What is Drop Shipping

What Is Drop Shipping?

Drop shipping is a little known but highly profitable business strategy. If you’re looking to launch an online business selling physical products, and you know what you are doing, it can be a very rewarding business. This type of online business is also commonly known as eCommerce. 

The drop shipping business in particular is exciting as it means that when someone orders a physical product from you, the supplier ships the item directly to your customer. You don’t have to handle inventory, carry stock or worry about delivery or customer service.  Many people buy products this way.

what is drop shipping

The Internet Has Changed How We Shop

It’s no secret that the internet has radically changed how we shop. These days, you can buy almost anything online with a few clicks of a mouse. Today less and less people go to malls and department stores and more and more people are shopping online.

The E-commerce market place is expected to grow by 56% in 2015–2020. Traditional retailer markets  are only expected to grow by only 2% during the same time. While that’s bad for traditional retailers it’s a great boon for the online shopping industry.

What is Drop Shipping

Big Income Potential

Now while some people are making substantial incomes by selling physical products online, there are many who are not. If you haven’t seen any success yet, it’s NOT your fault. How can it be if you are doing the same tired and overused strategies as thousands of others? 

The eCom market is slowly becoming saturated and if you follow the same systems that everyone else is using, you’ll just become another “me to“. 

If you want to stop putting in hours of work to see ZERO SALES and if you are struggling to make enough money to pay the bills each month, then you need a simple, easy to follow system that’s been proven to work. So why not learn from real people who have and are doing it!


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How to List Build


How to build my list? is an often asked question from newbies and seasoned marketers alike. It is probably the number one thing stopping you from making money online.

Over the years, I have applied many techniques to build my list and grow my business. Some worked well, while others were just a complete waste of time and money.

In the end, I distilled the techniques that worked and used them to generate leads and to make sales. I have even written and sold books and programs about how to get traffic, how to get sales and how to list build.

I’m giving away a free copy of one of my books at the bottom of this page in exchange for you leaving a comment.  


Don’t let the fear of not knowing how to do something, limit your ability to make a substantial living online. I want to help you to get more sales.

In fact, I will give you a free training course right here “How to build big mailing lists like the big dogs” You can go and see it right here: No sign-in or email required

Free Training for List Building and Getting Traffic to Your Site

The First of Five is here for you to preview:

You can go and see all FIVE using the link below: No sign-in or email required. 

Free Training for Building a List and Getting Traffic to Your Site

Most People

Many people approaching list building like a gambler playing cards, they play the cards they are dealt and hope it works out. But what you really need with cards are the Aces and so it is with building a list. But just having a few aces and not knowing how to play the games will not help you much either, so you actually need a program to follow.How to List Build

Time to Become Serious

If you’re serious about setting up an Affiliate Marketing business and expect to sell frequently, then you simply CANNOT run a successful business like you are a gambler with cards, unless you are holding all the ACES. To that end I have created a List Building Program – that’s a bit like having all the ACES in a card game.

Imagine being able to download a step-by-step video course that would save you time and money by showing you only what you absolutely needed to know to build a productive list. A video tutorial course where you were given a clear-cut, comprehensive system to understanding all the necessary steps, without having to spend years that most have to spend to become, a list-building “expert“?


How to List Build

Get your List Building Aces Program Here.

Take a look at the advantages of this software program that will not only show you how to build a list but how to actually make money online by building a list!

This is an-easy-to-follow, video course that shows you how to take your online business to the next level. 

Here’s What’s Inside

Discover how to set up the List Building Aces system just one time to grow your list, build your brand, and generate repeat sales on autopilot. After that, just add traffic!

The ‘Missing Ingredient’ all marketers forgot to tell you when they say “The Money’s In The List.” If you, like most people, get this part wrong you’ll be married to a JOB and doomed work hard every time to make a sale. This ‘Missing Ingredient’ goes beyond building a relationship with your subscribers because it also grows your business quicker, faster, and easier!

The entire List Building Aces program in full detail. Use this to “download” the List Building Aces system into your brain in one glance! Never again get stuck trying to explain the List Building Aces process to your outsource team. Just hand them this system and say “I Want It Now!”How to List Build

*New* Anatomy of the Squeeze Page unlike any other. You’ll know EXACTLY what to put into your squeeze pages with this outline. Don’t know how to write long copy? No problem. This strategy can give you high subscriptions rate even if your copywriting IQ is below zero.

Steal this secret sauce that keeps my business running at full speed even during the recession when my competitors run dry on cash and traffic. Plus, I will teach you to do this without spending any money on expensive scripts or software.

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