Niche Marketing for Success

[To see how I made the above video see Best Affiliate Tools]

Niche Marketing For Success

Picking a Niche that is the most popular, is not a guarantee of success. Picking the right niche is often not the same thing as picking one of the more popular niches. In fact the more popular a niche is, may not mean thats it profitable. It all about how you market the niche you pick.

To better help you understand just how potentially profitable picking the right can be, I have a Niche Marketing Video Course of ten models that will show you how you can start to profit from niche marketing.  The entire course is video based making it easy to follow and understand.Niche Marketing for Success

Many people getting started online are under the misimpression that the niche they should start working in is the Internet Marketing niche (make money online type) or in the weight loss niche.

Due to the huge volume of monthly searches for those two keywords. Google shows there is 273,000,000 and 221,000,000 respective search results for just these words alone and around 438,220 and 663,618 actual monthly traffic searches.

Choosing a Niche

So of course, people get excited by the possibilities of getting a portion of that traffic and if you know how to tap into these niches then no doubt you could be sitting on a virtual goldmine.

However, there is also massive competition for these niches as everyone wants a share of that volume. So for most people this is an unrealistic expectation, to be able to compete in such a highly competitive market.

What is important to realize, is that there are many other profitable niches that you could choose from and most of these niches will have less competition. And they are still large enough to make you a great income. 

Jumping In

If you choose too, you could jump into multiple niche markets by providing added value to the readers’ within those niches and begin profiting from several niche markets at the same time, as this would provide you with multiple streams of income.

However, you need to understand what you are doing and how to do this effectively This is where many make the biggest mistakes with niche marketing. They select the wrong niches, choose the wrong keywords and target the wrong audience.

Niche Marketing for Success

What is a Niche Marketer?

As a Niche Marketer, essentially you are selling products for a commission. If you don’t have your own products then you’ll be finding affiliate products and promoting them online via your own affiliate link. If someone clicks on your link and then buys the product, you’ll get a percentage of the sale.

Often, niche marketing involves selling digital products and you can expect your percentage to be as much as 50% all the way up to 75% of the sale price.

There’s usually little risk because you have nothing to ship or to stock. So all you have to do is to promote and sell the product and in some cases you’ll earn more than the actual product creator.

The hard part though, is in doing the selling. This is where the ‘marketing part comes in, and your job from here is to find yourself an audience, through a blog, a website, an email campaign, online advertising, or through social media; whichever method(s) you find the most effective.

Building an Audience

That means creating a website, or a blog, and promoting it and building a list of subscribers. 

Getting to the point of making good money is slow going. You can expect it to take at least several months if not a year or more to go from 0 to 500 visitors a day before you’ll start to accumulate exponential growth. 

During this stage, niche marketing is anything but passive. You’ll be investing large amounts of time into writing compelling content that people will want to read, building a list of followers, emailing subscribers and managing your promotions. 

So initially there is plenty to learn and do. For more about building a list see my post, list building success

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