What’s the Best Way to Make Money Online

Whats the best way to make money onlineWhat’s the Best Way to Make Money Online

If you want to sell your own Digital Products without the hassles of actually creating them, then this is for you”.

Here’s your chance to get your hands on two high quality resell rights products EVERY MONTH that you can sell as your own.

You could even start your own membership site, as these products will be yours to sell as your own so that you can keep 100% of the profits and resell them as many times as you want to your own internet marketing list.

If you seriously want to know, what’s the best way to make money online and you particularly want, passive, hands-free income, then this may well be the best product for you. 

Here’s How

I can connect you directly with your own private ‘manufacturer‘ and you will be the middle guy that customers go to, in order to get what they want. You will profit from every transaction that goes through you, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You will be buying low and selling high in the digital world for low-risk and high-profit. You be able to maintain a stable cash flow because you will receive new, high quality products every month and supply the demand from your customers and subscriber list.

You can use these products yourself and to also sell to anyone who wants to learn how to start their own internet business. These are all hot topics and come with great graphics and professional sales letters.

It works Like This

what's the best way to make money online

Imagine if I could provide you with everything you need to get up and running including the sales page, the graphics set, the videos and even the Email copy so that you can sell and profit  from them every single month!

When I say everything is done for you, what I mean is, you just have to edit the page with your payment button and upload it to your website.’ You’re not limited to how many times you can sell these products either, because each product is yours to keep, yours to sell for life.

Here’s What You Get

tickProducts that are high quality and in hot selling niches

tickEach product is 99% complete and ready for uploading. Simply replace with your name, Email and payment button and you’re good to go

tickEach product comes with its own affiliate page and promotional material such as emails, banners, graphics so that you can attract affiliates to sell these products and bring in more sales for you.

tickYou will receive two new digital products every month. This gives you time to work on product promotion and build a steady income stream.what's the best way to make money online

This is the chance for you to build up your virtual real estate portfolio with a powerful network of money making websites.

Can you imagine looking back in say five years from now and saying, Ah yes, I set this up five years ago and it’s still selling!’

So, are you ready to see the goods? After all, the reseller is only as good as the manufacturer so that’s why I want you to check out the quality of my products.

Heard enough?…Want to see the video overview below?

For More on Platinum Reseller Rights click here

Personal Experience

“I know from personal experience that it’s easy to become confused when attempting to make money online. I started out completely clueless, with big dreams, full of hope, only to lose my way and become frustrated”

If you have attempted to create websites with complete sales funnels and follow-up emails etc. yourself, then you’ll know there are at least three or four days of work, just for one site and that’s if you have done it before and know what you are doing.

You might feel like this guy!

what's the best way to make money online

This happens to us because as beginners we often don’t understand all the required steps and only have a vague understanding of what we need to do, such as how to get visitors, how to create a good sales page, how to write good content, where to find quality products to promote and how to build a membership site etc. It’s all hard until you learn how.

Having a Mentor

By having someone taking you through the steps, teaching you what you need to know. You will be able to create a highly tuned online business that brings in a regular monthly income.

Trying to make money online on your own can be difficult.  Most people fail because they give up before they ever put all the pieces together. yet, it’s only tough if you don’t have someone helping you and giving you good advice.

People often, ask me where do I find so many great products and ideas to market online. Truth is, it’s not actually that difficult, that part is actually very easy, and you can discover my secret resource here. 

I know, I am not your mentor, but let me help you out with some free training.

What is a Resell Right Product?

A resell right product is another way of describing a Private Lable Right (PLR) Product. These are products that you get the rights to use and resell. Sometimes you can claim authorship, change the name and rebrand them and other times you can only sell them as they are. It always depends on the ‘rights‘ that are being sold with the product. What's the Best Way to Make Money Online

Now in case you still don’t get Private Lable Rights I have a free training course (no sign up necessary – you just download it) It comes as four downloadable eBooks that will take you through the entire world of PLR.

It’s available by clicking the image to the right. Or using this link here: https://onlineaffiliatewealth.com/PLRCourseforfree 

Video Course

Also, if you prefer video I have an overview (a mini video course) for you to review on this page,  (just click on the videos below) so you get to understand the idea of PLR or Resell Right Products and how they work and what you can do with them. Some of the things we cover are;

 tickSetting Up your Domain Name & Web hosting
tickFree Tools you can use to edit your Products
tick Renaming your product to get the competitive edge

Module 1

Module 2
PLR Defined

Module 3
Search & Acquire

An introduction to the idea of PLR or Resell Rights from top to bottom. How you can make money from them as the goal is to maximize your ROI. Time to learn and earn!Understand what exactly a PLR product is. You will learn a bit of history behind private label rights products as well as the different types of PLR products. Running Time 5:35minShowing you some different places to start your search for quality PLR products of varied types and niches.  Sorting the good from the bad. Running Time 5:11min

Module 4
Domain & Hosting

Module 5
Makeover Tools

Module 6
Renaming PLR

Getting a domain name and web hosting. This information may be one of the most overlooked and yet, potentially most profitable parts of your PLR makeover process. Running Time 9:50minI introduce you to several tools (many of them are FREE) that you should have in your PLR Makeover toolbox. I repurpose a PLR report (short eBook) right before your eyes. Running Time 5:35minThe importance of a good product title and some tips on coming up with a new title for your one of a kind soon to be, newly created product. Running Time 5:53min

Now that you know, what Resell Rights are and how you can take advantage of them. Let me continue. 

“Yes, I realise I could just sell that mini training course on its own, but I want you to understand the awesome value of what I am  offering you”.

The Guy in the Middle

what's the best way to make money online

I’m THAT Guy

I have put together a program, connecting you directly with your own private digital product ‘manufacturer‘ and I’m setting you up as the guy in the middle that customers need to go through, to get some hot niche products.

There is no need to start from scratch, no need to hire someone to create the sales page or write the content for you, no need to hire a graphic designer, no need to write your follow-up emails. Simply put in your name, your price and your payment button and you’re good to go.

How it Works

The Resell Rights business model works simply because YOU are able to start selling quality products immediately to your potential customers without having to go through the hassles of product creation yourself. Think of it as a drop shipping service, but without the stock inventory or physical delivery.

You don’t even have writing a single sentence when you’re promoting to your list because you that’s required is that you simply copy and paste the pre-written email into your auto-responder or broadcast it to your list.

If you’re the master reseller (and this is what you’ll be) you’re in the best possible position because not only can you sell to the end user, but you can also sell to other marketers via the inbuilt affiliate program and they can then sell it to their customers. 

Yes, there are many other marketers out there, but there are far more buyers than sellers and many sub-niches within the market so there is always room for quality products.

Heard enough?…Want to see the sales page?

Platinum Reseller Rights Sales Page is here

If you want passive, hands-free income, once its set up…then this program is for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

One of the most often asked questions about PLR products is selling it ‘as is‘. If you’re just promoting the same thing as very one else, then your sales will be few and far between. 

So what’s the solution?

The answer is, to re-brand the product to the point where it looks nothing like the original. You modify it, insert your own affiliate links, add some different images, create a new cover and generally add more value. Once you have your own unique product you then attract your own, affiliates by offering generous commissions. Get this right and you have a top selling product that’s a money maker for a long time to come. It’s well worth the effort to make the product unique.

How Do You Do That Exactly?

That’s a good question and many people get confused about that so if you didn’t watch the above videos, then let me give you a link to another post that will answer that for you and can view it at this page, ‘How to Create an eBook Online

See my post How to Create an eBook Online 

tick What Would This System be Worth to You?

what's the best way to make money onlineWhat if you created a membership site and you could get 12 members paying you as little as $19.95 per month with just one of these products, that’s $239.40 a month every month (an extra $2,872.80 per year). 

Now that may not sound a lot but it’s just the beginning. You will have 24 products that will be yours to sell as your own and if only one new member joined each product, each month that quickly builds to $5,745.60 per month.

Imagine if you had 300 members, 500, or even 800 members which you could have. Your potential income explodes. What if you charged more per month? Just keep doing the math, and you can see how powerful this is.

tick How Much?

How much would you expect to pay for information and access to quality products that you can sell as your own, without having to actually create them? Having a system in place that quite literally could change your life by allowing you to get your online business up and running, increasing your online income in a very short period of time?

Hundreds of dollars would not be unreasonable considering what you can make as an affiliate marketer these days. Especially if you are one of those people who have websites working for them 24 hours a day in front of some 3 billion (and increasing) people searching online for information and solutions to problems. 

Plus there is a huge benefit in being connected directly with your own private digital product manufacturer and setting you up as the guy in the middle. But, the good news is that you don’t need to pay $497, $197 or $97 for this course (though it’s certainly worth it)

tick Here’s the Deal

Because I completely understand that when you are first starting out and trying to earn money online, that money can be an issue. And I know you need this program in order to put all the pieces together and make some money.

I was once struggling to put all the pieces together, probably like you are and I remember how hard it was for me in those early days.

So I willing to offer you an awesome deal because I want to help you to get started with building your online business and because I want to do more business with you in the future.

tick If You Are Serious

But I’m only willing to help you if you are committed to helping yourself and by that, I mean taking this program seriously and put time into getting it up and running. If you are going to buy it and then do nothing with it, then please don’t purchase it!

However, if you are serious about getting your online business on the fast track then you can get the Platinum Resell Rights system for a hugely discounted launch price of $97.00  $1but that only for a seven-day trial.

If you are serious about creating a profitable online business that should be enough time to trial it. So you can get started today for $1

Wait, there’s More

Then if you like it and I mean you must absolutely love it, (I’m sure you will – but it’s your call) you can become a member of my program at the lower rate of $47 $27.00 a month (yes, that’s not a typo – it’s less than “Thirty dollars”and for that small investment, you will receive two new hot digital products every month, that you can sell for at least $27.00 each as you build your business.

The maths is simple, each Platinum Resell Rights product will have a suggested selling price of at least $27. (and you get two every month). If you sell only one a month, you’ve made back your investment. But even if you sold 3 copies for the ridiculously low price of $10, you’re in profit.

tick 60 Day Guarantee

And of course, it’s completely backed by my 60-daylove it or hate it‘ Guarantee. If you have any problems with this course whatsoever simply contact me for a full no questions asked prompt refund. This gives you plenty of time to try out the program, so you can see how well it works.

I can’t be any fairer than that, so click the ‘Image below’ to go through to the order page and get started right now for the tiny investment of just $1 for a seven-day trial.

Secure your copy by clicking the image below

what's the best way to make money online

Platinum Resell Rights Available from here


I understand that this whole idea of affiliate marketing and working online may seem overwhelming and (for some) very confusing, hence the reason I have offered the above as a complete solution for anyone getting started online.

However, if that’s is ALL TOO MUCH, and you are not yet ready then I do have a book that will provide you with information and the resources to build your online Affiliate Marketing piece by piece.

I willing to offer it to you for free to get you started in affiliate marketing.Here’s how you can get my book for free.

If you enjoyed this article What’s the best way to make money online please feel free to socially share and leave a comment below.

Peter V Crisp

“Do that and I will reward you with a free PDF copy of my book; Affiliate Marketing Made Easy. 

So, what are you waiting for? Accept my bribe and socially share and leave a comment below.

The book is awesome as are you for leaving a comment – Thanks!

To bookmark this page for future reference you can do it now using (Ctrl+D)


  • Anthony

    Excellent way to make money. Being the middle man sounds like the stage I am at. It would be nice to have my own product, but before that can happen I have a huge learning curve to climb in order to develop something of value. In the interim this looks like a great way to make money. I appreciate the post, thanks for the information.

    • Peter

      Hello, Anthony Thanks for your comments. I try to make it easy for my readers to understand the concepts so they will be inspired to try something new. Pleased you found the post informative. Enjoy the eBook that is coming your way. 🙂

  • FitFDAFamily

    What space are these products? Are they always related to the same portfolio? You mentioned real estate. Are all these product just related to real estate? I’m always looking into new avenue to bring in passive money but I don’t know much about real estate. Also, how much material is provided to help prospect or find buyers? That is something fear doing so material would be a good help.

    • Peter

      Hello, FitFDAFamily. Every month you get two new products that are yours to edit, change, claim authorship of and promote, as you see fit. All are every green niches products that you can use or not. They cover a varity of niches and industries. To see the specifics of whats on other you can view it here: http://sales.onlineaffiliatewealth.com/PlatinumRes

      There is also training on getting traffic and many of the products you can use yourself to build your online business so it really is a valuable resource.

      Thanks for your comments. 🙂

  • Cynthia

    Very interesting offer. I like the way you have presented it too.
    It sounds easy for a beginner to learn this system of membership site for selling these digital products.
    When someone has the master resell rights, are you able to change the information inside? Are there links in these products or are they just digital ebooks for straight up information?

    • Peter

      Hello, Cynthia. Yes, with Master resell rights you can do what ever you wish with the product. Add links, add images, add / change the content, sell or give it away. You have all the ‘rights’ to do want ever you wish. Thank you for your comments. 🙂

  • Tony

    Hi Peter,

    An exhaustive review of what sounds like a potentially profitable business.

    As you say most people starting on the road of working online can be totally overwhelmed, so I like the way the whole program is laid out in easy to follow steps.

    I can see why this would be good for beginners and the fact that you can re-brand the products and make them your own.

    How does the recruiting work? If someone joins through your affiliate link do you receive any commissions and would it be a one-off or monthly payment for the duration of their membership?


    • Peter

      Hello, Tony. There are many affiliate structures, some offer monthly payments and others just a one time payment. WA has a monthly ongoing membership so we get ongoing commissions as well. Thank you for your comments. 🙂

  • Michael

    Hi Peter.
    What a great website well laid out, clear information, it provides the reader with good opportunities to evaluate the products you are offering and decide if they are interested in taking up the service you are offering.

    The design of the site obviously shows a good knowledge of how to use WordPress and the value of adding small posts over the period of time to build up a site.

    Your post about starting an online business clearly identifies a frustration felt by the majority of Internet marketers. Time after time you come across sites that offer that million-dollar ticket for seemingly very little effort and is the all known the real world this does not happen.

    Pareto’s 80/20 rule is alive and well on the Internet. Let’s hope you and your clients are part of the 20% that share 80% of the wealth.

    Good use of sidebar advertising to enhance your income stream is your site visitors are necessarily interested in your product.

    • Peter

      Hello, Michael thank you for your comments. I am pleased you found my site informative and useful and I appreciate you leaving a comment. I trust you will also enjoy the eBook that is coming your way 🙂

  • roamy

    Hello Peter
    Thanks for sharing your ideas on ways to make money online.The internet is crowded with people looking to make extra income from home.
    As you mention in your post, it`s confusing when trying to make an income online, what to sell, who to sell to or even worse, where to start.Many are scared to invest into getting started with an online business because of the scams out there.
    But then, there is no way anyone can make serious money online without making an investment, the minimum one needs is a website.Will agree with you that creating a running website with everything in place, backups, hosting, domain name and the list goes on, all these are almost impossible to achieve alone if you`ve never done it before and that`s why one needs to invest in some kind of online tutorial.
    Really appreciate your sharing, very informative.

    • Peter

      Hello, Roamy. Yes I agree with you it is all rather overwhelming and hence the reason I am trying to make it easy for people and recommend t them great resources and low cost solutions. Thanks for your comments 🙂

  • Loki Retard

    I wonder why you’re not in WA top 100 . Your website is so good . Top-notch . With your e-books and CD’s and Ads ,you’re really making money man .

    I love your website ,because it has a lot of content and specifically focuses on your chosen niche : earning income online . So maybe I would like your e-book as well and will subscribe .

    Nice Job on it . I wonder how long it took you to write everything down and make the website to what it is now .
    Your site is legit .
    Thank you !

    Founder of lokiretards .com

    Can you also comment on my website ,like overall ? and am I to self-centered? should I change my way of talking to the readers ?

    • Peter

      Hello, Alwi. The website is an accumulation of months of writing. What I mean is that you just write a post every week and it just builds and builds and before long you have over 100 pages. So its not like I sat down and wrote it all at once. I’m not in the top 100 because I spend my time working on my website not socializing on WA commenting on other peoples posts. I do comment on other peoples posts but not often for me to rank highly on WA. Thank you for your comments 🙂

  • Alan Cooper

    Hi Peter, the information you provide is both thorough and interesting. I am new to the world of internet marketing and your “product/service seems to be one way forward. I have a question about the digital products you provide.

    Although they are PLR I assume you release them to man people who sign up for your service. Do you put any limits on how many people can have rights to 1 product? If not do you see the market being saturated with any of the products you release?

    Again ,thanks for the information on your site.


    • Peter

      Hello, Allen

      es you are right, one of the biggest problems people face with PLR products and one of the biggest issues people have with PLR is selling them ‘as is‘. If they’re any good then the chances are, that many people could be using the same products. If you’re going to do this then your sales maybe few and far between.

      So in order to reap the benefits of PLR you need to do a little tweaking and put in bit of effort. It is highly recommended therefore that you recreate the PLR, to the point, where it looks nothing like the original.

      Now usually this can take a lot of work, however there is a solution. An ‘article spinner’ can help you churn out high-quality, re-spun content so that you could totally rewrite the entire content (if you wanted) in any PLR product, eBook or article. So, if you’re looking for an affordable solution for this perceived problem or you are not good at writing then for nearly effortlessly rewriting of content, then I highly recommend you check out Spin Rewriter. https://onlineaffiliatewealth.com/spinrewriter

      You can also see more on my post about this here.

      Thank you for your comments. 🙂

  • Balsam123

    It is a very interesting post, however, for me as a beginner affiliate marketer, it was difficult to understand it! It was a huge information! I was a little bit confused about all the info!

    What I liked very much were the videos! Well done! Also the images you chose, are great.

    Wishing you a lot of success!

    • Peter

      Hello, Balsam Thank you for your comments. Pleased you found it contained so much information. Unlike most sites these days that have so little – I guess that’s a good thing? You enjoyed the videos though so that great. Thanks for leaving some feed back 🙂

  • kidzmom41

    Great info on the site. I will be signing up for the ebook and I will see where it goes from there. I think that this website if a great way for starters to break into the business of online marketing. The mentorship will result in a lot of sales because there are not many companies that offer it. Great job! I think I may be sold.

    • Peter

      Hello, Kidzmom41 Thank you for your comments. The eBook is on its way to you, please enjoy it. It has a ton of great information I know you are going to like. Let me know if I can help out in any way 🙂

  • Bimmerguy

    Thank you so much for your insight on What’s the Best Way to Make Money Online.

    I’ve always wanted to get into affiliate marketing and your article has been very informative for me.

    I look forward to signing up and receiving your e-book as well. Thanks again for the great info!

    • Peter

      Hello, Bimmerguy. Thank you for your comments and I am happy that you have enjoyed the post. I trust you will also enjoy the eBook that is coming your way. 🙂

  • Nicki V

    I’ve seen a lot of online money-making products before, but I’ve never seen one like this before. Do you choose which type of product you want to resell?
    This looks very interesting and seems to cut out a lot of the hard works that’s involved in building your own site. !
    I will definitely check this out! Thanks! 🙂

    • Peter

      Hello, Nicki V Yes, you can pick and choose what you want to promote and sell. You just need to focus your efforts on marketing and getting traffic to your offer. Thank you for your comments 🙂

  • Jon

    I have come across resell right opportunities before but this one looks very interesting. The fact that you discuss mentorship is very refreshing because people who are looking to earn an income online often feel overwhelmed by the learning curve and I think that you post will give these people confidence. Great post.

    • Peter

      Hello, Jon Pleased you found this opportunity interesting. I try to provide grat value and awesome content so thank you for your feedback 🙂

  • Alex

    I totally agree with you when you said that people need mentors.
    I mean when you think about there really no reason not to have a mentor, unless the mentor doesn’t like you but that’s another story, they already have been through what you are going to go through and could could easily help you overcome those obstacle.
    Of course you could still do it alone, but it will take you so much more time and effort and if you don have a strong enough you might just give up.

    Thank for this really useful post, I really enjoyed it!

    • Peter

      Hello, Alex I am pleased you have enjoyed the post. I agree with you that it is hard to got alone and having some help and assistance from a mentor is. great way to shorten the learning curve. Thank you for your comments 🙂

  • tammy

    Great home page. The photos are very appealing and the information is great. The colors you chose for the catch the viewers eyes and make it easy to read. So much information. As a beginner, this site is very helpful. It looks great. I love the choice of video and animated pictures. Great resources for those that are looking to make money. Lots of posts so you are getting lots of interest on your site.

    • Peter

      Hi, Tammy Yes, and its all because, I know from personal experience that it’s easy to become confused when attempting to make money online. I started out completely clueless, with big dreams, full of hope, only to lose my way and become frustrated.So I am attempting to make it easy for people to get accurate information about becoming a success online. Thanks for your comments 🙂

  • TheZaScholar

    Wow Peter, your series of videos are extremely informative. I have had a similar experience to what you mention, there are soooo many places out there giving you white noise on online marketing/selling. It is really hard to find out how to start because so many of the online guides I found assumed some basic knowledge of online marketing and sales which I don’t have at all.

    The other issue I’ve had is that there are virtually limitless things to sell, so it’s hard to focus on one or two and really make them your own. The fact that you are offering to give 1-2 products with sole rights each month is really fantastic. And the fact that I can let you know anytime in the first 2 months that it’s just not for me and cancel tells me that your success rate is probably high.

    What sort of products would I be selling were I to use your system? Are these all digital products that people can just download or would I have to ship something?

    • Peter

      Hello, TheZaScholar. These would be digital products that people can just download.

      I know from personal experience that it’s easy to become confused when attempting to make money online. I started out completely clueless, with big dreams, full of hope, only to lose my way and become frustrated.

      This happens to us because as beginners we often don’t understand all the required steps and only have a vague understanding of what we need to do, such as how to get visitors, how to create a good sales page, how to write good content, where to find quality products to promote and how to build a membership site etc. It’s all hard until you learn how.

      So I have created this program to make everything easy for anyone who wants to get started quickluy and easily. Thanks for your comments 🙂

  • Marta

    Hi Peter,

    It all sounds great. You are right, it’s very difficult to understand everything that is required in order to set-up an online business and it’s great to know that someone out there can provide some support.
    In terms of the Resell Right Product, how can we claim authorship? Also, what exactly I would have to do once I purchase your product?

    • Peter

      Hello, Marta. Great questions.

      Once you purchase the program you get two high quality resell rights products EVERY MONTH. They are all hot topics and come with great graphics and professional sales letters.

      You can start your own membership site, Or you can simply sell them directly as your own and keep 100% of the profits. You might even use them as free give-aways- to get people to join your mailing list.

      You’re not limited to how many times you can sell these products either because each product is yours to keep, yours to sell for life.

      You can claim authorship by merely putting you name on it as author. I have a free training course that will take you through the entire process, use this link here: https://onlineaffiliatewealth.com/PLRCourseforfree

      Thank you for your comments 🙂

  • Bret

    Hi Peter, this sounds like a really good opportunity. I quite agree that having a mentor to kind of show you along as you go can save you a ton of effort. Sometimes you assume you can figure it out and, even if you do in the end, it took so long to get there that now you’re frustrated and ready to give up.

    When I look at these programs, I generally wonder what the plan is for getting traffic to the site. Do you have any recommendations for that in your program? Anything you can reveal in advance? Thanks!

    • Peter

      Hello, Bret To answer your question. Yes, there is some training about how to get traffic which is the life blood of every online business and without it, no matter now great the product, no-one will find you. I do have other courses on How to Get More Traffic to Your Site that can greatly assist you. Thanks for your comments. 🙂

  • Ashley

    Sorry, Peter, I have a follow-up question!!

    If I were to give this program a shot, in what way do you mentor folks? Is it through email, chat, skype? Or have you created a training program? I usually need a lot of interaction because I typically have tons of questions 😉 Looking forward to your response! Thank you!

    • Peter

      Hello, Ashley. The course is an in-depth training program and is very easy to follow with really good and simple concepts. However i can always be reached to help out if need be. This is something I myself use so it a great product. Thank you for your follow up question. 🙂

  • Hi Peter!
    I enjoyed reading through your post and am now curious 🙂 I’ve never heard of this type of marketing before so I’m intrigued. Can you tell me a little more about the types of products that are offered? Like, I’d love an example of one that you’ve worked with just so I can get a better understanding of what these products are. Thank you!

    • Hello, Ashley. Basically they are eBooks and sometimes software that are known as ‘resell right products’ which is another way of describing a Private Lable Right (PLR) Product. These are products that you get the rights to use and resell. You can rebrand them as your own. I use them as give away eBooks on my site and I also have video courses that are similar (in other words ‘private label rights’ that I sell as my own) I have a free training course (no sign up necessary – you just download it) It comes as four downloadable eBooks that will take you through the entire world of PLR using this link here: https://onlineaffiliatewealth.com/PLRCourseforfree

      Happy to help upon out with anything you need to know, Thank you for your comments 🙂

  • Scott

    So the biggest thing I took away from this great post is having a mentor to help teach and get you through the point where you begin to have success online. I know a successful online marketer who does extremely well and when i first decided to jump into his world his advice was exactly that. Stay patient and stick to your business model. Most people give up way too soon because they don’t know enough to see results and stay motivated.

    • Peter

      Hello, Scott Yes I agree, “stay patient and stick to your business model because most people give up way too soon” I created this course because I was once struggling to put all the pieces together, probably like many people and I remembered how hard it was for me in those early days. Thank you for your comments and I hope enjoy the eBook that is coming your way. 🙂

  • Deja

    Nice clean simple layout. Good choice of colors and pictures. I really like the idea of the quote before the post to tell the reader what the post will be about. Great idea!

    There is a minor typo in the 4th paragraph: “You be able to maintain…” Should be: “You -will- be able to maintain…”

    I highly recommend the writing and editor program Grammarly to improve the quality of your writing and avoid typos and misspellings. If you would like more information about it. You can pm me and I’ll tell you all about it. (I’m not affiliated with them I just really like their product because I am an aspiring writer.)

    • Peter

      Hello, Deja. Thanks you for your feedback and I’ll correct the typo, thank you! for finding it. I’m pleased you liked my post and found it informative. 🙂

  • Layne

    This is very interesting. I haven’t heard of reselling like this before. I do affiliate marketing and blogging but I’ll have to do a little more research. Could you summarize what is the difference between affiliate marketing and reselling, they seem very similar.

    I’m glad you shared the the indigitalworks resource because I have been trying to find give aways to offer subscribers and I see that free members have give away rights on certain products.

    • Peter

      Hello, Layne Thank you for your question. Basically the difference is that with affiliate marketing,you get a percentage or the sale and the vendor of the product gets the customer on their data base. With ‘Resale’ rights It’s your product, so you get 100% of the sale and the customer goes onto your data base. That’s why a combination of the two is a good approach as one generates money without the hassle of product creation and the other builds your data base when you make a sale. Thank you for your feedback and I hope you will enjoy the eBook that is coming your way 🙂

  • Victor

    Hey Peter, I completely agree that affiliate marketing is a great way to earn money. But I also believe a lot of people try it and don’t realize they do need to put a certain level of effort. The reason this programs works is because people make an effort to make it work, it is not really a get rich quick system, thanks for this information.

    • Peter

      Hello, Victor. Internet marketing is a rewarding business. There are many people who are making substantial incomes by selling their own products and services, online and others that are making a lot of money selling or endorsing the services or products of other internet marketers and yes it only works if you do. It take alot of effort in the beginning but it is well worth the struggles and the time invested. Realising there are no shortcuts is big step in the right direction. Thank you for your comments. 🙂

  • James Denny

    Hey, I just see so much to research on your site. I have saved to favs as it’s going to take me some time to read your stuff.

    Very informative and educational. I can see that a lot of your articles are going to be very helpful. What’s your thought on MLM marketing? Do you think it’s a closed loop system?

    I have tried this type of business model and found it difficult to work. You might give me another perspective on it.

    • Peter

      Hi, Danny The diffrence between MLM and Affiliate marketing comes down to; One is about ‘SELLING’ somethimg and the other should be about providing ‘INFORMATION’ that your readers want to know about and then offering them a solution. Thank you for your comments. 🙂

  • Mark

    Affiliate marketing is probably the most popular way of making money online. I myself have looked into many PLR sites and considered the resell rights option. The only concern I had and still have is that a lot of PLR stuff is outdated or just rehashed versions of something that has already been around the block a dozen times. But, I also know that there are some very good producers of high quality, current material and if you are able to find them then you are on the right track. Good job on the article, enjoyed reading it. Cheers!

    • Peter

      Hello, Mark. I know from personal experience that it’s easy to become confused when attempting to make money online.There is no need to start from scratch, no need to hire someone to create the sales page or write the content for you, no need to hire a graphic designer, no need to write your follow-up Emails. Simply put in your name, your price and your payment button and you’re good to go. So using PLR can be a great first step to getting started online.

      The Resell Rights business model works simply because YOU are able to start selling quality products immediately to your potential customers without having to go through the hassles of product creation yourself. Think of it as a drop shipping service, but without the stock inventory or physical delivery.

      Thank you for your comments 🙂

  • Andrew

    I agree with everything you said, I believe affiliate marketing is a really good way to make money online, I personally am trying my hand at affiliate marketing and it has been really confusing Until I signed up at wealthy affiliate I believe the internet is going to be the way of entrepreneurship in the future one day there will be very few stores it will be all online so it’s good to get started in a such a dominant market

    • Peter

      Hello, Andrew yes I agree WA is cetainly the place to get the right education to lesrn about making money online. Like you, it wasn’t until I started with WA that I begain to actually make money online. Thank you for your comments 🙂

  • Jake Powell

    I agree with everything said here. I think affiliate Marketing is a very good way to make money online. However, it’s crucial to have the right training platform and that’s where WA comes into place. How long have you been doing this for? I’m currently just under 2 months in.


    • Peter

      Hello, Jake I have a few website that made nothing prior to joining WA (back in 2013) and now I have a great business that earns me a good living. So I highly recommend WA to anyone who wants to get started online. Thank you for your comments 🙂

  • Marley Dawkins

    Yep making money online, is something everyone will have to get used to as we move forward, and you Peter are an expert in the field, i mean its so obvious within what your writing about here, and the way this post is designed it just screams professionalism.

    Thanks for all the great work you are doing to educate people on the best routes to making money online, and i agree WA is one of the most legitimate systems in online history without question, the training tools and support make it possible for anyone from any background to be an online success for a small monthly few and a few years hard work!

    • Peter

      Hello, Marley. Thank you so much for your comments. Yes I agree that WA is a great place to get a quality education about building an online business. They have certainly help me. 🙂

  • Great post plenty of information to learn how to get a start into making money online. I’m working on private label dog products and treats to sell on multi- channel like amazon etc.so this is another way to make money online as well bu affiliate marketing I think could be easier as far as no inventory ,no shipping and alike.best of luck to you!

    • Hello, Kevin.Yes you are right and you would be truly amazed at the type and range of affiliate products there are available that you could promote without having create yourself. Thank you for your comments. 🙂

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