How to Earn Money From Blogging

How To Earn Money From Blogging

Don’t underestimate the power of a blog, particularly if you want to make extra money online. This is how many niche marketers and even some of the top eCommerce companies in the world get their flow of free, targeted, organic traffic and build their brand and become successful!How to Earn Money From Blogging

Blogs can influence the way your prospects perceive you and the your authority. Blogs can be a great source of traffic and could easily send all the traffic you’ll ever need.

Blogging can be an ideal way to make extra money online. So, learning how to earn money from blogging can be extremely rewarding.

Blogging is thought to be difficult, time consuming and technically challenging… But there are shortcuts.

Discover how you, or indeed anyone, can get natural, organic traffic to their websites, that will never die off, using the power of blogging… even if you have never installed a WordPress blog site before.


How to Earn Money From BloggingA powerful new 88 page book, BLOG PROFITS Blueprint (2017), available in both text and audio format, written by; Yaro Starak. That you can download for free.

Yaro, has been blogging for over ten years and made over a million dollars selling his own digital teaching products from his blog,

He wrote this Blueprint to teach others (even experts) how to package up their knowledge and sell it as digital products, using just a blog and an email list.

Why You Should Get This

If you want to break free from getting paid by the hour, per contract, or you’re tired of working with clients and want to create products that sell even when you’re not working. Or perhaps just to up-your-game then, you need to get your hands on this blueprint.

It’s 100% free and will guide you through the four steps of setting up a blog and an email list designed to sell your products, including:

  • How to Refine Your Topic to make sure you are going where the money is
  • What type of content you need to create to attract the people who will eagerly buy every product you offer
  • How to create “Traffic Assets” so you only need to set them up once and the traffic keeps coming
  • How to quickly turn your knowledge into an information product that sells on autopilot

Click this linkHow to Earn Money From Blogging then enter your email on the page to request access to download the Blog Profits Blueprint 2.0. You will also receive a series of free training videos from Yaro, to show you exactly how blogs make money.

Don’t skip this. This is one of the most valuable free reports I have ever read.

Get BLOG PROFITS Blueprint – Free download here

If You Have Ever Wondered?

How exactly do blogs make money?

Well today, I have the answer for you. Not only can you get this book for free by instant download but also, Yaro has a training video in the Blog Profits Blueprint series and in it he shows real life example blogs, including how they sell products and services.

The video features a tour of real blogs that cover the following subjects –

  • Curing Acne
  • Independent Book Publishing
  • Virtual Assistants
  • Women In Business
  • Speed Reading In Indonesian

As you can see, these are all very different topics, yet each blog applies the same system to make money.

What’s impressive is every person behind each of these blogs makes at the very least a full time income. Some of them are even getting close to making a million dollars a year from their online business.

“So if people are making money from blogging about topics like this, why can’t you from blogging about your topic of interest / expertise”.

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Fix Credit Score Fast

Fix Credit Score – FAST

If you are looking for ways to fix your credit score fast, getting hold of your credit report is an important first step toward fixing your credit. 

“Most people’s score is somewhere between 500 – 700 which is poor to fair”.

Fix Credit Score - FAST

Do You Know Your Score?

There are several ways to obtain a Free Credit Report Online and I’m going to give you access to your credit reports right here, for free. You can contact the following sources directly by visiting; 

Why You Need to Do This

You will need to view all these sources to make sure they are scoring you all the same, and once you have your credit report(s), then we can get to work on improving your credit score. Also reviewing your credit reports regularly helps you to catch potential problems, before they get out of hand, such as detecting identity theft, which can devastate your credit rating.

How Important is Having a Good Credit Score?

Fix Credit Score - FAST

Having a good credit score will guarantee you of a good life and having the best credit score, you possibly can is important because your Credit Score will affect your;

  • loan interest rates,
  • credit card approvals,
  • apartment rental requests,
  • and even job applications.

So, knowing what to look for will also help prevent future, long-term credit related problems and understanding how your credit score is calculated is another important step towards improving your credit rating.

Get This Book

Fix Credit Score - FASTRepairing bad credit is a bit like losing weight, it’s going to take a little time. And often, most typical, quick-fix options can potentially be detrimental, over the longer term, which is not what you want.

However, as everyone’s situation is different, improving your Credit Score could be easier than you think but you need to get the correct information that’s specific to your individual situation.

So, if you’re interested in learning how to fix credit your score, fast and learn some hacks and how to improve your credit score, then grab a copy of this book.

It will teach you how to avoid all the issues that people with low credit scores have to deal with on a regular basis.

In some circumstances, you can even raise your credit rating by more than 100 points without actually removing every negative thing from your credit report.
“Details about the process and exactly how to ‘tweak‘ things to improve your score, are found in this eBook”

Start a Business

In difficult financial times many and layoffs people turn to self employment or a business to start to rebuild their income, but how do you choose a profitable business in hard economic times?

Fix Credit Score - FASTDebt Negotiation could be an the answer.

In fact you could even start a business with the information you are going to learn and this could become a business for you by helping other people negotiate their way out of debt problems. There will be a lot of people looking for this type of help and you will also be genuinely helping people.

You will also have the satisfaction of knowing that you have helped them change their life for the better. A debt negotiation business for example would an excellent business to start in a recession. Your potential customers will be actively looking for the service that you offer and there will soon be a boom in the numbers of people search for these types of services.

Fix Credit Score - FAST


For More Information

For more about this and many other ideas on debt and credit management and how to beat the Debt Collectors and becoming debt free you may like to visit another free website; Debt Management Ideas and view the articles and resources about managing your money, managing loan repayments and other debt related topics.

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Start with an Online Business

Start with an Online Business

If you’re looking to build a business that has a real consistent, dependable income but have been struggling to make money online so far, then YES you’re in the right place…

You may not like everything you read on this page, some of what you read may even sting a little, but I’ve never been one to sugar coat things… Facts are facts and you deserve to hear it like it is…

As much as I believe that internet marketing is by far the best way to earn a high income, in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of risk. I also like it because it allows you to work when you want and from where you want – all on your own terms.  

There are Problems

But there are problems and most beginning online marketers end up experiencing frustration and confusion and they often spend way too much money and time on crap ‘systems’ that don’t work and if they make any money, it’s a tiny or a non existent profit. But mostly they end up completely overwhelmed.

They may even feel like this guy!

Start with an Online BusinessMany people become desperate to achieve success online, that they keep buying product after product, without ever sticking to one thing long enough to even see a glimmer of success from anything they have started. Or they have simply been sold untested ideas by, scammers and fake ass ‘gurus’ that are only interested in making a quick buck!

Like most people who start online with a dream to make money, you probably want to use the Internet to create an online lifestyle.

I’ve been online long enough to see many wanna-be’s, who talk big but make small money. I’ve seen many so-called ‘gurus‘ trying to sell their ‘system‘ or ‘automated money machines‘ but in truth they don’t actually work, never have and never will.

Sound Familiar

If any of this sounds familiar or has happened to you, understand it’s not your fault. It’s simply the nature of the industry.

And here’s another real problem in the Internet Marketing world.

“Over 90% make less than $500 (or less) each month online

The real secret is that there is no secret, there is no “magic bullet”. It’s simply just having the right education, building your knowledge, understanding the processes and implementing powerful money making strategies.  

 [To see how I made this video see my review here]

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How to Sell a Product Online

How to Sell a Product OnlineHow to Sell a Product Online

Online retailing or eCommerce as it’s more commonly known, is a rewarding business. There are many people who are making substantial incomes by selling products and services online and many others making nothing at all.

Like any other type of business, you need to have a plan in order to get started. You can’t just jump in and hope things work out because many fail before they even get their first eCommerce site off the ground.

An Idea…

How to sell a Product OnlineBut what if you could build an eCommerce site that makes you say, $1,000 per month, (that’s $12,000 a year). I am sure you would say this would be an ok amount for a part time hobby and a pretty good idea.

What if you could build a number of them, an entire website, or a bunch of websites, and turn those into cash flowing assets that continue to pay you thousands of dollars a month for the next 4 to 7 years, or longer?

Why an eCommerce Business?

The internet is killing traditional retailing…

It’s no secret that the internet has radically changed how we shop. These days, you can buy almost anything online with a few clicks of a mouse. Because of this, less and less people go to malls and department stores. That’s obviously is bad news for retailers that depend on foot traffic.

Of course, online shopping didn’t just suddenly sneak up on traditional retailers. It’s been steadily building since the 1990s.

But here’s the thing…

Most traditional retailers have underestimated the power of the internet. They didn’t adapt to it. Now they’re paying the price. Just look at these examples of some of the major retail stock prices that have plummeted over the last three years.

  • Macy’s is down 45%
  • Sears is down 72%
  • J.C Penney is down 25%
  • The Gap is down 42%
  • Urban Outfitters is down 33%

Whereas, Amazon, the world’s biggest online retailer is up 130% since March 2014 and business online, globally is now in the billions of dollars annually.

Would you Like a Piece of this $400 Billion Market? 

Estimates are, that during the year 2017 online retail sales will continue to grow to $434.20 Billion Dollars. If you doubt these numbers then take a look at these online retail growth stats:

How to Sell a Product Online

Online Retail Sales Growth 2000-2014

  • 2001: achieved profitability
  • 2002: eBay acquires PayPal for $1.5 billion
  • 2003: posts first yearly profit
  • 2009: acquired by for $928 million.
  • 2010: the United Kingdom had the biggest e-commerce market in the world (per capita spend)
  • 2012:eCommerce topped $1 trillion for the first time in history.
  • 2013: Alibaba’s e-commerce market share is 80% in China
  • 2013: India‘s e-commerce industry has grown more than 30% from 2012 to $12.6 billion 
  • 2014: There are 600 million Internet users in China (twice as many than in the US) 
  • 2014:Alibaba Group has the largest Initial public offering in history, worth $25 billion.
  • 2015:China‘s online sales reached $253 billion in the first half of the year, accounting for 10% of total retail sales.
  • 2015: accounts for more than half of all eCommerce growth worldwide.
  • 2016 :Estimated retail eCommerce sales in Brazil was, $17.3 billion.
  • 2017: Estimates are that online retail sales will to grow to $434.20 Billion.

How to Sell a Product Online

The Online Shopping Trend

How to Sell a Product Online

As you can see, online shopping activity has increased nearly tenfold since 2000. And Amazon, now the world’s largest retailer, is a big reason why.

Important News About Amazon

Amazon’s has recently announced that its is increasing its focus on ecommerce growth and they exceeded more than $136 Billion in sales in 2016 alone and they are expecting sales to grow into over a half trillion dollars in the next decade. They are investing heavily in the infrastructure and marketing initiatives to keep customers coming back for their every need. 

Why should you care?

Because you can participate in this unprecedented growth. A relatively large percentage of Amazon sellers are already generating life-changing money by leveraging the massive marketplace that is ‘Amazon‘, and they benefit from Amazon’s investments in creating happy customers and now so can you by getting involved via an eCommerce business.

Here’s How the eCommerce Business Works 

You identify products you want to sell in your online store, (maybe from Amazon). Or you setup a drop ship arrangement and a discount (profit margin) with a supplier.

“Drop ship means that when someone orders, the supplier ships the item directly to your customer. When a sale is made you get the profit margin from the sale”.

You then setup an eCommerce website and promote your selected products by writing a product review or a blog about the specific product you are promoting. If you provide quality content and interesting information, you will build a following for your website and a list of satisfied customers.

Here is an example of how this works out:
Product Sells For $49.95 (Product Cost + Drop ship Fee) $25.35 = Profit of $24.60

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Repair Your Credit Score Yourself

Repair Your Credit Score Yourself

If you are looking for ways to repair your credit score yourself, there are several ways to obtain a Free Credit Report Online.

Getting hold of your credit report is an important first step toward fixing your credit and I’m going to tell you how you can get free access to your credit reports right here. That’s right it won’t cost you a cent. You can contact the following sources directly by visiting; 

Repair your Credit Score YourselfNOTE: The average credit score in the U.S is a score of around 678 -which is only ‘fair to good‘ on most credit score ratings.

What to do Next

You will need to view all three of these reports to make sure they are scoring you the same, and once you have your credit report(s), then we can get to work on improving your credit score.

Having the best credit score, you possibly can is important because your Credit score will affect your;

  • mortgage rates,
  • credit card approvals,
  • apartment rental requests,
  • and even job applications.

Reviewing your credit reports regularly helps you to catch potential problems, before they get out of hand, such as detecting identity theft, which can devastate your credit rating. Also a credit reporting company can report negative information about you for seven years and bankruptcy information for 10 years.

What to Look For

So take a look at all the reports and see what they have on you and hightlight anything you don’t understand or want to know more about. Looks for things that are one report but not the other and see how they stack up against each other. You maybe surprised by what you find.

repair your credit score yourself

Also Available from Amazon

Knowing what to look for will also help prevent future, long-term credit related problems and understanding how your credit score is calculated another important step towards improving your credit rating.

Get This Book

So, if you’re interested in learning about some hacks and quick solutions to improve your credit score, then all you have to do is grab a copy of this book.

When going over your credit report make sure you use  common sense when deciding which errors to report and which ones to ignore.
For example many people believe that the best way to repair their credit rating and improve their credit score is to remove all of the bad credit from their report. This is not entirely true as, sometimes a less-than-perfect credit report is sometimes higher in the list of credit scoring than a 100% perfect score.
In some circumstances, you can raise your credit rating by more than 100 points without actually removing every negative report from your credit score.
“Details about the process and exactly how to ‘tweak‘ things to improve your score, are found in the book”
A Free Resource to Check Out
If you want to avoid many of  the issues that people with low credit scores have to deal with on a regular basis then should to visit another free website; Debt Management Ideas and view the articles and resources about managing your money, debt and managing loan repayments and other credit related topics.

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Work Online From Home

Work Online From Home

Internet marketing is a rewarding business. There are many people who are making substantial incomes by selling their own products and services, online and others that are making a lot of money selling or endorsing the services or products of other internet marketers, more commonly known as, affiliate marketing.


Work Online From Home

There are many advantages for anyone looking to work online from home. Such as round-the-clock operability, low starting costs, and the chance of quickly expanding your customers base.  It is not unexpected that the Internet marketing market is now full of online businesses owned and operated by amateurs who aspire to share in the wealth of this lucrative industry.

To Grab Your Share

However, in order to get a slice of wealth, you need to out-compete and out-market, some stiff competition from other online marketers who possess the skills and understanding of this type of new business model, in order for you to win a share of this billion dollar industry.

If you want your own online business, your own downloadable video products, your own eBooks, be able to promote special offers, and to learn many ways to generate an income online but are having difficulty getting started or knowing what to do. Then look no further because I have some great resources for you.


Not only can I recommend a great place to begin your education (for free) But I have some other worthwhile resources to get you started while you are learning everything you need to know from Wealthy Affiliate.

You can see my review and learn more about them or go directly to their site using the link within the image below.

Internet marketing for the beginner

You can learn all you need to know in one place, at your own pace and you do not need your credit card to get started.

“They will teach you the fundamentals of online marketing and building a successful business and show you how actually to make money online”.

Grab A Slice

You will have your very own piece of the internet and a platform from which to connect to some of the 3 billion people who are looking (searching) for information and solutions to problems online.

See more in the video below;

(To see how I made this video see tools)

Find Out More about Wealthy Affiliate Here

Another Thing

As an affiliate marketer, you’re self-employed and you are working alone and you will need to put in a lot of hours for little reward. Make no mistake, affiliate marketing initially involves a lot of hard work. But once you’ve set everything up, you could be literally earning money, while you sleep.

One of the hardest things to do when you’re self-employed is to maintain an attitude of focus and ‘pushing forward‘ especially when you’re around people who perhaps don’t seem to see the future the same way you do.

The best way to handle this is to surround yourself with knowledge and inspirational ideas that keep your mind actively engaged and motivated.

Some Free Gifts

“With that in mind, I have put together some free gifts designed to help stimulate your mind and get you pointed in the right direction”.

I have bundled a selection of Seven eBooks that you can download for free which include… * Conquering The Cranium  *The Copywriter’s Handbook * The Clockwork Course  * Email Essentials   

Work Online From Home

Work Online From HomeWork Online From HomeWork Online From HomeWork Online From HomeWork Online From HomeWork Online From Home

 *Inspirational Ideas * List Landslide and *Limitless Lead Generation  

You can Download all seven with this link here…

Download all SEVEN with this link here

Yes, they are completely free, no signup, or email required, just use the download link above”.

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How to List Build


How to build my list? is an often asked question from newbies and seasoned marketers alike. It is probably the number one thing stopping you from making money online.

Over the years, I have applied many techniques to build my list and grow my business. Some worked well, while others were just a complete waste of time and money.

In the end, I distilled the techniques that worked and used them to generate leads and to make sales. I have even written and sold books and programs about how to get traffic, how to get sales and how to list build.

I’m giving away a free copy of one of my books at the bottom of this page in exchange for you leaving a comment.  


Don’t let the fear of not knowing how to do something, limit your ability to make a substantial living online. I want to help you to get more sales.

In fact, I will give you a free training course right here “How to build big mailing lists like the big dogs” You can go and see it right here: No sign-in or email required

Free Training for List Building and Getting Traffic to Your Site

The First of Five is here for you to preview:

You can go and see all FIVE using the link below: No sign-in or email required. 

Free Training for Building a List and Getting Traffic to Your Site

Most People

Many people approaching list building like a gambler playing cards, they play the cards they are dealt and hope it works out. But what you really need with cards are the Aces and so it is with building a list. But just having a few aces and not knowing how to play the games will not help you much either, so you actually need a program to follow.How to List Build

Time to Become Serious

If you’re serious about setting up an Affiliate Marketing business and expect to sell frequently, then you simply CANNOT run a successful business like you are a gambler with cards, unless you are holding all the ACES. To that end I have created a List Building Program – that’s a bit like having all the ACES in a card game.

Imagine being able to download a step-by-step video course that would save you time and money by showing you only what you absolutely needed to know to build a productive list. A video tutorial course where you were given a clear-cut, comprehensive system to understanding all the necessary steps, without having to spend years that most have to spend to become, a list-building “expert“?


How to List Build

Get your List Building Aces Program Here.

Take a look at the advantages of this software program that will not only show you how to build a list but how to actually make money online by building a list!

This is an-easy-to-follow, video course that shows you how to take your online business to the next level. 

Here’s What’s Inside

Discover how to set up the List Building Aces system just one time to grow your list, build your brand, and generate repeat sales on autopilot. After that, just add traffic!

The ‘Missing Ingredient’ all marketers forgot to tell you when they say “The Money’s In The List.” If you, like most people, get this part wrong you’ll be married to a JOB and doomed work hard every time to make a sale. This ‘Missing Ingredient’ goes beyond building a relationship with your subscribers because it also grows your business quicker, faster, and easier!

The entire List Building Aces program in full detail. Use this to “download” the List Building Aces system into your brain in one glance! Never again get stuck trying to explain the List Building Aces process to your outsource team. Just hand them this system and say “I Want It Now!”How to List Build

*New* Anatomy of the Squeeze Page unlike any other. You’ll know EXACTLY what to put into your squeeze pages with this outline. Don’t know how to write long copy? No problem. This strategy can give you high subscriptions rate even if your copywriting IQ is below zero.

Steal this secret sauce that keeps my business running at full speed even during the recession when my competitors run dry on cash and traffic. Plus, I will teach you to do this without spending any money on expensive scripts or software.

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Learn to SEO

Learn to SEO

Learn to SEO

If you’re going to achieve any sort of online success at all, you’ll need to know about SEO and how to make it work for you. The most economical SEO strategy is to do it yourself. But this is much easier said than done because there are many techniques to implement and understand. Understanding SEO for beginners can be a daunting task.

Learn to SEO

You’ve MISLED Me!!

Been Misled

hate to tell you this, but you have probably been misled by many so-called online SEO marketing experts. It seems some have got caught up in touting the latest marketing trends like social media, mobile marketing, retargeting, banner traffic, solo ads, video marketing, etc.

And they have told that you either need to work with an ‘SEO Expert’ or contract out to an ‘SEO Consultant’ who all too often wants to sell you a high priced program that promises you a high google ranking. BUT, do these ‘experts‘ actually have a high ranking on their own sites?

Effective S.E.O. is Still Relevant.

Well, maybe you don’t need them because I’m here to tell you that there is still an effective way to get free, targeted, and sustainable visitors to your website via SEO or Search Engine Optimization. SEO is one of the older methods for gaining traffic, and despite many of the changes within Google, it still can be a huge source of long term traffic for your website even in 2017 and beyond!

If you’re on a budget, then a step-by-step SEO action guide could save you countless hours and a small fortune, by not spending money on consulting fees and other SEO services.

D.I.Y. SEO Tips

Learn to SEO

Here are some initial actions steps you can undertake yourself for free.

1. Make certain your site is clean (no broken links) and hosted by a respectable company.
2. Enhance your keywords
3. Submit to the search engines and directories
4. Deal with your page rank
5. Add more quality content

You can also see Google Webmaster Guidelines which covers the most common forms of deceptive or manipulative behavior that Google may respond to negatively and what you need to avoid doing if you want to rank well.

So here are the steps…

Step 1. Ensure your Site is Tidy

A clean site begins with clean hosting and having a static IP address. Ensure that your website’s loading time is efficient.  Make certain the site loads rapidly and to do a test you can use a free tool, such as Pingdom to test your site’s loading speed.

Learn to SEO

The higher the score indicates that there are no unnecessary graphics. You must likewise test the website with different internet browsers. This will take time but it will ensure visitors to your site will have an enjoyable experience.

Also, check that you have no broken links or links that are not working, so you need to go through your site and check that all your links functioning. It’s also a good idea to make all external links leaving your site ‘NoFollow’ links. (This may be a bit advanced – If you understand it then great,  if not then don’t worry too much about this)

For efficiency and speed, you could use Screaming Frog SEO Spider (Download for free, or purchase a license for additional advanced features)It is a powerful tool that crawls your website in the same way as Google. When it’s done crawling, you’ll get a detailed report including:

  • Broken links and server errors
  • Details of page titles and meta for every URL on your site
  • Duplicate content warnings
  • Pages blocked by robots.txt (or nonindexed)



Step 2. Enhance your keywords or keyword phrases.

When you’ve selected the keywords you are going to use and have done a search with a keyword tool (you can browse the web, there are several that are good) and found out the number of searches for each phrase and then have hopefully you have made your selection based on ‘competition‘ rather than volume.

Then remember to keep your keywords or keyword phrases for each page or post to a minimum of two or three. Use your ‘Main’ Keyword at LEAST once in the content. Write naturally and you will tend to use your target keyword several times within your content without having to think about it.

If it makes sense to include your keyword early, then do so. Otherwise, just include it somewhere on the page.

While there seems to be a small correlation with the keyword appearing near the start of an article, don’t worry about this too much because there are lots of examples where content has ranked without including the “main keyword” within the beginning of the text.

So in short, you don’t have to worry about keyword density as it doesn’t carry much weight anymore. Don’t overuse your keywords as that will detract from rather than add to, your rankings.

Step 3. Send to the online Search Engine.

Important note! Do not utilize automated search engine submission software to send your site to search engines. Google’s terms of service plainly state that this is an infraction. The majority of the search engine will see this as spamming and penalize you for it.  You’ll find that the path to economical SEO, and even professional search engine optimization, provides no short cuts.

There’s no point publishing amazing content on your site if no-one ever finds it. If your content is good then you should have a clearly defined promotion strategy. This could include:

  • Sending it out to your email list
  • Sharing it on your social media channels
  • Reaching out to everyone mentioned in the post
  • Emailing people who have linked to similar content
  • Sharing your post on Reddit
  • Sharing your post on niche communities (i.e. and GrowthHackers for marketing content)
  • Answering questions on Quora and linking to your post

The exact strategy will depend on your niche (and resources), but a good rule of thumb is that you should spend at least as much time promoting your content as you do writing it.  

Also, install and display social share buttons on your web pages to make sharing as easy as possible.

Step 4. Work on Improving your Page Rank.

Remember page rank is that critical metric that increases your exposure over that of your competitors when everything else is equal. To increase your page rank you need to have people reading your content and spending time on your site. NOT just visiting and then clicking away. So it not just about a high traffic volume.

“Do everything you can to lower your bounce rate!

Learn to SEO

The lower – the better

Bounce rate is the percentage of searchers that visit a page on your site and then leave (normally by clicking back) without visiting any other pages.

There are two types of bounce rate:

The first is the one you see in Google Analytics, that looks like the one to the right and there are all sorts of reasons why this figure might be high.

For example, your site might offer answers to questions and once someone has that answer, they don’t need to read anything else.

The second type of bounce is the one that’s more important to search rankings. That’s when someone clicks through to your site from a search, then clicks back to the results page and continues to click on other results. This is going to be a big indicator to Google that your page didn’t satisfy the query and that means that over time you’re going to start moving you down the rankings.

Step 5. Add Quality Material to your Website.

As you’re composing material for your site, think about the reader’s experience. If you just include plain text and page after page of content, you’ll end up with something that’s tough for visitors focus on.

Remember no one wants to read all of your content to find out what’s it’s about. You need to make it interesting from the beginning, draw them in, take them on a journey and lead them to your conclusion.

Subheadlines and Images will help break up your content and make it easier to read. They will also help to keep your readers engaged, increasing time on the page, and a reducing the bounce rate. Plus they make your posts look nice and pretty.

Adding an embedded video to your content will also help to keep visitors on the page for longer. And the longer time on the page (the dwell time) helps boost your rankings. Also, you should regularly update old/archive content to keep it fresh, relevant and rank worthy.

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How to Create an eBook Online

 How to Create an eBook onlineHow to Create an eBook Online

Whether you want an eBook as a free give-a-way or for a product that you can market and sell or you just want to create digital products fast. I have a simple solution for you.

Most of the big names in the business world make money by creating and promoting their own products. The main reason for this is so that they get to keep a major portion of the profits. And if you are serious about joining these successful people, you have to develop your own products as well.

Creating Your Own Products

Creating a product to sell online can be a daunting task and marketers are constantly having to come up with more and more ways to stay on top of the trends if they want to dominate their marketplace.

Starting an online business and competing in a pool of sharks and scammers requires wit, some technical ability, and the know how to create and to innovate if you want success in the online world.

If you want to work online at home and build a truly profitable business, your business must have two traits.

tickOne is you must be in a growing niche and you must keep up to date!

tickTwo, you must be seen as a market leader in your given niche. 

I’m going to show you how you can dominate your niche by using PLR material.

Private Lable Rights

Private Lable Right (PLR) products have been helping marketers, entrepreneurs and coaches save time, effort and money with the nitty-gritty, hard  work, such as content creation while they focus on growing their business. It has also helped many get their businesses off the ground and fast-track their efforts to success.

PLR products provide a way to build a successful business by helping you leverage pre-written content to achieve more, in less time. With PLR products at your disposal, you can take on the giants of Internet Marketing in any niche or become a market leader in your chosen niche.question Man

What’s Private Label Rights Rights?

Private label rights (PLR) is written material (such as web content, books, or autoresponder content) that you can purchase and claim authorship. 

There are different kinds of PLR content available, various methods of acquiring it and different rights provided to you once you’ve obtained it. Usually, nevertheless, the right to claim authorship likewise gains you the right to edit the content, break it apart, assemble it into a larger source, release it on your website, etc.

Want More Details about PLR?create digital products fast

If you still don’t get it. I have a free training course with four downloadable reports that will tell you all about Private Label Rights that you can get from here (No sign up required) – just download the books directly. I’m giving you free access to four training manuals that cover practically every way you can cash in with PLR.

One of the biggest problems people face with PLR products is selling it ‘as is‘. If you’re just the same as 1000’s of other people out there doing the same thing, then your sales will be few and far between. Most drop the price of their product, start a price war and before long, what may have been a quality product is now sold for mere pocket change.

So what’s the solution?question Man

The answer is to re-brand the product to the point where it looks nothing like the original, put in more value and then attract your own affiliates by offering a generous commission. Get this right and you have a top selling product that’s a money maker for a long time to come.

Generally PLR content is great for affiliate online marketers since it’s cheap, you could modify it, insert your very own affiliate links and it’s well worth the effort to make it unique.

How Do You Exactly Do That?question Man

That’s a good question and many people get confused about that so let me show you with this mini video tutorial that you can review on this page, so you get to understand how to modify and use PLR products to their full advantage, I will cover just a few things, such as;

 tickSetting Up your Domain Name & Web hosting
tickFree Tools you can use to edit your Products
tick Renaming your product to get the competitive edge

The Mini Video Tutorials are below, you can view them right here;

Module 1 Introduction

An introduction to PLR from top to bottom. How you can make money from them and how to maximize your ROI. Time to learn and earn!

Module 1

Module 2
PLR Defined

Module 3
Search & Acquire

create digital products fastcreate digital products fastcreate digital products fast
An introduction to PLR from top to bottom. How you can make money from them and how to maximize your ROI. Time to learn and earn!Understand what exactly a PLR product is, the history of private label rights and the different types of PLR products. Running Time 5:35minWhere to start your search for quality PLR products for a variety of types and niches. Sorting the good from the bad. Running Time 5:11min

Module 4
Domain & Hosting

Module 5
Makeover Tools

Module 6
Renaming PLR

Getting a domain name and web hosting. Possibly the most overlooked and yet, potentially most profitable parts of your PLR makeover process. Running Time 9:50minI introduce several tools (many of them are FREE) that you should have in your PLR toolbox. I show you how to repurpose a PLR report (short eBook) Running Time 5:35minThe importance of a good product title and some tips on coming up with a new title for your newly created product.

Running Time 5:53min

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What’s the Best Way to Make Money Online

Whats the best way to make money onlineWhat’s the Best Way to Make Money Online

If you want to sell your own Digital Products without the hassles of actually creating them, then this is for you”.

Here’s your chance to get your hands on two high quality resell rights products EVERY MONTH that you can sell as your own.

You could even start your own membership site, as these products will be yours to sell as your own so that you can keep 100% of the profits and resell them as many times as you want to your own internet marketing list.

If you seriously want to know, what’s the best way to make money online and you particularly want, passive, hands-free income, then this may well be the best product for you. 

Here’s How

I can connect you directly with your own private ‘manufacturer‘ and you will be the middle guy that customers go to, in order to get what they want. You will profit from every transaction that goes through you, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You will be buying low and selling high in the digital world for low-risk and high-profit. You be able to maintain a stable cash flow because you will receive new, high quality products every month and supply the demand from your customers and subscriber list.

You can use these products yourself and to also sell to anyone who wants to learn how to start their own internet business. These are all hot topics and come with great graphics and professional sales letters.

It works Like This

what's the best way to make money online

Imagine if I could provide you with everything you need to get up and running including the sales page, the graphics set, the videos and even the Email copy so that you can sell and profit  from them every single month!

When I say everything is done for you, what I mean is, you just have to edit the page with your payment button and upload it to your website.’ You’re not limited to how many times you can sell these products either, because each product is yours to keep, yours to sell for life.

Here’s What You Get

tickProducts that are high quality and in hot selling niches

tickEach product is 99% complete and ready for uploading. Simply replace with your name, Email and payment button and you’re good to go

tickEach product comes with its own affiliate page and promotional material such as emails, banners, graphics so that you can attract affiliates to sell these products and bring in more sales for you.

tickYou will receive two new digital products every month. This gives you time to work on product promotion and build a steady income stream.what's the best way to make money online

This is the chance for you to build up your virtual real estate portfolio with a powerful network of money making websites.

Can you imagine looking back in say five years from now and saying, Ah yes, I set this up five years ago and it’s still selling!’

So, are you ready to see the goods? After all, the reseller is only as good as the manufacturer so that’s why I want you to check out the quality of my products.

Heard enough?…Want to see the video overview below?

For More on Platinum Reseller Rights click here

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Internet Marketing for Newbies

Internet Marketing for Newbies

How many times have you let the fear of not knowing how to do something stop you taking your website to the next level. How many times have you wished you knew how to do techie things with your computer that you didn’t have to ask someone else how to do?

What if there was a marketing tools techie video tutorial where you were given a clear-cut, system to understanding all these things easily.

Internet Marketing for NewbiestickHave you ever created a document and then forgot to save it, and you lost it? – Did you know that you don’t have to start again from scratch, that you can restore it? 

tickDo you know that you can move files from one domain to another server without having to download the files to your computer and then re-upload them to the new server?

tickDid you know you can delete files, create directories, create and extract zip files, edit files, without any software and do it on any computer that has access to the Internet?

tickDo you know to protect your download pages, secure your WordPress site. Set up and configure an autoresponder, remove unresponsive emails, use Amazon S3, create and edit marketing videos?

These are some of the many ‘techie things‘ that not many people know too much about.

What If

What if there was a techie video tutorial where you were given a clear-cut, comprehensive system to understanding all these things. Imagine being able to download a step-by-step video course that would save you time and money by showing you only what you absolutely needed to know to become a computer techie expert.

An-easy-to-follow, video course that shows you how to use many of the popular marketing tools that will take your website to the next level. And one that also gives you a making money avenue by selling your expertise. Without having to spend the years that most have to spend to become an Internet “expert“?


A 70 Step-by-Step Video Tutorials that Will Teach you how to use the Latest Marketing Tools Like a Seasoned Pro. 

Don’t let the fear of not knowing how to do something, limit your ability to make a substantial living online.

Take Control

With this product, using videos to show you, it will help you (even if you are not a techie person) take FULL CONTROL of your online business and shift your knowledge and understanding of many of the popular online marketing tools to take your website to the next level.

Be smart! Take advantage of these advanced techniques so that you can make money from selling your new found knowledge as a service to others.

I’m so confident that you’ll love the techniques used in this product that you’re going to seem like a computer genius to others who don’t know or are too afraid to find out what these marketing tools can do.

Here’s Some of What You’ll Learn

Here’s some of what this course will teach you;

tickWordPress basics. That will allow you to publish your website online fast

tickCanva; Learn how to create impressive info-graphics.

tickLearn how use the power of OptomizePress 2.0

tickYou’ll learn how to create, edit, tweak and render Marketing videos using such platforms as VideoMaker FX, Explandio3.0 and how to create white board and cartoon type videos as well as powerpoint videos.

tick Leadpages; learn how to create high converting squeeze pages

tick Autoresponders and File Storage How to avoid slowing down your computer with overload files and slow downloads. 

If you want to know what goes on behind the scenes of many of these popular marketing tools that many are using today. Then this Newbie Video Course demystifies all common areas of the technological challenges that are stopping many from growing there business like a seasoned pro.

This video series is packed with 70 videos and some bonus videos on many shortcuts that will save you time that you’ll be able to use for years to come.

Get Protection and Stay Safe

This series of high quality and detailed content will show you even more in-depth features (if you are a little bit techie) that shows you how you can take your website to the next level. 

All you have to do is follow each video, one at a time, and within a few short hours, you will know everything you need to know in order to impress seasoned marketers and experienced business owners, without having to go through the monotonous trial & error that other internet professional had to go through to get the same expertise.

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Internet Marketing for Beginners

Internet Marketing for Beginners

[Click the image above to watch a short video]

Internet marketing for beginners and getting started online isn’t as easy as people think. Many people who start an online business go into it with high hopes and expectations and some even think they will become rich overnight, but unfortunately, this is far from the reality.

If only there was a university for online business people or somewhere you could do a course that catered for internet marketing for beginners.  Wouldn’t that be great?Internet Marketing for Beginners

You know the money’s out there, just waiting for you to stake your claim, but you just don’t know where to begin. Or perhaps you know how to begin but you soon got lost and frustrated before you got too far.

Many people go online searching for ways to make money. Too often they join programs that promise a fortune overnight – but often these turn out to be just scams.

Most likely, you were beginning to believe that only scammers make money online. But that is simply not true. Yes, there are people making a lot of money online and by this I mean a full-time income for part-time work.

Sounds great – right? But wait before we get too excited, there are many people who aren’t making anything.  In truth very few are making $100’s or $1,000’s of dollars a day online. In fact, that only happens for a small portion of people online.

Peter V Crisp

“If you have been struggling to make money online, only to fail miserably, and end up feeling as if you just don’t have what it takes to be successful. I have some good news for you – It’s not your fault and that’s because there’s one tiny problem standing you and the financial freedom you desire – Education!


Yes, Education is the difference between success and failure. Knowing what to do and how to implement the strategies that generate an online income is the missing piece of the puzzle. 

But what if you were given a clear-cut, comprehensive system to making money online that would instantly shift your earnings into high gear, without you having to go through the months (or years) of trial and error in learning to become an Internet marketing “expert”?

ImagineInternet Marketing for Beginners

Imagine being able to download a step by step guide that would save you time and money by showing you only what you absolutely needed to know to make money online.

All you have to do is follow each strategy, one at a time, and within a few short hours, you will know everything you need to know in order to compete with seasoned marketers and experienced business owners, all without having to go through the monotonous trial & error that THEY had to go through to generate the same results.

How would you like to become a seasoned pro in less than half the time! Imagine being one of those people who have websites working for them 24 hours a day in front of some 3 billion (and increasing) people searching online for information and solutions to problems. 

So What’s it About?

Going back to school doesn’t sound like much fun does it, so let’s tell you what the course is all about because learning is really not much good, if you are not going to enjoy the process. Which is why it’s a video-based training tutorials that will give you the outcome you require and you can replay it over and over as many times as you wish.

This is where you will learn all about the Online Business they don’t teach you at school, or at university, but what you will can only learn from trial and error and real life experience… 

So How Much is this Newbies Training Course?

The material is comprehensive and set up so that you can easily digest each strategy as you go through the process. A few hundred dollars ($27 a month) would not be unreasonable considering how much time you will save learning what to do and how much money you could make once you implement what you have learned.

But as I was once a newbie and I understand the frustrations of trying to get started and because I’m looking to get feedback and comments on this awesome product, even at a one time price of $97 it would be a complete bargain.

However, as I’m wanting to encourage you to buy from me again – I have an awesome deal for you. 

Here’s The Deal

I’m going to completely back this (as with all my products) with a 60day ‘love it or hate it‘ guarantee! If you have any problems with this course whatsoever, simply contact me for a full and prompt refund – no questions asked. I trust you!

This gives you plenty of time to apply the strategies shown in this course so you can see for yourself how well it works and because I really want you to buy from me again to that end and looking to the future.

Everything You Need To Know

You will be truly blown away by the amount of information that I have packed into this course. It really should stay as a monthly membership program but I’m making available a lifetime membership, for a low one time purchase. 

*Note: Due to the super low price there are optional up-sells

Internet Marketing for Beginners

I have made this a brilliant investment at the very low introductory price of $97.00 $19.97.  – Yes, that’s less than twenty dollars.

To Get Your Newbie’s Training Course follow this link here


Getting these low-cost video tutorials is entirely optional, you could just go directly to Wealthy Affiliates follow their awesome program and eventually learn everything need to know, and you can start that program by clicking on the banner below.

It’s free to join, and I recommend that you join whether you get my courses or not.

How to Earn Money Working at Home

It is a straightforward down-to-earth program. Created by online marketers and is an excellent place to get an education and you can do it at your own pace and from your own place.

You also receive lots of support and help and answers to all your questions from within the membership community that is truly second to none.

So if you want to learn how to set up an online website completely from scratch, learn to use search engines to your advantage, and to build a sustainable, long-term business, then my number ONE recommendation is you join Wealthy Affiliate.Internet Marketing for Beginners


If you have enjoyed this post “Internet Marketing for Beginners” please feel free to share socially or ask a question below.

If you leave a comment, I will reward you with a free copy of my latest book; ‘List Building Success Secrets’ – Learn how to create a list and how to profit from it.

Peter V Crisp

If you are just getting started, then you will want to build a list. Yet you may not know how to actually do this and this is where most people get stuck, right at the beginning… Without a strong list, you won’t have a stable source of online income”. 

You can get this book in exchange for leaving a comment – Thanks!

Internet Marketing for Beginners

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Is China the Next Superpower

Is China the Next Superpower?

The Chinese have long seen themselves as superior to every other race and the center of the world. It’s because they were so confident of this, that historically they never ventured out much or as often as the Europeans did.

Well, that is with a brief exception during the 15th, Century (from 1405 to 1433) when they had a fleet of gigantic ships, vastly superior to those of Europe and they ventured as far as Africa and India and some say they even went as far as America, before Columbus. The Chinese had long been a nation of seafarers and had invented the mariner’s compass in the 11th century.Is China the Next Superpower

Then They Shut The Door

But then the Emperor reversed the policy of open exploration and by 1500, it became a capital offence to build a seagoing junk with more than two masts. It is said they burned the large sea going ships, which abruptly ended further exploration and potential global conquest or at least exporting their culture.  They shut the door to foreigners and isolated themselves from the world for the next three hundred years.

It was the Europeans that came to China looking for opportunities and as a latter consequence it was the Chinese who were on the receiving end of whatever Europe dished out.

The Chinese were happy to sell too, (but not buy from the European traders). They demanded payment in silver for their tea, silk and ceramics and eventually this imbalance of trade caused resentment from the Europeans (especially the British) who wanted reciprocal trading.

A market was initially found for narcotics (Opium) that resulted in the infamous Opium Wars, of the late 1800s’ that resulted in the humiliation of having foreign soldiers running around the Chinese countryside. But it was also the beginning of international markets being established for many port side cities in China.


The Chinese have historically valued the importance of ‘saving face‘ (it’s culturally important to them) And just as they have a deep-seated resentment of the  (“foreign devil“) for the humiliation suffered by occupying places like Hong Kong, Macau, Shanghai, and numerous other enclaves. 

The Chinese today, also resent the U.S government interference in its global expansion plans and it dislikes immensely the U.S parading its aircraft carriers, in and around the South China Sea. A body of water that they claim belongs to them.

The U.S government may feel like it can call the shots, because it has a dozen aircraft carriers and a couple of thousand fighter planes. But times have changed since the early nineteenth-century, and the U.S government might actually be antagonising what could turn out to be a sleeping dragon. 

An Enemy

It could be making a serious enemy with a country that now has serious wealth and a lot more modern technology. Unlike the China of early times which was isolated and insular, modern day China is vibrant and relatively advanced, and at the end of the day, any war will go to the country with the most wealth. Not the one that has the most expensive military hardware. A modern day war with a country like China would certainly bankrupt America.

 The Future in ChinaIs China the Next Superpower

Putting thoughts of war aside, there are dozens of likely scenarios as to what might happen in China over the next few decades and although I am not going to pretend I can predict which one is the most likely to occur.

However, the trend that seems the most credible is the rapid rate of wealth increase in China.

I would never credit any official government figures with any accuracy, (because all Government lie – some more than others) but if we were to assume them to be correct, then the U.S. economy is growing at 2%, and China’s at about 7%.

Now add to that China has about four times the population, then this means that the largest economy on the planet may soon no longer be the U.S.A, but China. (For more on this you may wish to view my other post here)


While the country has remained steadfastly a one party communistic state they have whole heartily embraced capitalism (at least economically) since the Nixon era of the 1970s’ when they opened the door to doing business with the ‘west’.

There has been, and continues to be reforms to its economic model and unlike America they are quietly unapologetic about making money. The Government of course still owns and controls many of the major businesses, it restricts wholly owned foreign competition and it still owns all the land in the country. The people pay ‘for everything’ and nothing is free!Is China the Next Superpower

Even the Panda is loaned out to other nations on a ten-year contract that includes a fee of $1,000,000 per year and a provision that any cubs born during the loan period are the property of Chinese Government. This has been the arrangement ever since 1984.

So, it’s really no surprise that their GDP has shot up nearly 10,000%, since 1972 from $113 Billion, to $11.2 Trillion, today.  One thing is for certain they know how to make money.

China vs. the U.S.A

The US has been the worlds largest economy in terms of GDP since the 1920’s overtaking Britain and is currently 22.4% of Global GDP. But China is quickly closing the gap. The USA exports to China account for 7.7% of total exports and its imports account for 21.5% with Canada and Mexico both tying at second with 13.2%.

Other statistics are below;

  • Cash Reserves: China has US$3.2Trillion vs. America US$434Billion
  • Total GDP: China US$11.26Trillion vs. America US$18.42Trillion
  • GDP per Person: China US$14,600 vs. America US$49,888
  • Average Income: China US$7,593 vs. America US$54,629

Of course, the average American will still be living far more comfortably than the average Chinese in that he’ll still have a bigger house, more gadgets, cars, and consumer goods.

But if look at China vs the U.S.A, he will have considerably less investment capital and savings, and there will be far more Chinese, with substantially more wealth than many wealthy Americans.


Is China the Next Superpower

The Chinese people save over half their income and invest in real estate, even though they don’t own the actual land (since 1949 it’s been leased for 70 years from the government)

Nevertheless home ‘ownership‘ is high (at 90%) compared to the U.S where it is just 64%.

Also, most Chinese households have a major proportion of their assets in real estate vs. 27.9% in the U.S.

As the incomes in China have increased so has real estate values have gone up. In Shanghai, for example, it has increased 560% since 2000.

Also, the Chinese are buying up expensive real estate all around the world and as a result, have become the leading buyers in cities like Sydney, Singapore, L.A., San Francisco, New York, Vancouver, and London.

In 2014, they accounted for around $22 billion or some 24% of the total real estate purchases in the U.S.

Why China Has More Growth 

It has nothing to do with the Chinese Government, which has actually hindered the Chinese economy. (Apart from Deng’s liberalization of the economy, in the 1980s’Doing business and trading with the West and opening up its markets is the prime reason for the last three decades of incredible growth. There are also other reasons for its economic expansion.

One is that Chinese culture is ingrained with the Confucian work ethic, which is exploited by the Chinese government in its efforts to grow the economy, but nevertheless, this work ethic is similar to the ‘Protestant work ethic’ that helped the West get where it is now.Is China the Next Superpower

Another, is the sheer number of people that share a common culture and language. Upwardly mobile Chinese are now learning English, the world’s Business, Science, and technology language. So they can access everything from the West.

Also, just as other people, from a given culture tend to prefer associating and doing business with themselves, for example, the Jews, blacks, Arabs, Irish, Italians, etc., the same is true of the Chinese.

And they a much larger than any other cultural grouping so from a financial point of view this means that business opportunities are largest within this group.

They are Smarter

Also, the Chinese on average are smarter than Westerners and have a higher I.Q (105 vs.100) As an example Chinese children need to learn 3000-5000 different characters to write and read Chinese and spend much more time is school.

Whereas western children only need to know 26 letters of the alphabet to read and write and some even struggle to do that. So perhaps that explains why the Chinese tend to do better academically and prosper in business all over the world, once they get out from under the Chinese Governments control over them.

Here’s Another ThingIs China the Next Superpower

Take an American and a Chinese, each with a dollar. Say both are equally smart and hardworking, and each can double his dollar every year, 2, 4, 8, 16…

The only difference is that the American pays 35% – 50% in taxes and the Chinese pays far less by comparison because the state provides almost nothing.

In China, you pay for almost everything, education, medical care, to use the roads, to visit a park. There is no sense of entitlement, they are brought up to pay their own way through life, nothing is free, and credit is not easy to get. 

Whereas the average American has been so brainwashed that he thinks he has a moral obligation pay taxes to the government at whatever rate it asks for; he thinks it’s dishonest or it’s cheating if someone doesn’t pay or if someone puts their own family’s welfare above the demands of the State.

He also thinks the State has a moral obligation to provide for his health, education, welfare, and retirement. He actually believes that these things are ‘entitlements’ that are his by right.

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Internet Marketing for a Business

Internet Marketing for a Business

Internet Marketing for a Business

Time is running OUT!

Internet Marketing for a business is something that almost everyone should seriously consider because, your entire economic security, may soon be dependent solely upon your ability to generate additional income.

Using the Internet 

Using the internet for a business should be a priority even though it will be something you will put time into, for very  little return, during the first few months of getting your education.

Learning the ‘smart’ ways to build websites, learning how to promote them, how to create engaging content and how to use search engine optimization tools to build a long term sustainable online income are things you can learn overnight.

But first, let me give you some powerful reasons why you need to seriously consider internet marketing for a business.

  • It’s a great way to generate an additional source of revenue,
  • It could become your major source of income
  • and time is running out as what I about to reveal next, may shock or even upset you

Presidential Election

Whoever won the Presidential Election isn’t going to matter because the machinery of Government, that controls just about every aspect of the average persons life, will still be calling the shots. Not the new President.

The American Government is supposed to be; “by the people, for the people, and of the people” But in fact, it hasn’t been that way for a very long time. 

It is tempting to believe that everything the government does is ultimately for our own good and that we can trust them to look out for us, but sadly that is no longer true.

The Government is All of Us

Hillary Clinton said, “The government is all of us.” But the Government is not all of us.  It is only a few and those few run the entire U.S. government and they control the police, the armed forces, the financial industry, the medical industry, the education industry, and almost every major part of the economy.

The U.S. Government actually comprises of some 22 million tax-funded employees who “govern” through thousands of federal, state, and local bureaucracies.

That’s more than the entire populations of Ireland, Switzerland, New Zealand, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, and Iceland combined.

The Government is Run by Employees

These unelected government employees will still be “governing” us, regardless of who was elected President. And you’ll continue to pay their high salaries, regardless of how you voted. In other words, everybody’s personal choices and freedoms are subject to permission from bureaucrats working for the government no matter what.

Internet Marketing for a Business

Governments Prime Concern

Looking Out for Number One

The Government has a life of its own and it only really cares about the ‘people‘ the way a flea cares, about a dog. A flea needs the dog, to eat and live, it wants the dog to survive. But not because it cares about the dog itself.

The prime directive of every living thing, it’s primarily objective, whether it’s an Amoeba, or a Corporation, or the Government, is SURVIVAL. That’s the prime directive; it comes before anything else. The U.S. government is an entity that has a life of its own. Its prime objective is looking out for number one.

A Con Game

The notion that politicians are our protectors and they protect us from the risks of the world, in exchange for paying taxes and subjugating ourselves to their rules and regulations, is how they con and trick us into thinking we need them. 

Politicians, are just liars and looters, pedaling promises and scams. Distorting the truth and clouding reality. Doing whatever they can to stay in power. They survive as a flea on a dog, by sucking blood and just like the dog, the people could happily survive without them.

Politics is a Racket

Politics is about ‘divide then conquer’. Divide the citizens into sub-groups; blacks, gays, workers, men, women, unions, political parties etc so will they fight amongst themselves to gain ‘special treatment, favors, regulations and appeasements.

Think about that; Politics is about centralization of power, but the sub-division of the people. Which is why Politics is the biggest ‘racket’ on earth.

If that strikes you as deeply wrong. Then embrace decentralization, not the political racket marketed to you as today’s ‘democracy‘. If people are to become wealthy they need to govern themselves, they need to be free to make their own decisions, not have the decisions of others imposed upon them. Such as what currently happens within the other 198 political gangs that exist around the world.

Is the System Corrupt?

That depends on your perspective. For those in the Government, it is working as designed. It’s set up for anything but change. Those in power (behind the scenes) want to remain in power and keep their power centralized and concentrated.

For those who believe voting for a new president, will make a difference. An interest fact about long term politicians is that despite record low approval ratings, incumbents typically have a 96 percent re-election rate and that’s by design, not default and certainly not because of how you vote.

“What can be done about this? – Probably nothing. The system benefits the insiders. And the insiders control the government”.

Government Efforts to Suppress

There has always been efforts by governments, no matter who, to suppress and undermine the idea of decentralization. They always want to control their people. No matter what the constitution or other documents may say.

In American, in the mid-1700’s, there was no income tax under the “British Rule” of King George, other than  a 2-3% sales tax on certain goods, yet this made the ‘Founding Fathers’  throw down the gauntlet of rebellion against the British over being taxed, from afar.Internet Marketing for a Business

Today these Founders would be branded as “extremists” and locked up under the Patriot Act labeled as traitors, and have their passports revoked.

Consider the irony of that. The government they established today, enforces invasive and widespread attacks on liberty and personal freedom, all of which is going to continue – no matter who is in the Whitehouse.

Government Efforts to Corrupt the Language

Words are extremely important because they provide the most important means we have to communicate with each other. If you don’t understand the meaning then it’s impossible to communicate accurately.

Changes in the way words are used is popular with the political classes. Many of the words you hear, especially on television and other media, are confused, or completely misused. 

For instance, ‘stimulate the economy‘ is a phrase that first came out in the ’60s. It really just means “print money.” They don’t use it much anymore because everyone can see that it no longer results in stimulus, so they invented a new word. 

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Now it’s called quantitative easing and it’s used without questioning the fact that it still means  the same as before which is “print money,” “inflate the currency,” or “debase the currency.” They say “quantitative easing” like it’s somehow going to reduce the pressure of an already fragile economy, caused by printing money, which of course it won’t!

The “powers that be” use these words to create the illusion that they know what they are doing, that they are in control of the situation, and all the jabbering media monkeys follow their lead using the same words, never once asking what does this new word actually mean? 

Centralization of Power

Politicians love the idea of being in control and in the centralization of power, the more centralized the power is the more monopolization of power they hold and as that power becomes entrenched, compulsion becomes institutionalized, and the wealth gap widens.

Total centralization means total monopolization of power, control, and of course wealth for them. Which is what many people think isn’t going on in the United States. They think it only goes on in countries like China, but that’ not so. And as far as China goes, it’s economy may look good, but things are bad there also. 

They just do a better job of hiding the truth. It just looks strong and wealthy but it’s all pretence (I know I live there) behind the scenes are massive bubbles ready to burst and when they do, it’s not only going to be bad for them, but the rest of the world.

In politics, power-seekers with the most power have the most say, no matter what political system operates. Decentralization, not centralization is the way to independence and freedom. 

Sometime Soon It’s Really Going to Hit the Fan 

If you thought the recent global economic recession was bad. Wait till you hear what I’m about to tell you. Internet Marketing for a Business

Almost every major financial crisis begins solely because of bad government policies because governments don’t (and never have) created wealth or contributed any positive economic value to society. They only steal, hurt, and destroy it.

It should be becoming more and more evident with each unfolding, successive economic crisis.  That the Governments of the world are the ones messing things up and they are not looking out for us. Their interest lies in being in control and holding onto power at the expense of the people.

The Real Reason we are Having an Economic Crisis

It’s not just the mismanagement of the various governments around the world that has lead to the NEXT fast approaching, massive economic crisis. It is occurring because of something that is far more understandable and ‘manageable‘ than the political B.S you have been told.

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The Baby Boomers

Here are the Facts

In 2008, the world’s largest and richest generation in history, ‘the Baby Boomers, began withdrawing from the economy, reversing the previous major spending and borrowing trend that had been going on for the past four decades.

The Biggest spenders in the economy are now scaling down their lifestyles, curbing their spending habits, readying themselves for retirement.

Soon more and more of them will spend less and less,  they will cash out of the stock market, sell their large homes and other non-essential assets and generally spend a lot less money. All of which is having and is going to have and is already having a major impact on the global economy.


Japan has been doing just that, beginning as early as 1996, many people starting retiring from the workforce, which is the real reason their economy, (that until 2010, was the world’s second largest), has slowed down. So no matter what its governments does, it can not restart the economy. 

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Graph of Japan Stocks (1989 – 2010)

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Graph of Japanese Real estate






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Internet Marketing 101 for Newbies

Internet Marketing 101 for Newbies

Many people go online searching for ways to make money. Too often they join programs that promise to make YOU a fortune overnight. They could even specifically target internet marketing for beginners – but often these just turn out to be a scam. Yes, there are people making a lot of money online and by this I mean a full-time income for part-time work.

Sounds great – right? But wait before we get ahead of ourselves, there are much more people who aren’t making anything. Not everyone is making $100’s or $1,000’s of dollars a day online. In fact, that only happens to a small fraction of people online. Yet there some 3 billion or so people searching online for information and solutions to problems so the potential is enormous.

The Problem

That’s because there is one tiny problem standing between them and the financial freedom the rest of us online marketers desire. The problem is knowledge, information, tools, and know-how.

This problem is that this information is not taught in schools and seldom available in just one place on the internet. But what if you could take some ‘newbie classes‘ and get the required knowledge. Kinda like an Internet Marketing 101 for Newbies wouldn’t that be great?

Internet Marketing 101 for Newbies

Personal Experience

Peter V Crisp

From personal experience, this information is hard to find and I know that it’s very easy to become confused when trying to make money online. I started out completely clueless,  full of hope and with big dreams. But then very quickly I lost my way and became frustrated and was on the verge of giving up.

This happens to us as beginners, because we only have a vague understanding of everything we need to do, and as we don’t understand the steps required and we get lost and become frustrated.

So Much to Know

There is so much to know and learn, such as how to get visitors, how to create a good sales page, how to write good content, how to build a website etc. It’s all hard until you learn how.Internet Marketing 101 for Newbies

What if you were given a clear-cut, comprehensive system to making money online that would instantly shift your earnings into high gear, without you ever having to spend the years that most have to spend to become an Internet marketing “expert“?

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Internet marketing 101 for newbies is the video training course if you want to the right information or want a course about internet marketing for beginners then this is the one. Internet marketing 101 for newbies will put you on the fast track.

I was once a Newbie too

I was once in your shoes, a total newbie. So I understand the difficulties you are going to have and the frustrations you feel when trying to get started. Therefore I have put together a 20 week video course covering all the essential topics. Lessons that cover the basics, that every newbie needs to know and once learned and implemented will put you on the fast track to success.

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[Click to watch the Video]

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Everything is Covered

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If you are totally new and would like to get started with online marketing I suggest you check out my 20 lessonsvideo training course showing all the things you need to know about becoming a success in this exciting business. Take it from me this is a course that I wish I had when I first started out online.

I have everything covered in these easy to follow 20 module video course. 

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