus no sales. So, getting traffic is vital and an email marketing list is one way to ensure you get visitors to your site.

Building Your List The Right Way

So, email list building or learning how to build your list the right way can make the difference between online success and failure.

Imagine being able to download a step-by-step video course that would save you time and money by showing you only what you absolutely needed to know to build a productive list. 

A video tutorial course where you were given a clear-cut, comprehensive system to understanding all the necessary steps, without having to spend years that most have to spend to become, a list-building “expert“. You will be impressed by the amount of information that I have packed into this course.

How to Build a List

The Easy 20 Step List Building Video Course

This is a video training course that has over 20 videos lessons that cover a wide range of ‘need to know‘ topics that you can see below:

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How to Make Money Online

How To Make Money 

How to make moneyWhen you think about, money, great wealth, or massive fortunes, often we are short sighted and look only to the present day examples of great wealth accumulation.

Names like Rothschild, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Gates, Buffett and Zuckerberg. Have primarily acquired their fortunes through enterprise and business. Yet as far as fortunes go, they pale when compared to the massive fortunes of those from the past.

Since the Earliest of Times

Money and wealth has been a source of desire amongst men for thousands of years and its pursuit, is what has shaped the world in which we live.

If we look back on the richest people in history we see that being an Emperor, a King or a Ruler was a shortest route to wealth and power. The massive fortunes of the past were acquired by conquest, invasion, warfare and the use of brute force.

How to make MoneyHow to make Money onlineHow to make Money

How to make MoneyHow to make money onlineHow to Make Money

Since the earliest of times brute force was the quickest way to great wealth and power. The process was simple, directly take it by force and then share a portion of the spoils with your most loyal supporters and surround yourself with an army of devotees and muscle. – In many parts of the world this is still very much the case.

The Richest People in History

See the infographic below of the richest people in history prior to the Industrial Revolution

How to Make Money OnlineCourtesy of: The Money Project

Wealth Was Only For a Few

In the past, communities, regions and countries and their economies were controlled by the kings, queens, and emperors together a small group of ‘insiders’ who used the economy for their own benefit.

It was the Tzars and the tyrants that controlled much of the worlds wealth. Whereas the majority (the masses) worked extremely hard, for only a small portion of the production of their own efforts.

Then slowly over time the type of people who could become wealthy changed and the Bankers* who financed the Popes and kings, become the masters of wealth;

*(an example of a few such bankers).

Little Has Changed Over the Years

The Kings & Queens and tyrants of old may have gone, but the structure and the ‘insiders‘ still remain. Just the names and titles have changed. Today’s social hierarchy still resembles the power and wealth structure of old.

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How to Earn Money Online

How to Earn Money Online

How to Earn Money Online

How to Earn Money Online?

How to earn money online is a very popular question, and today we will give you the answer.

Learning how to earn money online, by getting your website in front of some of the many millions of people who are searching online every day, is how you could make money online. 

Many Advantages

There are many advantages for anyone wanting to learn how to earn money online. Such as round-the-clock operability, low starting costs, and the chance of expanding your income and building a long term, sustainable business, that will continue to pay you for years to come. 

The Internet marketing industry is full of online businesses owned and operated inititally by amateurs who aspired to grab a share of the wealth being created in this lucrative industry.

Make Money Online Instantly

Imagine getting your website in front of some of the Three Billion people who are searching online for information and solutions to problems, 24 hours a day. This is how you could make money online instantly.

However, it’s not quite that simple. If you’re going to achieve any sort of online success, you’ll need to know, understand and implement many techniques and for most beginners, this can be a daunting task.

There Has Never Been A Better Time

Getting all the information you need to start building your business the right way is very important. For many, it’s too easy to get bogged down, become stuck and give up in frustration.

Yet there’s never been a better time to start your online business and it’s not too late to get it right, even if you have tried before, or are struggling to make any money online.

See the short Video below;

Newbie Lessons is your personal digital library of ‘how to‘ videos


Let’s talk briefly about technology and how quickly things can change. Once you understand the pace of the changes that are happening – you won’t want to be left behind. You will also see why getting the right up-to-date information, is very important.

I want to show you two photographs.

The first picture is Fifth Avenue in New York City, on Easter morning, 1900.

how to earn money online

Notice that almost every “vehicle” on the street is a horse and buggy

Now check out the same corner on Easter morning, 1913

how to earn money online

There’s not a single horse on the road. It is all cars. It took a little over ten years for technology to change the way society transported themselves.

Imagine if you had invested your life savings and your energy into a horse and buggy business, in the earlier 1900s’.

Change Is Rapid

Today, change is even more rapid than before. Technological advancements are happening in the blink of an eye compared with the changes in society during the early 20th century. 

Today, we are seeing a rapid change in how the world transacts business. Especially with regard to retail shopping. These days, you can buy almost anything online, with a few clicks of a mouse. And just as the automobile industry devastated the Horse & Buggy Business. A mouse is reaping havoc upon traditional retailers.  (Don’t be left holding a horse)

The Internet Is Killing Traditional Retailing…

It’s no secret that the internet has radically changed how we shop. But this didn’t just happen overnight. It’s been steadily growing since the 2000s.

how to earn money online

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Cash Generator

Cash Generator

We all know that we living in tough times right now. Economic uncertainty, global insecurity, political unrest, rising costs & falling living standards.

Many are having a hard time just paying their basic bills and others are burdened with high debt & credit card repayments.

While many are struggling to just stay afloat, financially… Lots more are deep in debt and are drowning with little hope of surviving an economic storm.

Having Your Own Cash Generator Would be Great!

Cash GeneratorBeing able to generate some extra cash would be a cool thing – huh!

I mean having your own cash generator would be great. Just think of all the problems you could solve and how much easier life would be if you have more money coming in than was going out!

Especially if that cash (once you had everything setup) come in on autopilot. Flowing to you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, month in and month out.

Don’t Be Fooled

Don’t be fooled into thinking that there is a lack of money or opportunities in the world today, because that’s simply not true

After all, there is literally Billions of dollars, right at this very moment, moving around in cyberspace, electronically transferring from one place to another.Cash Generator

So instead of thinking, there are no opportunities left or that there is not enough money. You need to be thinking, how can you get into the flow of money’ which is actually moving all around you through ‘cyberspace’, flowing over the internet. 

There are some 3 billion people, who are regularly searching for information and solutions to problems online and many of those are spending money for answers to their problems. 

Not Solving Problems

If your business is not prospering, it is because you are not solving enough problems for other people. This simple change in your thinking and your subconscious beliefs about money could create an influx of cash and success in your life, faster than a blink of an eye.

The problem is that making money online initially, for many people, seems very difficult and even expensive for those just starting out. But today I have some good news.

It’s Possible Cash Generator

You can make money online with minimal out of pocket expenses

 If you willing to put in some time & effort 

 If you are someone that has a strong will and a desire to succeed

 If you are someone that can follow a simple step-by-step plan 

Then you have what it takes to succeed with our totally new step-by-step video training program!

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How to Get Traffic for Your Website

How to Get Traffic for Your Website

Want to Know How to Get Traffic for your Website?

Of course, you do!  – Who wouldn’t want to know how to get website traffic, or how to get traffic for free? 

You can learn how to get free traffic for your website and its also the number one question many people ask, “how can I get free traffic for my website?

Yes, its possible and yes, there are certain things that you need to do – and you need to do it right, in order to successfully drive traffic to your site, but it can be done!

Don’t be fooled, into thinking that there is a lack of traffic, or visitors for your website.   That’s simply not true!

There’s Plenty Of Traffic Just Waiting For You.How to Get Traffic for Your Website

There are literally billions of people searching online right now, at this very moment, moving around in cyberspace, electronically traveling from website to website.

So, instead of thinking, that there is not enough traffic. You instead need to be thinking how can you get into, the flow of traffic’ that is moving all around you. 

There are some 3 billion people who are searching for information and solutions to problems online, every day. 

Not Getting Enough 

If your online business is not prospering it might be simply because you are not getting enough Traffic.

The problem is that getting traffic, for many people, is very difficult and seems to be a complicated process for those just starting out. The truth is it’s not that hard. You just have to incorporate the right methods of traffic generation.

Today – I Have Some Good News.

Right now, you can get your hands on over 32 traffic generating methods that could make your life as an internet marketer, a lot easier. Especially when it comes to understanding traffic generation and ensuring that your website is never without visitors…

Of course, there are certain things that you need to do – and you need to do it right, in order to successfully drive traffic to your site, but it can be done!

Get it Today!

Secure your Get Free Traffic Training Videos now and start getting high-quality visitors to your website within a few hours of implementing what you learn.

How to Get Traffic for Free – Training Video Course

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Internet for a business

Internet for a Business

Many people go online searching for ways to make money. They are looking to the internet for a business that can make an income. Too often they join programs that promise to make them a fortune, with little or no work – but often these are just scams.

Yes, there are people making a lot of money online and there are also people that are making a full-time income, for part-time work.

Sounds great – right? But wait… before we get ahead of ourselves.

There are many more who aren’t making anything. Not everyone is making $1,000’s of dollars a day online. In fact, in truth, only a small fraction of people online, are making over $500 a month.

[The above is a video]

To learn more about A Done For you Internet Business see link below

Click for more information on A-Done-For-You Internet Business

How to Earn an Extra Income Online

Extra Income means an income that you can earn apart from the regular money you receive from your employment, or what some refer to as, ‘traditional‘ work. This additional income can be used to pay off debts, or build up some cash reserves, or provide additional income security, so you can one day quit your regular job.

Not everyone wants to work a second job, but having a second income, or extra money, is a desire of most people these days.

The InternetInternet for a Business

The extra income opportunities available today online, thanks to the internet, means there is a lot of options like writing, marketing and simple technical and non-technical jobs, even income from advertising, which could augment your regular income.

However, there are many things standing between where they are now and the financial freedom they desire. The income that can be earned form these opportunities depends on how good your skills are, in the selected field of endeavor and whether you know how to market those skills.

The Selection Process

In order to achieve a moderate success in generating additional income, one should be aware of their strengths and weaknesses. This would greatly help in the selection of a most suitable way to generate an income online.

The selection process consists of logical steps. Firstly, one should honestly assess their strengths, what are they good at? What do people around them complimenting them on? What is it they like to do?

If you want to create a business online, the name of the game is ‘focus‘ and building ‘quality content‘ in order to attract a following. So you need to be passionate about the topic(s) you choose because readership and comments are going to be important for you business. Particularly if you want to rank well on Google.

Why is Google Important?Internet for a business

Like it or not Google is the most visited website on the planet and therefore the number one search engine and traffic source on the internet.

They are also the second most valuable brand in the world (behind Apple) and have been so for the last five years. Internationally, Google has over 70 offices outside the US. It’s Gmail, for example, is the world’s most popular email service, with over a billion active users (as of February 2016). So rankings on Google are important for any internet based business.

Your URL name is not so important these days. People don’t find you because of the name of your URL or your email address, rather they will find you because of your rank in Google.

So if you are looking to build your business outside of your existing customer base, people who already know your URL, or already know where to find you, then you are going to need search engine traffic.

Google Search

Appropriate keywords or keyword phrases being searched on Google are more important than your URL. So if you are serious about getting ranked, then initially you should focus first on low competition keywords, NOT high volume keywords, as many people recommend because it’s about being ranked in google firstly, then once your have a good ranking, you can work on building volume.Internet for a business

You are better to have five or six page one rankings for lower volume keywords than attempting to get a middle page ranking for a ‘high competition’ keyword. 

Peter V Crisp

“Getting ranked in Google is what will bring you free targeted traffic. Having a page one ranking will on average bring you 42% of the traffic going to that specific keyword”. 

The more Google likes your site, the higher they will rank you. So if you know how to create quality content then all we need to do is put it in front of ‘organic traffic’. This is traffic that comes from the keywords or phrases you elect to use and those that people are searching.

Don’t Be a Crazy Cat

Cat GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Don’t be a Crazy Cat

So before you go nutty, like a crazy cat trying to figure out how to rank on Google.

And before you waste more hours and many dollars been misled by so-called online experts, who all too often just want sell you a high priced program that promises you things they can’t deliver.

Let me, make your life a little easier and explain a few things about how to get ranked on Google. Because there are effective ways to get freetargeted, and sustainable visitors to your website, despite the many recent changes within Google.

Without Traffic or visitors to your site, it will not matter how wonderful your talents and skills are, or how good your service or products are if no one can find you. Your business will be dead-in-the-water before it gets off the ground. Remember that only a small fraction of people online are making over $500 a month.

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Part Time Work Online

Part Time Work Online


Part Time Work Online

Today, the internet has given many people an avenue for generating income.  The internet offers a host of options for writing, advertising, promoting of services and products of all types and descriptions, by people with both technical and non-technical expertise and areas of specialties and all levels of knowledge and education.Part Time Work Online

The income that can be earned from these opportunities and for part time work online depends on how good your marketing skills are in the field of your selection. 

While it’s True

Internet marketing in general terms has been successful in giving all manner of people the ability to compete openly and earn a good living with a little or low upfront investment. 

This is certainly true when compared to the costs associated with setting up a ‘traditional business’ and with the Internet offering opportunities like affiliate marketing, for example, you don’t even need your own products to sell.

If you want to know how to setup your own online business, then you may like to see this video below:

[The above is a video]

It Can be Confusing and even Complicated…

So many people, find that earning money online, is very complicated and for good reasons. But the fact is, – it’s easier today than it was a couple of years ago. For many, getting started online may make you feel a lot like, this guy!;

Part Time Work OnlineAnd without the right information, knowledge, education, tools and shortcuts and mentors to help you put all the pieces together. Then ‘this guy’ could be exactly how you may feel if you try to do everything on your own.

Your Own Online Business.
If you want your own online business and you want to learn honest ways to generate an income online but are been having difficulty getting started or knowing what to do. Then look no further because I can I recommend a great place to begin your education (for free).

You can see my review here about Wealthy Affiliate and learn more about them, or you can go directly to their site, using the link within the image below.

Internet marketing for the beginner

You can learn all you need to know in one place, at your own pace and you do not need your credit card to get started.

“They will teach you the fundamentals of online marketing and building a successful business and show you how actually to make money online”.

You will have your very own piece of the internet and a platform from which to connect to some of the 3 billion people who are looking (searching) for information and solutions to problems online.

Already Have an Online Business

Assuming you already have an online Business and you are wanting to step up and get to the next level of earning a good living, then you may be extremely interested in learning how to work part time online and finding out how successful marketers make a full-time income. Or we could say, how to start in an online business the smart way.

 If that’s the case read on.

If you were to study successful entrepreneurs and successful online marketers, you would discover that they all have one thing in common… Yes, they are successful and they have money, but also…

They Create Their Own Products.

From books to software programs, from Anthony Robbins to Bill Gates, most of the big names in the business world made their money by creating and promoting their own products.

If fact, most Millionaires have their own business and sell their own products and services because without their own business, making a million dollars may just be an unfulfilled dream.

The main reason they create their own products is so that they can keep most of the profits. And if you are serious about joining these successful people, you may have to develop your own products as well.

Unfortunately, product development is a very complex and is a high-risk venture.

  • How do you know your idea is worth pursuing?
  • How do you go about developing successful products?
  • How do you know you will get your investment back?

The Problems

Product development is a highly-challenging and time-consuming process, that many people just don’t have the knowledge or resources to undertake. Let alone the time to undertake the product creation process.Part Time Work Online

Why? Because…

  • You need to have a talent or certain skills, to begin with.
  • You need to be a professional and expert in your niche.
  • You need to do market research that could take weeks or even months to complete.
  • You need to create the product on your own, write a book or software program.
  • You need to build a professional-looking website to promote your product, an amateurish website will kill your business even before you start it.
  • You need to write the sales copy, which is probably the most important part in order to sell your product.

These are all very time consuming and may need months or even YEARS of your time!

“Yet complete beginners are learning how and are cashing in – without creating their own products. How is this possible?

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Who Wants be Millionaire

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

There are roughly 36 million millionaires in the world. That means if you meet someone from the global population, there’s a 1 in 200 chance that they could be a millionaire, which makes for surprisingly good odds.

Most Millionaires have their own businesses. Starting your own business is a dream for many people and the reasons to do so are many and varied, but often it’s about money. Without your own business, and short of winning the lottery, making a million dollars may be an impossible dream.

Who wants be Millionaire


Money may not buy happiness, but it does buy the ultimate flexibility for making financial and lifestyle decisions.

For many of the world’s millionaires, money means freedom and it provides a highly effective means to escape their home country when times get tough. They can pack their bags, and move their family and capital to a location that will provide superior opportunities for prosperity and lifestyle.

Millionaires Are Able to Live Anywhere 

Millionaires are able to live anywhere they chose and some of them are actually moving. According to a new report by New World Wealth, in 2016, the number of millionaire migrants increased by 28% from the previous year.

In 2016, there where a total of 82,000 millionaire migrants that left for greener pastures.

The Top Five Countries (Net Outflows)


France tops the list for a second straight year, as rich people dodge conditions that they consider to be adverse. France has rising religious tensions and populism, but it also has a tax system that is not particularly friendly to the ultra rich. The International Business Times calls the ongoing problem a “Millionaire Exodus”.

China and India both continue to have net outflows of millionaires, but two of the more interesting countries on this list are Brazil and Turkey.

But then Brazil continues to be deep in economic crisis, with its worst-ever recession and  recently the country impeached its President in August 2016. The Washington Post describes Turkey as a country that is in a “permanent state of crisis”. a there was the assassination of a Russian ambassador, a currency crisis, an economic crisis, and also an attempted military coup.

Like most people, millionaires don’t like uncertainty but they have the wherewithal to get out of places that have ongoing issues.

The Top Five Countries (Net Inflows)

5New Zealand+4,000+2,000100%

[Information sourced from https://www.visualcapitalist.com]

In 2016, Australia was the number one destination for millionaire migrants, with the United States and Canada being close behind.

New Zealand had the biggest increase of net inflow, double that of the previous year and significant in terms of overall numbers, given that the total population is less than 4,500,000.  Meanwhile, UAE remained a popular location for the wealthy in the Middle East.

So if You Are Thinking of Becoming a Millionaire

Here are some important statistics to consider:

  • 88% of the rich devote 30 minutes or more each day to self-education or self-improvement.
  • 88% of millionaires believe relationships are critical to financial success.
  • 93% of the self-made millionaires attributed their wealth to their mentors’ help.
  • 86% of wealthy, successful people associate with other success-minded people.
  • 79% of the rich read educational, career-related material.
  • 92% of rich say good luck had nothing at all to do with their wealth. They just never gave up.

In other words, it’s not one simple idea or plain old luck that leads to success. But a combination of many things. Self-improvement, mentors, associating with success-minded people and never giving up.

Sounds very much like the community you will find at Wealthy Affiliate. 

Who wants be Millionaire

So, if you want to learn how to set up an online business completely from scratch, if you want to learn to use search engines to your advantage, and to build a sustainable, long-term business, then my number ONE recommendation is you join Wealthy Affiliate.

 To Explore Wealthy Affiliate further – click here

Why Set up an Online Business?

An online business may not make you a millionaire, but it would give you a millionaire lifestyle, with flexibility, financial freedom and the ability to live anywhere you choose.Who wants be Millionaire
I believe that internet marketing is by far the best way to earn a high income, in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of risk. The cherry on the top being, you can work when you want and from where you want – all on your own terms

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How to Earn Money From Blogging

How To Earn Money From Blogging

Don’t underestimate the power of a blog, particularly if you want to make extra money online. This is how many niche marketers and even some of the top eCommerce companies in the world get their flow of free, targeted, organic traffic and build their brand and become successful!How to Earn Money From Blogging

Blogs can influence the way your prospects perceive you and the your authority. Blogs can be a great source of traffic and could easily send all the traffic you’ll ever need.

Blogging can be an ideal way to make extra money online. So, learning how to earn money from blogging can be extremely rewarding.

Blogging is thought to be difficult, time consuming and technically challenging… But there are shortcuts.

Discover how you, or indeed anyone, can get natural, organic traffic to their websites, that will never die off, using the power of blogging… even if you have never installed a WordPress blog site before.


How to Earn Money From BloggingA powerful new 88 page book, BLOG PROFITS Blueprint (2017), available in both text and audio format, written by; Yaro Starak. That you can download for free.

Yaro, has been blogging for over ten years and made over a million dollars selling his own digital teaching products from his blog, Entrepreneurs-Journey.com.

He wrote this Blueprint to teach others (even experts) how to package up their knowledge and sell it as digital products, using just a blog and an email list.

Why You Should Get This

If you want to break free from getting paid by the hour, per contract, or you’re tired of working with clients and want to create products that sell even when you’re not working. Or perhaps just to up-your-game then, you need to get your hands on this blueprint.

It’s 100% free and will guide you through the four steps of setting up a blog and an email list designed to sell your products, including:

  • How to Refine Your Topic to make sure you are going where the money is
  • What type of content you need to create to attract the people who will eagerly buy every product you offer
  • How to create “Traffic Assets” so you only need to set them up once and the traffic keeps coming
  • How to quickly turn your knowledge into an information product that sells on autopilot

Click this linkHow to Earn Money From Blogging then enter your email on the page to request access to download the Blog Profits Blueprint 2.0. You will also receive a series of free training videos from Yaro, to show you exactly how blogs make money.

Don’t skip this. This is one of the most valuable free reports I have ever read.

Get BLOG PROFITS Blueprint – Free download here

If You Have Ever Wondered?

How exactly do blogs make money?

Well today, I have the answer for you. Not only can you get this book for free by instant download but also, Yaro has a training video in the Blog Profits Blueprint series and in it he shows real life example blogs, including how they sell products and services.

The video features a tour of real blogs that cover the following subjects –

  • Curing Acne
  • Independent Book Publishing
  • Virtual Assistants
  • Women In Business
  • Speed Reading In Indonesian

As you can see, these are all very different topics, yet each blog applies the same system to make money.

What’s impressive is every person behind each of these blogs makes at the very least a full time income. Some of them are even getting close to making a million dollars a year from their online business.

“So if people are making money from blogging about topics like this, why can’t you from blogging about your topic of interest / expertise”.

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Start with an Online Business

Start with an Online Business

If you’re looking to build a business that has a real consistent, dependable income but have been struggling to make money online so far, then YES you’re in the right place…

You may not like everything you read on this page, some of what you read may even sting a little, but I’ve never been one to sugar coat things… Facts are facts and you deserve to hear it like it is…

As much as I believe that internet marketing is by far the best way to earn a high income, in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of risk. I also like it because it allows you to work when you want and from where you want – all on your own terms.  

There are Problems

But there are problems and most beginning online marketers end up experiencing frustration and confusion and they often spend way too much money and time on crap ‘systems’ that don’t work and if they make any money, it’s a tiny or a non existent profit. But mostly they end up completely overwhelmed.

They may even feel like this guy!

Start with an Online BusinessMany people become desperate to achieve success online, that they keep buying product after product, without ever sticking to one thing long enough to even see a glimmer of success from anything they have started. Or they have simply been sold untested ideas by, scammers and fake ass ‘gurus’ that are only interested in making a quick buck!

Like most people who start online with a dream to make money, you probably want to use the Internet to create an online lifestyle.

I’ve been online long enough to see many wanna-be’s, who talk big but make small money. I’ve seen many so-called ‘gurus‘ trying to sell their ‘system‘ or ‘automated money machines‘ but in truth they don’t actually work, never have and never will.

Sound Familiar

If any of this sounds familiar or has happened to you, understand it’s not your fault. It’s simply the nature of the industry.

And here’s another real problem in the Internet Marketing world.

“Over 90% make less than $500 (or less) each month online

The real secret is that there is no secret, there is no “magic bullet”. It’s simply just having the right education, building your knowledge, understanding the processes and implementing powerful money making strategies.  

 [To see how I made this video see my review here]

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