What is a Keyword

What is a KeywordWhat Is A Keyword

A Keyword is the most important word you will ever write on your website.

Having the right keyword or keywords are crucial to having content rank on Google.

A page one ranking typically gets 42% of the traffic for that keyword.

If your content, is not ranking within the first ten pages of google, irrespective of how great it is, no-one will find it and you will get little, if any traffic.

Too often people waste their time, trying to get their website to rank on Google using keywords or phrases that will not generate traffic because there is too much competition for the particular word or words they are using.

Keywords are Your Path to Google Rankings 

There is little point in trying to optimize your website using keywords that are highly competitive unless you know what you are doing. Yet this is what many people attempt to do and they wonder why they struggle to get rankings on Google.

If you think of getting traffic to your website, in terms of a fishing analogy then you will realize that when it comes to catching a fish. It’s not the size of the boat or the type of fishing gear you use. (Those are nice to have but they are not the most important). There is something else that ranks far higher.

What is a Keyword


Just like fishing, the fish are attracted to your bait, not your boat. It’s not about knowing where the fish are, or how many of them are under the water.

Rather it’s about knowing what type of bait the fish are searhing for and ‘eating‘ and once you understand that, then you stand a better chance of catching, not just one fish, but many fish.

All to often people will just build their own bait and throw it into the water and hope to attract fish.

Keyword research allows you to ‘look beneath the water‘ to see what the fish are already being attracted to. This is called organic keyword research. Finding the words that people are already searching for is a great way to understand the specific type of bait required to catch the fish.

Having a keyword research tool to do competition analysis is important if you want to get good page rankings. Finding valuable, low competition words that your target audience is hungry for, makes you a more successful fisherman.

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