What is the Best Keyword Tool?

What is the Best Keyword Tool?

This is an often asked question and one that has a multitude of answers depending upon the motivation of the person answering the question. Sometimes the most popular tool is not always the best because ‘popularity’ of something is not always the same as being ‘the best’. In addition the question must be tempered with “best for what?


What is the Best Keyword Tool?One of the most popular keyword tools is Google’s Keyword tool now called Google Keyword Planner and as it’s free and made by Google, it makes sense that many people use it. Although it is a hassle for new users to set up since it requires having an AdWords account.

However if you do a Google search on popular keyword tools  you will get a list of other names like, MOZ, SEMRush, Wordtracker, Ubersuggest, SEO Book, Keyword Discovery, SpyFu, and others. But you get the idea, there are plenty of “popular” keyword tools. But the question remains what is the best?

Now I haven’t personally used all the keyword research tools listed above, other than Google Keyword Planner (but I have researched them all). So I can’t claim to be an expert at which is the best. However I can claim to use a particular tool (not listed above) that I think is the best because it get’s me page one rankings.

Take  a look at these recent screen shots. 

What is the Best Keyword Tool

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Best SEO Keyword Tool

Best SEO Keyword Tool


So what is the best SEO keyword tool? The answer depends upon whom you ask and also upon what do you mean by ‘the best‘ – The best for what?

(You may want to see my Keyword research tool review at the bottom of this page)

If you are building an online business from scratch and want to get good rankings for a niche market, then starting with ‘rank-able’ keywords that will generate traffic is a great beginning.

If however you are trying to get traffic to your existing site or just searching for Keywords for a local business website then that may require another approach and possibly another keyword tool.

Know your Audience

So knowing your target audience and what words they are likely to use to search online (called organic search traffic) is an extremely important aspect of any keyword research.

It is finding the most frequently used keywords in your industry or niche that is an important element to any ongoing online success. Having a SEO keyword search tool to do this analysis is important if you want to get a good ranking in Google if you are starting from scratch.

If you are wanting to improve your existing Search Engine Optimization by selecting high traffic keywords then most keyword research tools can do this reasonably well, such as Google’s own keyword planner for example.

However just having keywords that have a high number of searches is not enough if you are wanting to dominate a particular niche or get onto page One of Google.


Let me show you some evidence of beating the competition and getting a page one (position # 3) ranking the same day as posting. Look at the screen shot below;

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