What is a Keyword

What is a KeywordWhat Is A Keyword

A Keyword is the most important word you will ever write on your website.

Having the right keyword or keywords are crucial to having content rank on Google.

A page one ranking typically gets 42% of the traffic for that keyword.

If your content, is not ranking within the first ten pages of google, irrespective of how great it is, no-one will find it and you will get little, if any traffic.

Too often people waste their time, trying to get their website to rank on Google using keywords or phrases that will not generate traffic because there is too much competition for the particular word or words they are using.

Keywords are Your Path to Google Rankings 

There is little point in trying to optimize your website using keywords that are highly competitive unless you know what you are doing. Yet this is what many people attempt to do and they wonder why they struggle to get rankings on Google.

If you think of getting traffic to your website, in terms of a fishing analogy then you will realize that when it comes to catching a fish. It’s not the size of the boat or the type of fishing gear you use. (Those are nice to have but they are not the most important). There is something else that ranks far higher.

What is a Keyword


Just like fishing, the fish are attracted to your bait, not your boat. It’s not about knowing where the fish are, or how many of them are under the water.

Rather it’s about knowing what type of bait the fish are searhing for and ‘eating‘ and once you understand that, then you stand a better chance of catching, not just one fish, but many fish.

All to often people will just build their own bait and throw it into the water and hope to attract fish.

Keyword research allows you to ‘look beneath the water‘ to see what the fish are already being attracted to. This is called organic keyword research. Finding the words that people are already searching for is a great way to understand the specific type of bait required to catch the fish.

Having a keyword research tool to do competition analysis is important if you want to get good page rankings. Finding valuable, low competition words that your target audience is hungry for, makes you a more successful fisherman.

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How to Build a List


How To Build A List

How to list build is an important skill and learning how to build your list the right way can make the difference between online success and failure. 

Knowing how to build a list could well be one of the most important things you could ever learn to do. After all you need 3 things in order to succeed online.

Three Things

  1. First of all, you need an offer. If you aren’t offering something for your readers to buy, (or at the very least if you’re not promoting someone else’s offer, via affiliate marketing) then you can’t expect to make a sale.
  2. Of course you then need conversions. Yes, no matter what else you do online you need to make your offer ‘compelling’ enough so that your readers want to buy, but without conversions, you have nothing.
  3. Most importantly you need TRAFFIC. If you don’t’ get traffic to your site, it doesn’t matter how compelling your offer is. Without visitors, you simply can’t make any conversions and no conversions means no sales.

In fact, when someone struggles to make sales online, 9 times out of 10 its down to not enough traffic and therefore, no conversions and thus no sales. So, getting traffic is vital and an email marketing list is one way to ensure you get visitors to your site.

Building Your List The Right Way

So, email list building or learning how to build your list the right way can make the difference between online success and failure.

Imagine being able to download a step-by-step video course that would save you time and money by showing you only what you absolutely needed to know to build a productive list. 

A video tutorial course where you were given a clear-cut, comprehensive system to understanding all the necessary steps, without having to spend years that most have to spend to become, a list-building “expert“. You will be impressed by the amount of information that I have packed into this course.

How to Build a List

The Easy 20 Step List Building Video Course

This is a video training course that has over 20 videos lessons that cover a wide range of ‘need to know‘ topics that you can see below:

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How to Get Traffic for Your Website

How to Get Traffic for Your Website

Want to Know How to Get Traffic for your Website?

Of course, you do!  – Who wouldn’t want to know how to get website traffic, or how to get traffic for free? 

You can learn how to get free traffic for your website and its also the number one question many people ask, “how can I get free traffic for my website?

Yes, its possible and yes, there are certain things that you need to do – and you need to do it right, in order to successfully drive traffic to your site, but it can be done!

Don’t be fooled, into thinking that there is a lack of traffic, or visitors for your website.   That’s simply not true!

There’s Plenty Of Traffic Just Waiting For You.How to Get Traffic for Your Website

There are literally billions of people searching online right now, at this very moment, moving around in cyberspace, electronically traveling from website to website.

So, instead of thinking, that there is not enough traffic. You instead need to be thinking how can you get into, the flow of traffic’ that is moving all around you. 

There are some 3 billion people who are searching for information and solutions to problems online, every day. 

Not Getting Enough 

If your online business is not prospering it might be simply because you are not getting enough Traffic.

The problem is that getting traffic, for many people, is very difficult and seems to be a complicated process for those just starting out. The truth is it’s not that hard. You just have to incorporate the right methods of traffic generation.

Today – I Have Some Good News.

Right now, you can get your hands on over 32 traffic generating methods that could make your life as an internet marketer, a lot easier. Especially when it comes to understanding traffic generation and ensuring that your website is never without visitors…

Of course, there are certain things that you need to do – and you need to do it right, in order to successfully drive traffic to your site, but it can be done!

Get it Today!

Secure your Get Free Traffic Training Videos now and start getting high-quality visitors to your website within a few hours of implementing what you learn.

How to Get Traffic for Free – Training Video Course

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Internet for a business

Internet for a Business

Many people go online searching for ways to make money. They are looking to the internet for a business that can make an income. Too often they join programs that promise to make them a fortune, with little or no work – but often these are just scams.

Yes, there are people making a lot of money online and there are also people that are making a full-time income, for part-time work.

Sounds great – right? But wait… before we get ahead of ourselves.

There are many more who aren’t making anything. Not everyone is making $1,000’s of dollars a day online. In fact, in truth, only a small fraction of people online, are making over $500 a month.

[The above is a video]

To learn more about A Done For you Internet Business see link below

Click for more information on A-Done-For-You Internet Business

How to Earn an Extra Income Online

Extra Income means an income that you can earn apart from the regular money you receive from your employment, or what some refer to as, ‘traditional‘ work. This additional income can be used to pay off debts, or build up some cash reserves, or provide additional income security, so you can one day quit your regular job.

Not everyone wants to work a second job, but having a second income, or extra money, is a desire of most people these days.

The InternetInternet for a Business

The extra income opportunities available today online, thanks to the internet, means there is a lot of options like writing, marketing and simple technical and non-technical jobs, even income from advertising, which could augment your regular income.

However, there are many things standing between where they are now and the financial freedom they desire. The income that can be earned form these opportunities depends on how good your skills are, in the selected field of endeavor and whether you know how to market those skills.

The Selection Process

In order to achieve a moderate success in generating additional income, one should be aware of their strengths and weaknesses. This would greatly help in the selection of a most suitable way to generate an income online.

The selection process consists of logical steps. Firstly, one should honestly assess their strengths, what are they good at? What do people around them complimenting them on? What is it they like to do?

If you want to create a business online, the name of the game is ‘focus‘ and building ‘quality content‘ in order to attract a following. So you need to be passionate about the topic(s) you choose because readership and comments are going to be important for you business. Particularly if you want to rank well on Google.

Why is Google Important?Internet for a business

Like it or not Google is the most visited website on the planet and therefore the number one search engine and traffic source on the internet.

They are also the second most valuable brand in the world (behind Apple) and have been so for the last five years. Internationally, Google has over 70 offices outside the US. It’s Gmail, for example, is the world’s most popular email service, with over a billion active users (as of February 2016). So rankings on Google are important for any internet based business.

Your URL name is not so important these days. People don’t find you because of the name of your URL or your email address, rather they will find you because of your rank in Google.

So if you are looking to build your business outside of your existing customer base, people who already know your URL, or already know where to find you, then you are going to need search engine traffic.

Google Search

Appropriate keywords or keyword phrases being searched on Google are more important than your URL. So if you are serious about getting ranked, then initially you should focus first on low competition keywords, NOT high volume keywords, as many people recommend because it’s about being ranked in google firstly, then once your have a good ranking, you can work on building volume.Internet for a business

You are better to have five or six page one rankings for lower volume keywords than attempting to get a middle page ranking for a ‘high competition’ keyword. 

Peter V Crisp

“Getting ranked in Google is what will bring you free targeted traffic. Having a page one ranking will on average bring you 42% of the traffic going to that specific keyword”. 

The more Google likes your site, the higher they will rank you. So if you know how to create quality content then all we need to do is put it in front of ‘organic traffic’. This is traffic that comes from the keywords or phrases you elect to use and those that people are searching.

Don’t Be a Crazy Cat

Cat GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Don’t be a Crazy Cat

So before you go nutty, like a crazy cat trying to figure out how to rank on Google.

And before you waste more hours and many dollars been misled by so-called online experts, who all too often just want sell you a high priced program that promises you things they can’t deliver.

Let me, make your life a little easier and explain a few things about how to get ranked on Google. Because there are effective ways to get freetargeted, and sustainable visitors to your website, despite the many recent changes within Google.

Without Traffic or visitors to your site, it will not matter how wonderful your talents and skills are, or how good your service or products are if no one can find you. Your business will be dead-in-the-water before it gets off the ground. Remember that only a small fraction of people online are making over $500 a month.

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Start with an Online Business

Start with an Online Business

If you’re looking to build a business that has a real consistent, dependable income but have been struggling to make money online so far, then YES you’re in the right place…

You may not like everything you read on this page, some of what you read may even sting a little, but I’ve never been one to sugar coat things… Facts are facts and you deserve to hear it like it is…

As much as I believe that internet marketing is by far the best way to earn a high income, in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of risk. I also like it because it allows you to work when you want and from where you want – all on your own terms.  

There are Problems

But there are problems and most beginning online marketers end up experiencing frustration and confusion and they often spend way too much money and time on crap ‘systems’ that don’t work and if they make any money, it’s a tiny or a non existent profit. But mostly they end up completely overwhelmed.

They may even feel like this guy!

Start with an Online BusinessMany people become desperate to achieve success online, that they keep buying product after product, without ever sticking to one thing long enough to even see a glimmer of success from anything they have started. Or they have simply been sold untested ideas by, scammers and fake ass ‘gurus’ that are only interested in making a quick buck!

Like most people who start online with a dream to make money, you probably want to use the Internet to create an online lifestyle.

I’ve been online long enough to see many wanna-be’s, who talk big but make small money. I’ve seen many so-called ‘gurus‘ trying to sell their ‘system‘ or ‘automated money machines‘ but in truth they don’t actually work, never have and never will.

Sound Familiar

If any of this sounds familiar or has happened to you, understand it’s not your fault. It’s simply the nature of the industry.

And here’s another real problem in the Internet Marketing world.

“Over 90% make less than $500 (or less) each month online

The real secret is that there is no secret, there is no “magic bullet”. It’s simply just having the right education, building your knowledge, understanding the processes and implementing powerful money making strategies.  

 [To see how I made this video see my review here]

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Work Online From Home

Work Online From Home

Internet marketing is a rewarding business. There are many people who are making substantial incomes by selling their own products and services, online and others that are making a lot of money selling or endorsing the services or products of other internet marketers, more commonly known as, affiliate marketing.


Work Online From Home

There are many advantages for anyone looking to work online from home. Such as round-the-clock operability, low starting costs, and the chance of quickly expanding your customers base.  It is not unexpected that the Internet marketing market is now full of online businesses owned and operated by amateurs who aspire to share in the wealth of this lucrative industry.

To Grab Your Share

However, in order to get a slice of wealth, you need to out-compete and out-market, some stiff competition from other online marketers who possess the skills and understanding of this type of new business model, in order for you to win a share of this billion dollar industry.

If you want your own online business, your own downloadable video products, your own eBooks, be able to promote special offers, and to learn many ways to generate an income online but are having difficulty getting started or knowing what to do. Then look no further because I have some great resources for you.


Not only can I recommend a great place to begin your education (for free) But I have some other worthwhile resources to get you started while you are learning everything you need to know from Wealthy Affiliate.

You can see my review and learn more about them or go directly to their site using the link within the image below.

Internet marketing for the beginner

You can learn all you need to know in one place, at your own pace and you do not need your credit card to get started.

“They will teach you the fundamentals of online marketing and building a successful business and show you how actually to make money online”.

Grab A Slice

You will have your very own piece of the internet and a platform from which to connect to some of the 3 billion people who are looking (searching) for information and solutions to problems online.

See more in the video below;

(To see how I made this video see tools)

Find Out More about Wealthy Affiliate Here

Another Thing

As an affiliate marketer, you’re self-employed and you are working alone and you will need to put in a lot of hours for little reward. Make no mistake, affiliate marketing initially involves a lot of hard work. But once you’ve set everything up, you could be literally earning money, while you sleep.

One of the hardest things to do when you’re self-employed is to maintain an attitude of focus and ‘pushing forward‘ especially when you’re around people who perhaps don’t seem to see the future the same way you do.

The best way to handle this is to surround yourself with knowledge and inspirational ideas that keep your mind actively engaged and motivated.

Some Free Gifts

“With that in mind, I have put together some free gifts designed to help stimulate your mind and get you pointed in the right direction”.

I have bundled a selection of Seven eBooks that you can download for free which include… * Conquering The Cranium  *The Copywriter’s Handbook * The Clockwork Course  * Email Essentials   

Work Online From Home

Work Online From HomeWork Online From HomeWork Online From HomeWork Online From HomeWork Online From HomeWork Online From Home

 *Inspirational Ideas * List Landslide and *Limitless Lead Generation  

You can Download all seven with this link here… https://onlineaffiliatewealth.com/freeReports

Download all SEVEN with this link here

Yes, they are completely free, no signup, or email required, just use the download link above”.

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How to List Build


How to build my list? is an often asked question from newbies and seasoned marketers alike. It is probably the number one thing stopping you from making money online.

Over the years, I have applied many techniques to build my list and grow my business. Some worked well, while others were just a complete waste of time and money.

In the end, I distilled the techniques that worked and used them to generate leads and to make sales. I have even written and sold books and programs about how to get traffic, how to get sales and how to list build.

I’m giving away a free copy of one of my books at the bottom of this page in exchange for you leaving a comment.  


Don’t let the fear of not knowing how to do something, limit your ability to make a substantial living online. I want to help you to get more sales.

In fact, I will give you a free training course right here “How to build big mailing lists like the big dogs” You can go and see it right here: No sign-in or email required

Free Training for List Building and Getting Traffic to Your Site

The First of Five is here for you to preview:

You can go and see all FIVE using the link below: No sign-in or email required. 

Free Training for Building a List and Getting Traffic to Your Site

Most People

Many people approaching list building like a gambler playing cards, they play the cards they are dealt and hope it works out. But what you really need with cards are the Aces and so it is with building a list. But just having a few aces and not knowing how to play the games will not help you much either, so you actually need a program to follow.How to List Build

Time to Become Serious

If you’re serious about setting up an Affiliate Marketing business and expect to sell frequently, then you simply CANNOT run a successful business like you are a gambler with cards, unless you are holding all the ACES. To that end I have created a List Building Program – that’s a bit like having all the ACES in a card game.

Imagine being able to download a step-by-step video course that would save you time and money by showing you only what you absolutely needed to know to build a productive list. A video tutorial course where you were given a clear-cut, comprehensive system to understanding all the necessary steps, without having to spend years that most have to spend to become, a list-building “expert“?


How to List Build

Get your List Building Aces Program Here.

Take a look at the advantages of this software program that will not only show you how to build a list but how to actually make money online by building a list!

This is an-easy-to-follow, video course that shows you how to take your online business to the next level. 

Here’s What’s Inside

Discover how to set up the List Building Aces system just one time to grow your list, build your brand, and generate repeat sales on autopilot. After that, just add traffic!

The ‘Missing Ingredient’ all marketers forgot to tell you when they say “The Money’s In The List.” If you, like most people, get this part wrong you’ll be married to a JOB and doomed work hard every time to make a sale. This ‘Missing Ingredient’ goes beyond building a relationship with your subscribers because it also grows your business quicker, faster, and easier!

The entire List Building Aces program in full detail. Use this to “download” the List Building Aces system into your brain in one glance! Never again get stuck trying to explain the List Building Aces process to your outsource team. Just hand them this system and say “I Want It Now!”How to List Build

*New* Anatomy of the Squeeze Page unlike any other. You’ll know EXACTLY what to put into your squeeze pages with this outline. Don’t know how to write long copy? No problem. This strategy can give you high subscriptions rate even if your copywriting IQ is below zero.

Steal this secret sauce that keeps my business running at full speed even during the recession when my competitors run dry on cash and traffic. Plus, I will teach you to do this without spending any money on expensive scripts or software.

» Read more

Learn to SEO

Learn to SEO

Learn to SEO

If you’re going to achieve any sort of online success at all, you’ll need to know about SEO and how to make it work for you. The most economical SEO strategy is to do it yourself. But this is much easier said than done because there are many techniques to implement and understand. Understanding SEO for beginners can be a daunting task.

Learn to SEO

You’ve MISLED Me!!

Been Misled

hate to tell you this, but you have probably been misled by many so-called online SEO marketing experts. It seems some have got caught up in touting the latest marketing trends like social media, mobile marketing, retargeting, banner traffic, solo ads, video marketing, etc.

And they have told that you either need to work with an ‘SEO Expert’ or contract out to an ‘SEO Consultant’ who all too often wants to sell you a high priced program that promises you a high google ranking. BUT, do these ‘experts‘ actually have a high ranking on their own sites?

Effective S.E.O. is Still Relevant.

Well, maybe you don’t need them because I’m here to tell you that there is still an effective way to get free, targeted, and sustainable visitors to your website via SEO or Search Engine Optimization. SEO is one of the older methods for gaining traffic, and despite many of the changes within Google, it still can be a huge source of long term traffic for your website even in 2017 and beyond!

If you’re on a budget, then a step-by-step SEO action guide could save you countless hours and a small fortune, by not spending money on consulting fees and other SEO services.

D.I.Y. SEO Tips

Learn to SEO

Here are some initial actions steps you can undertake yourself for free.

1. Make certain your site is clean (no broken links) and hosted by a respectable company.
2. Enhance your keywords
3. Submit to the search engines and directories
4. Deal with your page rank
5. Add more quality content

You can also see Google Webmaster Guidelines which covers the most common forms of deceptive or manipulative behavior that Google may respond to negatively and what you need to avoid doing if you want to rank well.

So here are the steps…

Step 1. Ensure your Site is Tidy

A clean site begins with clean hosting and having a static IP address. Ensure that your website’s loading time is efficient.  Make certain the site loads rapidly and to do a test you can use a free tool, such as Pingdom to test your site’s loading speed.

Learn to SEO

The higher the score indicates that there are no unnecessary graphics. You must likewise test the website with different internet browsers. This will take time but it will ensure visitors to your site will have an enjoyable experience.

Also, check that you have no broken links or links that are not working, so you need to go through your site and check that all your links functioning. It’s also a good idea to make all external links leaving your site ‘NoFollow’ links. (This may be a bit advanced – If you understand it then great,  if not then don’t worry too much about this)

For efficiency and speed, you could use Screaming Frog SEO Spider (Download for free, or purchase a license for additional advanced features)It is a powerful tool that crawls your website in the same way as Google. When it’s done crawling, you’ll get a detailed report including:

  • Broken links and server errors
  • Details of page titles and meta for every URL on your site
  • Duplicate content warnings
  • Pages blocked by robots.txt (or nonindexed)



Step 2. Enhance your keywords or keyword phrases.

When you’ve selected the keywords you are going to use and have done a search with a keyword tool (you can browse the web, there are several that are good) and found out the number of searches for each phrase and then have hopefully you have made your selection based on ‘competition‘ rather than volume.

Then remember to keep your keywords or keyword phrases for each page or post to a minimum of two or three. Use your ‘Main’ Keyword at LEAST once in the content. Write naturally and you will tend to use your target keyword several times within your content without having to think about it.

If it makes sense to include your keyword early, then do so. Otherwise, just include it somewhere on the page.

While there seems to be a small correlation with the keyword appearing near the start of an article, don’t worry about this too much because there are lots of examples where content has ranked without including the “main keyword” within the beginning of the text.

So in short, you don’t have to worry about keyword density as it doesn’t carry much weight anymore. Don’t overuse your keywords as that will detract from rather than add to, your rankings.

Step 3. Send to the online Search Engine.

Important note! Do not utilize automated search engine submission software to send your site to search engines. Google’s terms of service plainly state that this is an infraction. The majority of the search engine will see this as spamming and penalize you for it.  You’ll find that the path to economical SEO, and even professional search engine optimization, provides no short cuts.

There’s no point publishing amazing content on your site if no-one ever finds it. If your content is good then you should have a clearly defined promotion strategy. This could include:

  • Sending it out to your email list
  • Sharing it on your social media channels
  • Reaching out to everyone mentioned in the post
  • Emailing people who have linked to similar content
  • Sharing your post on Reddit
  • Sharing your post on niche communities (i.e. Inbound.org and GrowthHackers for marketing content)
  • Answering questions on Quora and linking to your post

The exact strategy will depend on your niche (and resources), but a good rule of thumb is that you should spend at least as much time promoting your content as you do writing it.  

Also, install and display social share buttons on your web pages to make sharing as easy as possible.

Step 4. Work on Improving your Page Rank.

Remember page rank is that critical metric that increases your exposure over that of your competitors when everything else is equal. To increase your page rank you need to have people reading your content and spending time on your site. NOT just visiting and then clicking away. So it not just about a high traffic volume.

“Do everything you can to lower your bounce rate!

Learn to SEO

The lower – the better

Bounce rate is the percentage of searchers that visit a page on your site and then leave (normally by clicking back) without visiting any other pages.

There are two types of bounce rate:

The first is the one you see in Google Analytics, that looks like the one to the right and there are all sorts of reasons why this figure might be high.

For example, your site might offer answers to questions and once someone has that answer, they don’t need to read anything else.

The second type of bounce is the one that’s more important to search rankings. That’s when someone clicks through to your site from a search, then clicks back to the results page and continues to click on other results. This is going to be a big indicator to Google that your page didn’t satisfy the query and that means that over time you’re going to start moving you down the rankings.

Step 5. Add Quality Material to your Website.

As you’re composing material for your site, think about the reader’s experience. If you just include plain text and page after page of content, you’ll end up with something that’s tough for visitors focus on.

Remember no one wants to read all of your content to find out what’s it’s about. You need to make it interesting from the beginning, draw them in, take them on a journey and lead them to your conclusion.

Subheadlines and Images will help break up your content and make it easier to read. They will also help to keep your readers engaged, increasing time on the page, and a reducing the bounce rate. Plus they make your posts look nice and pretty.

Adding an embedded video to your content will also help to keep visitors on the page for longer. And the longer time on the page (the dwell time) helps boost your rankings. Also, you should regularly update old/archive content to keep it fresh, relevant and rank worthy.

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A Done for You Internet Business

[The above is a video]

A Done for You Internet Business

A done-for-you internet business is a dream that many marketers wish would come true when they are struggling to build their first internet affiliate website. Knowing where and how to start with an online business is tough if you don’t know all the ‘nitty gritty’ details.

Timea done for you internet business

If you have ever tried to sell online, you will know it takes a lot of time to make your first sale and then if you want to scale up, it takes a lot of integration to create a successful sales funnel to automate the process and to get all the pieces working together in harmony in order to truly live the internet lifestyle.

Most people struggle to pull together the many parts that are required to create just onesales funnel’.

Don’t Give Up

Many give up in frustration before they ever pull all the pieces together because usually, it takes effort and time, learning each part of the process from creating a sales pages, setting up email follow-ups, setting up the thank you pages, marketing the product, copy writing, split-testing, conversions, creating payment buttons, setting prices, redirecting to your download page, optimizing your download page for cross-sells, driving traffic, getting paid and delivering the product.

It’s Not a Simple Thing

Setting up a sales funnel is not a simple thing and creating an effective sales funnel is a complex undertaking and there are many steps that need to be integrated and put into place to ensure a smooth streamlined process.

Sure it sounds easy and looks simple on paper when it’s explained to you, but you need to know the ‘nitty gritty‘ details like how to:A done for you internet business

  • Design a Squeeze page
  • Create content
  • Write a compelling offer
  • Create products or find affiliate products to promote
  • Get Traffic
  • Set up an Autoresponder
  • Create a series of follow up emails
  • Set up a payment processing system
  • Set up a product delivery system
  • Then you just need to put everything together in the right order…sounds easy – Right?  

It Can Be Frustrating…

But more often than not, you’ll feel like tearing your hair out!

a done for you internet business

Because putting it together, integrating all the pieces into a smooth, dynamic sales funnel that runs on autopilot is the most challenging and time-consuming part of setting up your system. It’s never that easy… » Read more

Buy Traffic for Your Website

 Buy Traffic for your Website

Can you Really Buy Quality Traffic?

Yes, and it’s the easiest way to get a huge traffic boost on your website. You can get niche targeted, country specific, quality traffic from as low as $1 per 1,000 visitors. Buy Traffic for Your Website

  • Target over 130 different niches.
  • Target over 40 different countries.
  • Traffic comes from real people.
  • Up to 200k+ per day available.

That’s right; I can show you where to find low cost, quality traffic that will bring you targeted visitors, improved rankings and most importantly, real web traffic.

Your site could soon be the recipient of a steady flow of website visitors, and this will could lead to more success as an affiliate marketer or website owner.

There are undeniable benefits when you buy traffic for your website from a traffic wholesaler, you can sit back and watch your traffic stats shoot through the roof, a great feeling for any small business owner wanting to get website traffic now.

Additionally, increased traffic leads to an improvement in your website’s Google and Bing search rankings and will lead to even more visitors as you become easier to find due to the improved popularity of your site. 


There are plenty of businesses online that offer to sell you website traffic, but not all of them are going to be beneficial to your website. Many will send you ‘bots’ that will make your visitor numbers go up like crazy over a very short period of time and then die away to nothing. 

Even though this ‘dirty‘ traffic makes your view count shoot up, nothing else changes. These ‘bots’ don’t click your ads. They don’t buy your products. they don’t share your site on social media. They don’t tell their friends about your site. 

This is not something Google likes to see and it will be a red flag for the web crawlers they employ to rank your site. They can easily see if your traffic is coming from bots.

Buyer Beware 

There are a lot of scammers out there looking to make a quick buck off the people who don’t know any better. Rarely does the phrase “buyer beware” resonate so loudly in any sector of the online industry, as the buying of traffic, So as long as you’re prepared to do your research, use a bot filter and to pay for quality traffic, then you should be fine?

How to Filter Bots within Google Analytics

Google Analytics has a ‘bot’ filter that can be used to filter out non-human traffic from being counted in your analytics. So, fortunately checking for and wiping out ‘bot’ traffic is now easier, less costly and something that you can now do yourself.

“To filter ‘bot’ traffic from Google Analytics, you go to your Admin settings.220px-Edward_Snowden-2 Under the View panel, you’ll find View Settings. Toward the bottom of the options, just before Site Search Settings, you’ll find a small heading for Bot Filtering with a checkbox that reads: Exclude all hits from known bots and spiders. Check it, and you’ll automatically filter the known bots and spiders from your Analytics collecting”.

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What are Solo Ads About

What are Solo Ads About

What is a ‘solo ads‘ and how can they help your Online business? 

Solo Ads are one of the easiest ways to get email subscribers and sales. What’s a solo ad you ask? It’s a low-cost, paid advertisement that will fast track your list building of high-quality leads and generate revenue for your site.

What are solo ads aboutIf you have a website and you are not capturing emails, you are missing out on sales. If you have a sales funnel and ‘building a list‘ is not part of that funnel, you are leaving cash on the table. If you’re an internet marketer and don’t know how to go about creating a productive list of subscribers then you’ll have trouble growing your business.

You probably already know this, most do… So then why do so many newbies get it wrong when building a list?

Let me Explain…

There are lots of ways to build a subscriber list but most take time and are usually slow to get traction and newbies are usually impatient and often want to speed up the process so they implement list building measures that result in a list of worthless low-quality subscribers that are mostly junk, without any real possibility for conversion into genuine customers.  

If you want to jump into profitable list building and rapidly outpace your competition by quickly grabbing market share. We can show you how it’s done by using Solo Ads so you can build your list rapidly with quality subscribers who will make a difference in increasing your profitability.

Yes, it will cost you some money to buy solo ads, but if you know how to do it ‘the right way’ you will actually profit, as well as build a powerful list of hungry customers.

What are solo ads about?

What are Solo Ads About

“The Money’s in the List”

Most people have heard the term, “The Money is in the List” All the gurus teach it, most marketing forums discuss it and the marketing hall of fame is paved with success stories of list owners sending out an email and raking in more money in one day than most folks make in an entire year.

But Listen carefully,

List building is only profitable if you are focused on building a QUALITY list.

Think Quality Over Quantity

I want you to think quality rather than quantity. Forget all the people that tell you that you need to build a huge list of 10,000 or more to succeed with email marketing.

There are three critical factors to succeeding…

1. Where you get the list
Your initial offer
How you use the list

Most people that fail either look at one or two, but never all three. In order for this to work properly, you need all three of these factors, which I’ll cover in more depth shortly. But for now, let me give you something you can use immediately.


Converting a list into money is what takes time but this is where the magic happens. Using Solo Ads speeds up the process by allowing you to capture highly targeted, responsive, and interested potential clients. Quality trumps Quantity every time.

If you set yourself up for success and create a proper plan of attack, (which I can show you in my video course), you’ll be that much closer to success. I will show you how you can spend a little, to get back a lot!

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How to Get More Traffic to Your Site

How to Get More Traffic to Your SiteHow to Get More Traffic to Your SiteHow, much do you really know about getting traffic? Do you get the feeling that there aren’t any methods that actually work these days, or that most methods that promise to deliver, seem to fail you miserably? How to Get More Traffic to Your Site

It’s WAR out there and perhaps you are getting tired of fighting and losing?

You only want to wage a war knowing that you can win. You need weapons that can provide you with the firepower of solid traffic solutions that actually work so that you can win the traffic war.

What if I could show you how to get more traffic to your site – would you be interested in what I might have to say?

If your real question is:

“How do I get visitors to my website? Or to be precise, how do I find visitors who want to buy from me?

Then you are going to like what I have to show you here. Just like most Internet Marketers, we are all trying to gain more traffic. The competition is tough. I know!  – I struggled for years till I finally ‘got it’

Here’s What I’m Talking About

To see how I made this video

[For more on this course Massive Traffic Blueprint see details here]

This is about as close to a personal training course as I can give you. Follow these steps, learn how to bring in targeted traffic to your offers and grow a loyal following so you never need to worry about getting traffic again.

If you get this program understand that you need to do more than just watch it. You need to implement what you learn and take action. Because there is no magic bullet, to fighting the war on getting traffic.

But this program is a big step in the right direction towards getting more traffic. We all know that without the right education, tools, and ACTION, you will not be able to achieve any sort of meaningful success.

Don’t Rely on Any One Single Source of Traffic

What is every website owner’s goal?How to Get More Traffic to Your Site

To harness a steady stream of well-targeted traffic and to generate an ongoing income.

Yet the answer is simple, so why is it so hard?

The truth is it’s not hard at all you just have to incorporate the right methods of traffic generation. This is why simply getting your website indexed by the major search engines is just not enough. These days, we need to take it one step further and use some cast iron techniques to get in front of the existing traffic.

“Yes it’s not about generating traffic. It’s about getting in front of the traffic that is already searching for what you are promoting! 

Getting listed on Google only takes a few hours these days if you know what you are doing. But did you also know that you don’t have to rely on Google, Bing or Yahoo to generate traffic for your website

Once you start to put the right traffic generation systems in place, you will certainly see some amazing differences in the amount of traffic flowing to your business.

What’s important to bear in mind is there are some 3 billion people who are looking (searching) for information and solutions to problems online and knowing how to tap into that hungry market is the key to online success.

You Need Traffic to be Successful

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out exactly what you need to generate traffic to your websites. If you run an online business you need online traffic to build your business and generate revenue. Without traffic, your business will fail as fast as the idea you had to start it.

But not all is lost because with my program “Massive Traffic Blueprint” you can build as much traffic as you will ever need to run your business at its peak!

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Make Money Online Fast

Make Money Online Fast!


Yes, that’s what those online Gurus all promise.Make Money Online Fast

But the truth is, getting your business off the ground and making money can be difficult, if you don’t know how. 

The First Few Dollars

Making your first few dollars online is the hardest thing most people try to do, and I’ve known people who have spent months, if not years just trying to make a few extra dollars online and have failed miserably.

Perhaps you know someone like that – personally. We all dream of making money online and that might be anything from a few thousand dollars a month to several hundred thousand dollars a year.

I know what that’s like believe me, I completely understand because I was once there for longer than I wish to admit. I know only too well from personal experience that the hardest money online is the first $100-$1000.

How to Work Online at Home

I started out clueless, full of hope with big dreams, only to become confused wth all I needed to do and frustrated at my lack of success.

The trouble is that as beginners, we buy all the cheap courses and read the free eBooks and but yet we only have a vague understanding of what we need to do. Like we know we need to get visitors and we need to create a good sales page etc.

But nothing ever seems to come together. Not enough visitors, not many (if any) sales, no path to follow, no next step. We get frustrated!

The Problem 

It’s so hard to tell exactly what the problem is. Is it the sales page that’s not working? Or maybe the sales copy isn’t good enough? Or the product isn’t right? Or maybe you just simply need more visitors?

The problem is, when you lack experience, you can’t tell where it’s going wrong. It becomes very frustrating. Most will tell you if you want to build a successful business you need to master many elements. The Guru’s, of course, will say you need to buy their product.

The Money is in the List

List building is probably the single most important aspect of generating future income online as it gives you a specific target market to which to promote products and affiliate links.

But what do you do if you don’t have a list?

Make Money Online FastWithout it, internet marketing is a lot harder, which is why a lot of emphases is placed on, writing compelling content and persuading readers to become subscribers.

I don’t have to tell you about the importance of list building, creating squeeze pages, copywriting that convinces visitors to try your recommendations or buy your affiliate products. (Some people probably have a hard time knowing what to do with their affiliate link)

So Much to DoMake Money Online Fast

And if you wanted to scale up your business or to create your own products you need to know about the following things.

Product creation, split-testing, payment buttons, price setting, redirecting customers to your download page, optimising your download page for cross-sells, creating a high converting squeeze page, creating an autoresponder campaign, writing emails for both follow up and staying in touch with your customers. 

Then somehow make it all work together.

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How to Create a Website in WordPress

How to Create a Website in WordPress

“…It’s not hard to do, especially these days, almost anyone can set a website up very quickly compared to a few years ago. WordPress has certainly made it easy for most people to do it. 

The only problem is the almost endless options and choices that are available and choosing which and what and then how are going to be your greatest challenges.

Today we hope to all but eliminate that problem and show you a simple and profitable way to solve that issue”.How to Create a Website in WordPress

Trying to make money online can be difficult.  Most people fail because they get frustrated and give up before they ever put all the pieces together.

But, it’s only tough if you ignore the advice of the right people and follow the advice of the wrong people, or you persist in attempting to reinvent the wheel.

There’s a proven blueprint. An easy way to make money that cuts out all the pain and struggle and you don’t need any techie skills to make money this way and best of all it easier than ever to learn everything you need to know.

[watch this video below]

[Get Your Free Guide]

So, please… Stop hoping and praying you’ll make money, only to wake up to another day of zero sales.  Stop trying to reinvent the wheel and thinking you’ll crack the code by magic all on your own.

And for goodness sake, please, stop thinking you have to go through years of struggle before you can make any decent money. Because there are easier ways to make money online and I’m going to tell you about one of them.

Learn How to Make Money Online

“You are here because you want to know how to create a website in WordPress and I’m guessing you want a website to earn an income”.

Today, you will learn how to achieve both.

WORDPRESS is one of the Hottest product niches on the entire Internet and one from which you can earn a lot of money. 

Let’s take a look at some current facts about WordPressHow to Create a Website in WordPress

1) WordPress is used by over 25% (1 in 4) people

2) Over 75 million Websites depend on WordPress

3) WordPress is used by over 59.1% of all the websites

4) 50,000 WordPress sites are added every day

5) 22% of new U.S Registered Domains run on WordPress.

“So lots and lots of people use and are familiar with WordPress. It’s a well-known and trusted product and service provider”. 

WordPress itself is free, yet BILLIONS of DOLLARS are being spent by tens of millions of WordPress users, on WordPress-related products.

So How Can You Make Money – if it’s Free?

Yes, WordPress is free and it gives away thousands of FREE themes and plugins on their site.  

Plugins are apps for your WordPress website. WordPress will function on its own, but you can make it do exactly what you want it to do with plugins:

There are plugins to, 10x your email subscriptions or to double, triple, and quadruple your option rates, check your grammar, and fight off spammers. There are plugins for almost every application you can imagine.

“Yet the customers in this market are so hungry for WordPress products that they are constantly spending MILLIONS of DOLLARS on WordPress themes and plugins”.

Those tens of millions of consumers are interested in learning how to build websites using WordPress, how to use WordPress, and how to customize it for their needs.

Therefore, they are spending MILLIONS of dollars on WordPress educational products annually. How to Create a Website in WordPress

A quick glance at some of the top WordPress courses, on Udemy shows them raking in millions of dollars of sales:

The most important point is that you DON’T have to have a “best seller” to make a lot of money in this niche.


There are so many WordPress users out there, that all you have to do is capture a tiny little fraction of a percent to make a whole lot of money.

How would you feel if someone told you that WordPress Skills are the magic wand that could enable you to make money online and outcompete your competitors easily by learning some WordPress tips and advanced strategies?

You Don’t have WordPress Skills?

Well, that’s about to change and here’s why.

There is a series of high-quality content videos created by internet marketing experts that will take you by the hand show you how to drastically grow any WordPress site using the latest technologies, tips, and tricks.

“You can learn these quickly and more easily and faster than you think” These video courses are created with the latest facts, methods & newest trends in WordPress which makes them VERY high-quality products! 

  • These are jam-packed with solid gold content, and will teach you every step of the process.
  • Comes in MP4 format so it works great on both PC & Mac computers.
  • You will know how to make money with your WordPress skills that you have learned and how to implement them systematically.

What will you learn?

  • You will learn the basics of website creation for any business.
  • You will learn about how to design a website for offline businesses.
  • You will learn how about niche or affiliate offer research
  • You will learn important tips on how to optimize your website to get best results for any business.
  • You will learn about how to do client maintenance
  • You will learn how to find out what offers to promote and how to find specific keywords to promote the offers.

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email marketing for a small business

Email Marketing for a Small Business

email marketing for a small businessIf you are looking to create a big boost in your business, then one of the best things that you can do for your business is to build a list.

What is a list?  It’s when you collect contact information from people who visit your website.

Why is it important? It means you’ll be able to send them links to articles, products, and offers and if you take the time to create a meaningful relationship with the people on your list, and they trust you, then they’ll be more disposed to buy whatever you send in their direction.

You can even use an email management system (an autoresponder) to automatically deliver emails in a sequence as soon as a new person joins your mailing list. That means you can send them additional information or affiliate links that get automatically sent to anyone who signs up to your list.

It’s like auto-pilot cash!

In other words, having a list is important, and it can be a gold-mine. The problem is that a lot of people don’t know how to go about creating a list or if they manage to create a list they don’t know how to make it convert into additional sales.

If you’re interested in learning what to do with your list then you might be interested in a product called Mailing for Money, it’s a rather new product from a new-to-the-scene marketer, Ben Martin. It’s inexpensive so I thought I would grab a copy and review it here.


  • Name: Mailing For Money
  • Type: Email Marketing Training Course
  • Price: $9.95 (for a limited time)
  • Creator: Ben Martin

Mailing for money

In this Mailing for Money review, you’ll discover what’s behind the doors so you can see if it’s what you want to invest in.

Ben Martin, who been marketing online since 2010, is from the UK and resides in the Bahamas. Says that with this program he can show you “How to make $100 per day or more from an email list in 10 minutes or less per day.”

Remember, it’s Easier Said Than Done!

A lot of these marketers want you to believe that their product is the solution to all of your problems because they want you to buy their product. 

But there are a few things that you should know before you get involved with this kind of products because you can waste your money if you buy into the shiny-object-syndrome.

For starters, the income results advertised on the sales pages can be easily faked. It’s also important to keep in mind that these income claims can be generated not from the strategy being advertised but rather from other strategies or a combination of strategies.

Any affiliate marketer can take a screenshot of his total earnings and say that’s what you can make if you buy their product but that income could have been from his own products or other campaigns, there’s no way to know for sure.

In other words, it’s always good advice, to not believe everything that you are told by them”.

So what’s this program about;  Well let’s review it here.

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