Internet Marketing for Online Business

If you intend to grow your business or indeed any business, internet marketing should play a large part in your marketing strategy . The internet has transformed the way we market our business, whether it be on or offline. No matter what you do, the internet needs to be at the heart of your marketing methodology

There has been a rapid rise in the number of eCommerce enterprises selling goods online. Some operate solely in the online sphere. Many others are bricks and mortar businesses that are now also offering products and services via their websites.

Business Wisdom 

Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is one of the greatest investors of our time a self-made man, known as much for his philanthropic efforts as for his immense wealth. The Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway became a billionaire in 1990 and has been on the Forbes Rich List of The Top Ten Wealthiest people in the world for the last two decades.

Despite his incredible business success, Buffett remains remarkably down to earth, and his thoughts on money, business, investing, and life in general offer valuable wisdom for anyone in business, from powerful CEOs to struggling small business owners.

Business Quote from Warren Buffett – On the Impact of the Internet on Business

“The Internet as a phenomenon is just huge. That much I understand. I just don’t know how to make money at it… I don’t try to profit from the Internet. But I do want to understand the damage it can do to an established business. 

Our approach is very much profiting from lack of change rather than from change. With Wrigley chewing gum, it’s the lack of change that appeals to me. I don’t think it is going to be hurt by the Internet. That’s the kind of business I like.” – Warren Buffett, Business Week, 1999

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Best SEO Keyword Tool

Best SEO Keyword Tool


So what is the best SEO keyword tool? The answer depends upon whom you ask and also upon what do you mean by ‘the best‘ – The best for what?

(You may want to see my Keyword research tool review at the bottom of this page)

If you are building an online business from scratch and want to get good rankings for a niche market, then starting with ‘rank-able’ keywords that will generate traffic is a great beginning.

If however you are trying to get traffic to your existing site or just searching for Keywords for a local business website then that may require another approach and possibly another keyword tool.

Know your Audience

So knowing your target audience and what words they are likely to use to search online (called organic search traffic) is an extremely important aspect of any keyword research.

It is finding the most frequently used keywords in your industry or niche that is an important element to any ongoing online success. Having a SEO keyword search tool to do this analysis is important if you want to get a good ranking in Google if you are starting from scratch.

If you are wanting to improve your existing Search Engine Optimization by selecting high traffic keywords then most keyword research tools can do this reasonably well, such as Google’s own keyword planner for example.

However just having keywords that have a high number of searches is not enough if you are wanting to dominate a particular niche or get onto page One of Google.


Let me show you some evidence of beating the competition and getting a page one (position # 3) ranking the same day as posting. Look at the screen shot below;

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