How to Invest in Bitcoin

How to Invest in Bitcoin

How to invest in Bitcoin and survive, is probably what this article should really be called, because prices had been going crazy for a while now. As I write this, Bitcoin is down almost 70% from the high of December, 18th, 2017, of around $20,000, trading at around $7,000. 

How to Invest in Bitcoin

Does this mean that Bitcoin is a dead horse? – No, I don’t think so.

Why Invest in Bitcoin?

So, why invest in Bitcoin if it is such a volatile investment. Well, I’m going to answer that, and more in this post. Firstly, it’s important to remember that since Bitcoin’s creation, it has experienced many deaths as reported via the media, the banks and many so called ‘experts’ in fact, over two hundred times. Yet, it keeps coming back to life. The price changes hourly and could easily rise and fall dramatically, even  daily, and significantly as we have seen recently.

To see todays price, in real time see the image below:

Current Bitcoin Price

This gives you the current price for one Bitcoin (1BTC) and it changes regularly.

How To Invest In Bitcoin…continued

But, just because the price is down, doesn’t mean it’s the end of Bitcoin, as an investment.

Just to highlight a few of those many reported ‘deaths’ of Bitcoin.

  • It crashed 40% on September 2017, dropping from $5000 to $2972.
  • It crashed 80% on April 2013, dropping from $266 to $54.
  • It crashed 36% on June 2012, dropping from $7 to $4.
  • It crashed 94% between June & November, 2011, dropping from $32 to $2.

And each time Bitcoin has supposely died. Its price at the end of the each crash period, has always been higher, than before the reported ‘bubble’ began. So, the overall trend, has been, and still is, upward.

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