email marketing for a small business

Email Marketing for a Small Business

email marketing for a small businessIf you are looking to create a big boost in your business, then one of the best things that you can do for your business is to build a list.

What is a list?  It’s when you collect contact information from people who visit your website.

Why is it important? It means you’ll be able to send them links to articles, products, and offers and if you take the time to create a meaningful relationship with the people on your list, and they trust you, then they’ll be more disposed to buy whatever you send in their direction.

You can even use an email management system (an autoresponder) to automatically deliver emails in a sequence as soon as a new person joins your mailing list. That means you can send them additional information or affiliate links that get automatically sent to anyone who signs up to your list.

It’s like auto-pilot cash!

In other words, having a list is important, and it can be a gold-mine. The problem is that a lot of people don’t know how to go about creating a list or if they manage to create a list they don’t know how to make it convert into additional sales.

If you’re interested in learning what to do with your list then you might be interested in a product called Mailing for Money, it’s a rather new product from a new-to-the-scene marketer, Ben Martin. It’s inexpensive so I thought I would grab a copy and review it here.


  • Name: Mailing For Money
  • Type: Email Marketing Training Course
  • Price: $9.95 (for a limited time)
  • Creator: Ben Martin

Mailing for money

In this Mailing for Money review, you’ll discover what’s behind the doors so you can see if it’s what you want to invest in.

Ben Martin, who been marketing online since 2010, is from the UK and resides in the Bahamas. Says that with this program he can show you “How to make $100 per day or more from an email list in 10 minutes or less per day.”

Remember, it’s Easier Said Than Done!

A lot of these marketers want you to believe that their product is the solution to all of your problems because they want you to buy their product. 

But there are a few things that you should know before you get involved with this kind of products because you can waste your money if you buy into the shiny-object-syndrome.

For starters, the income results advertised on the sales pages can be easily faked. It’s also important to keep in mind that these income claims can be generated not from the strategy being advertised but rather from other strategies or a combination of strategies.

Any affiliate marketer can take a screenshot of his total earnings and say that’s what you can make if you buy their product but that income could have been from his own products or other campaigns, there’s no way to know for sure.

In other words, it’s always good advice, to not believe everything that you are told by them”.

So what’s this program about;  Well let’s review it here.

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